100字范文 > 替代法 Substitution method英语短句 例句大全

替代法 Substitution method英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-05 05:50:28


替代法 Substitution method英语短句 例句大全

替代法,Substitution method

1)Substitution method替代法

1.Standard weight substitution method of large-scale weighing instrument scene verification——one of the unconventional methods in weighing instrument verification;大型衡器现场检定的标准砝码替代法——衡器检定中非常规的方法之一

2.This paper introduces two methods to measure the internal resistance of electric meters,the one is the substitution method and the other is the half range method.介绍测量表头内阻的两种方法:一为替代法,一为半量程法。


1.Exploring of the chain replacement method and its "revising;关于连环替代法及其“修正”方法的探讨

2.An application of method of serial replacement to analysis of accounting reports;连环替代法在财务报表分析中的应用

3.A Research of Equivalent Infinitesimal Substitution Method Applied to Limit Operation;用"等价无穷小替代法"求极限的研究


5.alternative test method替代测试法-光纤、光缆

6.About Individually Defined Object and Non-Individually Defined Object, Substitute Object and Non-Substitute Object and the Relevant Legal Problems;论特定物与不特定物、代替物与不代替物及相关法律问题

7.import substitute and export substitute进口替代与出口替代

8.The effect of estrogen replacement therapy to QTcd and JTcd雌激素替代疗法对QTcd和JTcd的影响

9.legally take something in place of a debt payment.合法的取得某物来代替债款。

10.The time information of the telephone service is a possible alternative.电话报时台是一种可能的代替方法。

11.Time has a value greater than any currency.任何金钱都无法替代时间的价值。

12.A public-opinion poll is no substitute for thought.一个公开的民意测验无法代替思考。

13.Estrogen replacement therapy and retinal vascular caliber雌激素替代疗法与视网膜血管管径

14.also, they have value that cannot be replaced.而且﹐它有无法替代的价值。

15.The power supply system adopted the direct replacement method.供电电源系统采用直接替代的方法。

16.the county courts of England (replaced in 1971 by crown courts).英格兰的郡庭(在1971年被皇室法庭代替)。

17.As an alternative to ROI measure, organizations adopt the residual income concept.企业选择剩余收益作为ROI的替代方法。

18.An alternative to the costly monoclonal antibody approach.可替代昂贵的单克隆抗体分析方法。



1.There exists some limitation in “substitution”, a method extensively used in the identification of morphemes.文章指出 ,目前广泛采用的语素辨认手段“替代法”存在局限性 ,为此文章介绍了一种新的语素辨认手段“先分后组法”。

3)new techique and substitution替代物/替代方法

4)substituent method替代算法

5)Alternative method替代方法

1.Objective To establish neutral red uptake test of 3T3 in vitro to detect phototoxicity of chemicals and study the in vitro 3T3 NUR as an alternative method instead of animal skin phototoxicity test.目的建立体外Balb/c3T3细胞中性红摄取法作为检测化学物光毒性的试验方法,初步探讨体外BaLb/c3T3细胞中性红摄取法作为豚鼠光毒性试验的一种替代方法。

6)Substitutive therapy替代疗法

1.The results showed as follows:The effects were satisfactory when substitutive therapy of whole and enough dosages of thyroid hormones was used in hypothyroidism without any complications,or when part substitutive therapy in combination w.对 3 3例不同临床表现的甲状腺功能减退症 (甲减 )患者 ,分组采取不同的治疗方法 ,结果表明 :对无合并症甲减者采用完全足量甲状腺激素替代疗法 ,对伴有严重心血管疾患或长期严重甲减者采用激素部分替代配合中药治疗 ,均取得满意疗效 ;单纯用中药治疗甲减 ,疗效不能持久和巩


