100字范文 > 特殊体育 Special Physical Education英语短句 例句大全

特殊体育 Special Physical Education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-20 06:44:26


特殊体育 Special Physical Education英语短句 例句大全

特殊体育,Special Physical Education

1)Special Physical Education特殊体育

1.Empirical research on the development of special physical education curriculum in the universities高校特殊体育课程开发实证调查研究

2.This paper analyzes on the phenomenon of disconnection between current special physical education target and realistic teaching by material and literature,investigating and logical analyzing.采用文献资料调研、调查等研究方法,对当前特殊体育课程目标与现实教学存在脱节的现象进行分析讨论,从生命关怀的视域确立大学特殊体育课程的八大课程目标,以保证身体练习障碍学生最大限度获得体育学习的权利。

3.It discussed on the selection criteria Of special physical education curriculum,and designed the sport skills,the physical fitness,the basis of sports knowledge and so on in the six fields.中学特殊体育课程建设是基础教育改革不可忽视的重要内容,也是国家文明进步的标志。


1.Analysis of the Principle of Children Special PE;智力障碍儿童特殊体育教学原则探究

2.Empirical research on the development of special physical education curriculum in the universities高校特殊体育课程开发实证调查研究

3.Investigation and Consideration on Current Situation of Special Physical Education in Regular Middle Schools in Fujian Province;福建省普通中学特殊体育教育现状调查与思考

4.Considerations on the Special Physical Education in China s College;关于我国普通高校开展特殊体育教育的思考

parative Study of Segregated and Integrated Special Education;隔离制特殊教育和一体化特殊教育的比较研究

6.A Comment on the Special Use of Physical Education in the Quality Education;谈体育教育在素质教育中的特殊作用

7.Analysis on the Sport Dances Teaching Special at Colleges and Universities of P.E.;浅析体育院校体育舞蹈教学的特殊性

8.Particularity of adult higher education and higher vocational sports education and education of lifelong sports;成高及高职体育教育的特殊性与终身体育教育

9.Current situation and research of physical education of special-needed strudents;“特殊学生”体育教育的现状及研究

10.A Talk about the Special Function of School P.E. in Qaulity Education;谈学校体育在素质教育中的特殊作用

11.The Particular Functions of P. E. in Quality-oriented Education;学校体育对实施素质教育的特殊作用

12.Practice of Preschool Special EducationAn Approach of Integration Education;学前特殊教育实践—— 一体化教育的途径

13.Analysis of Physical Education for Special University Students;大学生特殊群体体育教学分析与对策

14.The Cognitive Definition of the Noumenon of Special Education in the Tide of Inclusive Education--With the Discussion of Generalization of Special Education Concept“全纳”走向下特殊教育本体的认知定位——兼论特殊教育概念的泛化

15.Rational Reflection on Implementing Physical Education to Special College Students;对高校特殊群体学生实施体育教育的理性思考

16.Special Education and Special Pedagogy in Teacher Education;师范教育中的特殊教育与特殊教育学

17.The Present Inveatigation and Study on the Physical Teachers of Special Education Schools of Beijing;北京市特殊教育学校体育教师的现状调查研究

18.The Research on Present Situation of Physical Education in Special Education Schools in HEBEI Province;河北省特殊教育学校体育现状与对策研究


special sports特殊体育

1.In this paper we analyze the historical necessity of the weak group,establish a concept suppose and a theoretical structure of thespecial sports course system preliminarily; and then bring forward some suggestions for establishment of the quality,target,context,organization,and overall evaluation of the physical education.研究分析了体质弱势群体产生的历史必然性,建立了概念假说,初步构建了特殊体育课程体系的理论框架,并对体育课程性质、课程目标、课程内容、课程组织及课程评价的建设提出了建议。

2.By using the method of documentary, this paper analyzes the literature ofspecial sports in recent years.采用文献资料法,对近年来我国特殊体育文献资料进行研究。

3)special P.E特殊体育

1.Design and exploitation ofspecial P.E. support system in harmonious society;和谐视野下学校特殊体育教育支持系统的设计与开发

2.teachers for the special education in our country on the basis of explaining the connotation of the special P.在诠释特殊体育内涵的基础上,对我国特殊体育教师专业化内涵进行探讨。

4)special P.E特殊体育学

1.Connotation and extension ofspecial P.E.;试论特殊体育学的内涵与外延

5)special physical education特殊体育教育

1.Investigation and Consideration on Current Situation of Special Physical Education in Regular Middle Schools in Fujian Province;福建省普通中学特殊体育教育现状调查与思考

2.By adopting the methods of literature and data review and rational analysis,this paper elaborates the significance ofspecial physical education in China and analyzes current situation and existing problems.运用梳理文献资料并对现状进行理性分析等方法,对我国普通高校开展特殊体育教育的意义、现状及存在主要问题进行分析探讨,提出改进我国普通高校特殊体育教育的基本对策,旨在为我国普通高校"体育与健康"课程改革提供参考。

3.The deep problem of the current situation ofspecial physical education in our university under the vision of life care is analyzed, the conception of adjustability physical education curriculum.从生命关怀视角剖析和谐社会背景下我国大学特殊体育教育的深层问题,提出调适性体育课程和身体练习障碍学生的概念,并建立了特殊体育课程的理论体系。

6)special physical education curriculum特殊体育课程

1.From "health caring" to "health conditioning"-the orientation ofspecial physical education curriculum in universities and colleges;从“保健”走向“调适”——高校特殊体育课程的定位


洛杉矶业余体育基金会保罗·齐夫伦体育资料中心洛杉矶业余体育基金会保罗·齐夫伦体育资料中心(Paul Ziffren Sports Resource Center, Amateur Athletic Foundation of Los Angeles)洛杉矶业余体育基金会保罗·齐夫伦体育资料中心(panl Ziffren SPorts Resource Center,Amateur AthletieFoundation or LoS Angeles)藏有历届奥运会的正式报告书、大量的国际奥委会出版物、布伦戴奇文献资料的缩微胶片、1984年洛杉矶奥运会和19%年亚特兰大奥运会的详细资料、一些申办城市的申办报告和1988年以来奥林匹克运动会的声像资料。通讯地址:2141 w.Adams Blvd.Los Angeles,CA900 18,USA;电话:213 730 9696:传真:213 7309637:电子信箱:[email protected]:因特网址:www.aafla.eom。
