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裸鼠 nude mice英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-22 06:35:41


裸鼠 nude mice英语短句 例句大全

裸鼠,nude mice

1)nude mice裸鼠

1.Influence of Qingpeng plaster on blood vessels and mast cells in skin tissue of channel points ofnude mice;青鹏膏剂贴敷裸鼠穴区对皮肤内血管和肥大细胞的影响

2.Suppress the tumor formation and grown of PC-3 cells innude mice xenografts by silencing of survivin;RNAi介导的survivin基因沉默对PC-3细胞裸鼠体内成瘤能力的影响

3.Establishment of tongue squamous cell carcinoma model innude mice;人舌鳞癌裸鼠移植瘤模型的建立


1.The Study of Transplantation of Human Fetal Ovary in Nude-Mice;人胎儿卵巢裸鼠体内埋植的实验研究

2.Value of Fluorine-18-FDG-PET to Diagnose Gastric Carcinoma of the Nude Mice;裸鼠胃癌移植瘤~(18)FDG-PET实验研究

3.3.0T MRI Study of Human Pancreatic Cancer in a Nude Mouse Model;人胰腺癌裸鼠模型的3.0T MRI研究

4.Endostatar in the Treatment of the Transplantable Model of Human Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma in Nude MiceEndostar治疗人鼻咽癌裸鼠模型的实验研究

5.Construction and evaluation of bone metastasis of breast cancer in nude mice model乳腺癌裸鼠骨转移模型的建立及评估

6.Curcumin inhibits the growth of human glioma cells implanted subcutaneously in nude mice姜黄素抑制裸鼠皮下移植胶质瘤生长

7.Establishment of Implanted Model of Human Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors on Nude Mice人胃肠间质瘤裸鼠移植瘤模型的建立

8.~(18)F-FHBG PET imaging of HSV1-tk reporter gene expression in tumor xenografts of nude mice~(18)F-FHBG PET裸鼠移植瘤的HSV1-tk基因显像

9.Suppression of growth of micrangium of gastric cancer cells xenograft in nude mice by VEGF antisense oligonucleotideVEGF-ASODN抑制裸鼠胃癌移植瘤微血管生长

10.Investigation of Human Epithelial Ovarian Carcinoma 3AO Models in Nude Mice.人卵巢癌3AO裸鼠移植瘤模型的研究

11.Effect of Methyl Mercury Chloride on Nude Mice of APL Model氯化甲基汞对APL模型裸鼠的作用研究

12.Devolopment of Mouse Tooth Germ Heterotopically Transplantation in the Nude Mouse Muscle;小鼠牙胚裸鼠肌肉异位移植的实验研究


14.Effect of CDA-Ⅱon prevention and therapy for metastasis and recurrence of liver cancer in nude mice细胞分化诱导剂防治裸鼠肝癌转移复发的疗效

15.Acute Liver Necrosis in Nude Mice Caused by Xenografting of Normal Human Colon Mucosa;人大肠粘膜移植导致裸鼠急性肝坏死机制研究

16.Gene Therapy Mediated by Angiostatin and aHIF for C6 Subcutaneous Glioma in Nude Mice;Angiostatin和aHIF基因治疗裸鼠胶质瘤的实验研究

17.Expression and Significance of NRP-1 in Xenografts of Lung Cancer Cell in Nude Mouse;裸鼠肺癌移植瘤中NRP-1的表达及其意义

18.Experimental Study of Atomization Perfusion Chemotherapy for Decreasing Peritoneum Implantation in Nude Mice;腹腔气雾化疗减少裸鼠腹膜癌种植的实验研究


Nude mouse裸鼠

1.Inhibition effect of Brucea Javanice soft capsule on person small cell lung cancer LTEPSML transplanted to nude mouse;鸦胆子油软胶囊对裸鼠移植人小细胞肺癌LTEP-SML抑瘤作用

2.Inhibitory effects of VEGF antisense oligodeoxyribonucleotide on human medullary thyroid cancer inoculated into nude mouse;血管内皮生长因子反义寡核苷酸在人甲状腺髓样癌裸鼠模型中的抑瘤作用

3.Establishment of the tongue squamous cell carcinoma lymphatic metastasis model of the nude mouse;舌鳞状细胞癌淋巴道转移裸鼠模型建立的实验研究

3)athymic mouse裸鼠

1.Objective To explore the phenotype changing of human epidermis transplanted to subcutaneous area ofathymic mouse.目的研究人表皮移植至裸鼠皮下后表皮细胞的表型变化。

2.Objective To inhibit the Livin gene expression inathymic mouse by RNA interference and to observe the inhibition effect in transplantation tumor of esophageal carcinoma inathymic mouse.目的利用RNA干扰技术在裸鼠体内抑制Livin基因表达,探讨RNA干扰对食管癌裸鼠移植瘤生长的抑制作用。

3.Innoculated different desenty cell suspension with glioma stem cells and gliom cells into oxter of 4 weeks Balb/cathymic mouse.将不同浓度胶质瘤干细胞与胶质瘤细胞接种于4w龄Balb/c裸鼠腋下,观察肿瘤形成情况,接种6w后,将裸鼠体内形成的肿瘤取下,经过固定、脱水、浸蜡、包埋后行HE染色。

4)naked mouse裸鼠

1.The Effects of Dexamethasone on the Growth and Apoptosis in the Naked Mouse Cervical Cancer;地塞米松对宫颈癌裸鼠移植瘤生长及凋亡的影响

5)BALB/c nude mouseBALB/c裸鼠

1.Objective:To expand stem/progenitor cells as well as T and NK cells from cord blood with different combination of cytokines for transplantation treatment of leukemicBALB/c nude mouse.尾静脉接种2×106个/只K562产生可移植性白血病BALB/c裸鼠。

6)nude mice裸小鼠

1.A simple and repeatable orthotopic model of the A549 cell line innude mice;一种简单可靠的A549裸小鼠原位接种模型的建立(英文)

2.Establishment of the model of hepatic micrometastasis of colorectal cancer innude mice and detection of micrometastasis;裸小鼠大肠癌肝脏微转移模型的建立及肿瘤细胞微转移的检测

3.Anticancer effects of tea polyphenols on colorectal cancer with microsatellite instability innude mice;茶多酚对微卫星不稳定结直肠癌裸小鼠的抗肿瘤作用及其作用机制


