100字范文 > 本位回归 back to origination英语短句 例句大全

本位回归 back to origination英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-13 17:00:56


本位回归 back to origination英语短句 例句大全

本位回归,back to origination

1)back to origination本位回归

1.The literature in the 20th century has the following characteristics:the "out for diversification" and "back to origination".文学在20世纪呈现出某些发展演变特征:文学的"多元趋向"和"本位回归",而对这些特征的分析,无疑也从一个侧面反映出20世纪世界文学的演变以及诺贝尔文学奖对中国的外国文学研究与翻译的影响。


1.On the Efficiency of China s Arbitrational Law;效率本位与本位回归——论我国仲裁法的效率之维

2.Returning to and Surpassing the Pou Sto of the Diffuser of Confucian Diffisionist Ideology;儒家传播思想的传者本位回归与超越

3.Return from Departmental Selfishness to Basic Rationality--Reflection on the Disposal of the Functions and Powers of Procuratorial Organ;从部门本位回归到基本理性——对检察机关职权配置的思考

4.homing instinct归巢 [回归] 本能

5.A Resurvey of Literature Education for the Maintenance of Literature Education;重新审视文学教育 回归文学教育本位

6.Empirical Likelihood Confidence Regions of Regression Coefficient in Quantile Regression Models under Φ-Mixing Samples;Φ-混合样本下分位数回归模型回归系数的经验似然置信区域

7.The Alienation and Return of University Political Instructor s Professional Standard;高校政治辅导员职业本位的异化与回归

8.The Application of Quantile Regression in The Breakdown of Compound costs;百分位数回归方法在混合成本分解中的应用

9.Analyze the Origin of Moral Education"s Historical Value to Regress Family Ethical Standard透析德育历史价值始点 回归家庭伦理本位

10.On Localization and Creation of Orientation of Cities:Looking for the Lost Self for 100 Years;城市定位的本土化回归与创新:“找回失去100年的自我”

11.A Study on Labour Theory of Value:Regression to Reality;劳动价值论研究:回归本原、回归现实

12.Recovering the Heart of Teaching: Critical Inquiry of a Teacher s Professional Life;回归教学本质:一位英语教师职业生活的批判研究

13.On the Capital Structure of Western Listed Companies Based on Quantile Regression Model;基于分位回归模型的西部上市公司资本结构研究

14.The Application of Quantile Regression in Study of Determinants of Listed Companies Capital Structure;分位数回归方法在资本结构影响因素分析中的应用

15.Forecasting Financial Volatilities with Sample Quantiles:The Conditional Autoregressive Quasi-range(QCARR)Model;基于样本分位数的波动率估计:条件自回归拟极差模型

16.Enhancing the Consciousness of the Chinese Language and Retrieving the Nature of Language--Reflections on the Phenomenon of "Non-language" of College Chinese Teaching;强化母语意识 回归语文本位——对大学语文“非语文”现象的反思

17.Recuring to the Fundamental Objective of Writing Laying Emphasis on Practical Training--A Brief Discussion on the Reform of the Teaching Material and Teaching Method of Applied Writing;回归写作本位 注重应用训练——应用写作教材和教学改革刍议

18.Break Through the View of Indo-European Language and Return to the Tradition of the Chinese Language--On Xu Tongqiang"s Sinogram-based Theory突破印欧语眼光束缚 回归中国语文学传统——徐通锵字本位理论评介


return to essence回归本质

1.This article discussed the enlightenment that Japanese Muji designs to Chinese packaging design from three aspects:return to essence,advocating natural and rational consumption.本研究试图从回归本质,崇尚自然,倡导理性消费3个方面探讨无印良品对中国包装设计的启发,以为中国包装设计的发展提供有价值的参考。

3)returning to noumenon回归本体

1.The essence of"returning to noumenon"and"present care"includes the aim and method of classical literature research."回归本体"和"当下关怀"的实质包涵了古代文学研究的目的和方法:"回归本体"应包括观念的回归、文本(原典)的回归和方法的回归;"当下关怀"要排除庸俗社会学的干扰,也不应媚俗。

4)origin regression本源回归

1.Physical education:origin regression of life education;体育教育:生命教育的本源回归

5)ontological return本体回归

6)Regress to the Native回归本土

1.Conceivable Prospect of the Study of Chinese Law History: to Exceed the West or toRegress to the Native;中国法律史研究的可能前景:超越西方,回归本土?


