100字范文 > 网站服务质量 Website Service Quality英语短句 例句大全

网站服务质量 Website Service Quality英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-05 13:16:49


网站服务质量 Website Service Quality英语短句 例句大全

网站服务质量,Website Service Quality

1)Website Service Quality网站服务质量

1.Empir-ical studies draw the conclusion that the four factors of B2C website service quality allhave a positive impact on consumer purchasing intention, and the sequence in degreeand size is as following: website usability, website empathy, website interaction andwebsite appearance design.基于此,B2C企业应该找出影响顾客购买意愿的网站服务质量关键要素,并根据各要素重要程度大小制定有针对性的改进措施,从而提高网站整体服务质量。


1.A Method for Real-Time Monitoring the Service Quality of Website Based on Support Vector Machine基于支持向量机的网站服务质量实时监控方法

2.Study on the Evaluation Approach of the Service Quality of Public Sector s Website;公共部门网站服务质量的评价方法研究

3.The Study on the Relationship of B2C Website Service Quality and Consumer Purchasing IntentionB2C网站服务质量对消费者购买意愿影响研究

4.Evaluating Public Sector′s Website Service Quality:Framework,Process and Approaches公共部门网站服务质量评价:框架、过程与方法

5.Information Service Qualities in a Perspective of Network Education Colleges Websites;从网络教育学院门户网站看信息服务质量

6.Research on User-Oriented Appraisal Framework of Website Information Service Quality面向用户的网站信息服务质量评价体系研究

7.Research on Management and Performance of BACnet Internet;BACnet互联网的网络管理和服务质量研究

8.Research on Qulity of Service Mechanism in Wireless Mesh Networks;无线网状网服务质量保证机制的研究

9.Analysis of website traffic and research on network architecture of railways" public service website铁路公众服务型网站访问量分析与网站部署架构的研究

10.End-to-End Quality of Service Guarantee for Multicasting over Differentiated Services Networks区分服务网络端到端服务质量保证的组播方案

11.Mechanism of service discovery based on quality of service in grid;一种基于服务质量的网格服务发现机制

12.Modeling E-commerce website quality management based on Bayesian network;基于Bayesian网络的电子商务网站质量管理模型

13.No, you are quite wrong. Those websites offering free mailboxes have strong financial capacity . It is not necessary for you to worry about the service at all.不。你错了。那些提供免费邮箱的网站都有强大的经济实力。你根本不用担心服务质量。

14.A New End-to-End QoS Architecture一种新的端到端的网络服务质量模型

15.Research on Specification for Service Quality Management System of E-Learning;网络教育服务质量管理体系规范研究

16.Theoretical Research of Quality of Service (QoS) in Computer Networks;计算机网络服务质量(QoS)的理论研究

17.Research on Quality of Service Guarantee in Wireless Mobile Internet;无线移动互连网服务质量保证的研究

18.Research and Implementation of QoS in MoIP Gateway;MoIP网关中服务质量的研究与实现


perceiving web service quality感知网站的服务质量

3)Quality of performance(QoP)网络服务质量(QoS)

4)quality of service网络服务质量

1.Quality of Service provides a reliable guarantee for the application of multimedia, and becomes a hot spot in the research of networks recently.网络服务质量技术为多媒体的应用提供了可靠的保证,近年来已成为网络技术研究领域的一个热点问题。


1.The system needs to meet optimized energy consumption design criterion and to satisfy certainQoS requirements at the same time.传感器网络技术的发展对网络服务质量提出了要求,如何在满足一定的服务质量要求前提下实现能量的优化是传感器网络设计必须面对的问题。

2.Quality of Service (QoS) is the outcome of both Internet application requirement and technology development.本文首先阐述了校园网络服务质量的产生背景、基本概念,对综合服务、区分服务、多协议标记交换等实现方式进行了研究,然后提出了校园网络的MPLS实现方案。

3.Then congestion results in the decline of Quality of service (QoS) such as transmission delay and throughput, while the network resources utilization and buffers are also affected seriously.网络服务质量(QoS)同样是目前网络界研究热点之一。

6)Network QoS网络服务质量

1.Our society and economy will profit greatly from the emergent communication service based on current Soft-Switch and network QOS technology.随着反恐、医疗紧急救助、火警和自然灾害救援等紧急呼叫业务重要性的不断提高,在现有网络上利用已有的软交换和网络服务质量技术提供该类服务,可以实现巨大经济和社会效益。


服务质量控制规范(见服务提供)服务质量控制规范(见服务提供)service quality control specifications:see service deliveryf廿叭叼zhiliang kon卑higu相n服务质.控制规范(se币ce甲ality~司见服务提供。
