100字范文 > 体育目的 purpose of physical education英语短句 例句大全

体育目的 purpose of physical education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-12 11:21:35


体育目的 purpose of physical education英语短句 例句大全

体育目的,purpose of physical education

1)purpose of physical education体育目的

1.Thepurpose of physical education is the basic problem of the research on basic theory of physical education.体育目的是体育基础理论研究的基点问题,对于体育其他问题的探讨,往往要回归到对体育目的的反思和重构上来。

2)the total target of education教育的总体目的

3)destination of physical education学校体育目的


1.Reform Physical Teaching in Ordinary University According to School Physical Education Purpose;针对学校体育目的改革普通高校体育教学

2.Reflecting on Purpose of P. E in the View of Life Education;生命教育视阈下对学校体育目的的反思

3.lifelong sport incubateliuhuan学校体育的目标:终身体育思想的培养

4.Study On the Extracurricular Physical Training and the Realizing of School Physical Education Aim;课余体育锻炼与学校体育目标的实现

5.On Target Management of College PE and Health Education;试论学校体育与健康教育的目标管理

6.Thinking of Folk Sport Enters School Sports Teaching--Taking Jiangxi Folk Sport As Example;对民间体育项目进入学校体育教学的思考

7.Apply folk sports to the school physical education;民间传统体育项目应用于学校体育教学的尝试

8.The Construction and Implementation of P.E.Teaching System in the Schools;论学校体育教育目标体系的构建与实施

9.The Concept of Lifelong Physical Educution and the Goals of Physical Education in Chinese Universities;终身体育思想与普通高校的体育教学目标

10.Functions and Objectives of Physical Education from the Perspective of Solar Sports“阳光体育运动”视野下的学校体育功能与目标

11.Present existence predicament and development of sports school;浅析体育学校目前的生存因境与发展

12.Research on Target-oriented Teaching in College Physical Education;高职院校体育教学目标的构建与实施

13.Consideration on Some Problems of Current School Physical Education in China;对我国目前学校体育若干问题的思考

14.Study on the Goal of Physical Education Teaching in Advanced Vocational Institutes;高职院校体育教学目标的分析与研究

15.Development Aims of Physical Education in Schools in the 21st Century;浅谈21世纪我国学校体育的发展目标

16.On “Softenlization” of Events of Competitive Sports in the College;关于学校体育竞技项目“软式化”的探讨

17.Research on targets for PE teaching in higher education of 21stcentury;21 世纪我国高校体育教学目标的研究

18.The exploration about putting Man Nationality traditional sports items in the School Sports teaching;论满族传统体育项目与学校体育教学


the total target of education教育的总体目的

3)destination of physical education学校体育目的

4)body-building purpose体育健身目的

5)P.E consuming ideas体育消费目的

6)purpose P.E目的论体育观


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