100字范文 > 婚恋隐喻表征维度 Dimensions of the Metaphorical Representation of Marriage and Love英语短句 例句大全

婚恋隐喻表征维度 Dimensions of the Metaphorical Representation of Marriage and Love英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-10 19:09:39


婚恋隐喻表征维度 Dimensions of the Metaphorical Representation of Marriage and Love英语短句 例句大全

婚恋隐喻表征维度,Dimensions of the Metaphorical Representation of Marriage and Love

1)Dimensions of the Metaphorical Representation of Marriage and Love婚恋隐喻表征维度

2)Dimensions of the Metaphorical Representation of Internet网络隐喻表征维度

1.Research on theDimensions of the Metaphorical Representation of Internet in College Students;本文首先在大量的语料收集的基础上,对大学生网络隐喻语料进行了内容分析,并据此编制了大学生网络隐喻表征维度问卷,其信、效度均经过严格的科学验证。

3)Metaphorical Representation隐喻表征

1.The Study ofMetaphorical Representation of Death in Chinese and English;中西文化中死亡隐喻表征的研究

2.Research on the Dimensions of theMetaphorical Representation of Internet in College Students;大学生网络隐喻表征的维度研究


1.The psychological reality of cognitive basis of metaphors-evidence from the spatial metaphoric representation of time;隐喻认知基础的心理现实性——时间的空间隐喻表征的实验证据

2.Study of the Processing Patterns of Time as Space Metaphors关于时间的空间隐喻表征心理处理模式的研究

3.This paper aimed to show that the time representations in languages might reveal people"s mental representations of time. Thus a contrastive analysis of the verisimilar representations and the metaphorical representations of time in the Chinese and the English languages was conducted.从时间的似真表征和隐喻表征对比分析可以发现汉语和英语时间表征上的异同。

4.Metaphorical Representation and Blending of Consciousness:A Cognitive Stylistic Analysis of To the Lighthouse,A Stream-of-Consciousness Novel意识的隐喻表征和合成——意识流小说《到灯塔去》的认知文体学分析

5.Metaphorical Features of A and B is X Expressions in English;英语中A and Bis X表达方式的隐喻特征

6.Metaphor,Hypothesis and Modeling:the Methodology of Cognition Representation认知表征的方法论:隐喻、假设与建模

7.On the Role of Social Psychological Representation to Comprehend the Metaphors in the Cognitive Context;社会心理表征对隐喻在认知语境中的理解作用

8.The Figure-Ground Space Concept and its Metaphorical Representations in the Language;图形-背景空间概念及其在语言中的隐喻性表征

9.Present Tense as Grammatical Metaphor of Modality and Its Characteristics;现在时表达将来时间意义时的情态隐喻特征

10.The mental representation of conceptual metaphor:domain mappingor structural similarity概念隐喻的心理表征:域映射还是结构相似

11.the kind of mental comparison that is expressed in similes or metaphors or allegories.用明喻隐喻讽喻表示的内心的比较。

12.On the Marks of Metaphors in Chinese Literary Works and Their Translations;论汉语文学作品中隐喻的表征与英译——兼评小说《骆驼祥子》中隐喻的翻译

13.(3) artistically expressing means and techniques of Expressionism (fable, symbol, metaphor, exaggeration, deformation, irony, etc).(3)表现主义艺术表现手法及技巧(寓言、象征、隐喻、夸张、变形、反讽等)。

14.Entry Representation of Locality Words in Chinese-English Dictionaries for CFL Learners from the Perspective of Cognitive Metaphor;认知隐喻视角下的外向型汉英词典中方位词的词条表征

15.The Facade of Clash and the Metaphor of Hybridity--A Postcolonial Study of Cultural Identity in Paradise;冲突的表征 杂合的隐喻——《天堂》中文化身份的后殖民研究

16.A Metaphor-based Study in the Relationships Among Items of an Entry and Their Presentation in Dictionaries;隐喻机制下多义词的义项间联系及其词典表征方式

17.Similarity of a Metaphor--the Expression of Optimal Relevance in the Interpretation of a Metaphor;隐喻的相似性——最佳关联性在隐喻中的表现

18.The Influence of Context on Metaphor--Metaphor Expression and Interpretation in the Context;论语境对隐喻的影响——语境下的隐喻表达与理解


Dimensions of the Metaphorical Representation of Internet网络隐喻表征维度

1.Research on theDimensions of the Metaphorical Representation of Internet in College Students;本文首先在大量的语料收集的基础上,对大学生网络隐喻语料进行了内容分析,并据此编制了大学生网络隐喻表征维度问卷,其信、效度均经过严格的科学验证。

3)Metaphorical Representation隐喻表征

1.The Study ofMetaphorical Representation of Death in Chinese and English;中西文化中死亡隐喻表征的研究

2.Research on the Dimensions of theMetaphorical Representation of Internet in College Students;大学生网络隐喻表征的维度研究

4)time metaphoricaldimensions时间隐喻的维度

5)symbolism and metaphor象征隐喻

1.This novel uses unique narrative point of view, structure-building,symbolism and metaphor to express emotion and reveal man’s inner world and finally helps to extent the novel s aesthetic dimension.其独特的叙事视角、情节建构、象征隐喻 ,在表达情感、揭示人物内心世界、扩展小说的审美维度上起着极其重要的作用 ,充分体现了福克纳在小说创作中注重形式与内容的有机结合 ,使小说的主题思想得到进一步深化。

6)metaphorical features隐喻特征

1.This thesis discussesmetaphorical features of idioms.本文讨论习语的本体隐喻特征、方位隐喻特征和结构隐喻特征。


