100字范文 > 灌水量 irrigation amount英语短句 例句大全

灌水量 irrigation amount英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-29 06:19:05


灌水量 irrigation amount英语短句 例句大全

灌水量,irrigation amount

1)irrigation amount灌水量

1.Effects ofirrigation amount at seedling stage on physiological characteristics and yield of peanut;苗期灌水量对花生生理特性和产量的影响

2.The effects ofirrigation amount on grain quality,yield and soil NO-3-N content were studied with strong gluten wheat "Jimai 20" and middle gluten wheat "Taishan 23" by setting fourirrigation amount treatments(with 0 mm,180 mm,240 mm,300 mmirrigation amount respectively) under field condition.选用强筋小麦济麦20和中筋小麦泰山23两个品种,在大田条件下设置不灌水(0 mm)、灌水180 mm,240mm和300 mm 4个处理,研究了灌水量对籽粒品质和产量及土壤硝态氮含量的影响。


1.Effect of Irrigation Stage and Amount on Grain Yield Formation and Water Use Characteristics in Wheat;灌水时期和灌水量对小麦产量形成和水分利用特性的影响

2.Effects of Irrigation Stage and Amount on Water Consumption Characteristics, Flag Leaf Photosynthesis, and Grain Yield in Wheat灌水时期和灌水量对小麦耗水特性和旗叶光合作用及产量的影响

3.Study on Influence of Different Irrigation Water Quantity on Water Consumption and Yield of Cotton with Subsurface Drip Irrigation in Xinjiang Acid Area地下滴灌不同灌水量对棉花耗水量和产量影响研究

4.And Under the same irrigation water use, AFI can not decrease maize yield.在同等灌水量水平下 ,采用交替隔沟灌溉不降低玉米产量 ;

5.Effect of Irrigation Amount and Stage on Water Consumption Characteristics and Physiological Characteristics of Winter Wheat灌水量和灌水时期对冬小麦耗水特性和生理特性的影响

6.Effects of irrigation regimes on water consumption characteristics and nitrogen accumulation and allocation in wheat灌水量和灌水时期对小麦耗水特性和氮素积累分配的影响

7.after-irrigation moisture content of soil灌水后土壤中含水量

8.Discussion on the Measuring Methods of Agricultural Irrigation Water in Erfeng Irrigation Area二峰灌区农业灌溉用水计量方法浅谈

9.The Preliminary Research on Water Consumption,Quota of Irrigation and Drainage and Water Production Efficiency under Water-catching and Controllable Irrigation Technology of Rice蓄水控灌模式下水稻耗水量及灌排定额初探

10.Research on the Relationship between Irrigation Water Price and Irrigation Water in Drought Oases干旱绿洲区灌溉水价与灌溉用水量关系研究

11.Study on the Amount of Saving Water under the Water-saving Irrigation Project in Bashang Plateau;坝上高原区节水灌溉措施节水量研究

12.Study on Water Saving Potential and Water Consumption in Yellow River Irrigation Districts in Ningxia and Inner Mongolia Autonomous Regions;宁蒙引黄灌区节水潜力与耗水量研究

13.The Study on the Calculation Method of Saving Water Amount of the Water-saving Irrigation Project;节水灌溉工程节水量计算方法的研究

14.Calculation method for irrigation district water consumption volume based on transformation of four-water基于四水转化的灌区耗水量计算模型

15.Research on Soft-sensing Technique for Water Discharge at Lateral Gate of the Irrigation Channel in the Yellow River引黄灌渠斗口水流量软测量技术研究

puting and Study on Irrigation Requirement in Field of Bojili Irrigation District;簸箕李灌区田间灌溉需水量计算与研究

17.Experimental Research on Water Consumption and Irrigation System of the Cotton under High-frequency Drip Irrigation Mulched with Plastic Films;膜下高频滴灌棉花耗水量与灌溉制度研究

18.Analysis and Consideration on the Changing Trend of Irrigation Water Consumption in Irrigation Area of Baoji Gorge;宝鸡峡灌区灌溉用水量的变化趋势分析与思考


irrigation quantity灌水量

1.Effect of differentirrigation quantity on bromide transport in soil;灌水量对土壤中污染物运移规律影响的研究

2.The quadratic regression orthogonal design was used the maize pot test to establish the mathematical models betweenirrigation quantity and plant height,dry weights of stem,roots and plant under different soil moisture for getting the optimum soil moisture andirrigation quantity under the maximum parameters of plant height and dry weights of plant,stem and root.在玉米盆栽试验条件下,采用二次回归正交设计,建立了沙土苗期土壤水分与株高和干重等参数关系的数学模型,得出了各参数最高条件下的最适宜底墒和最优灌水量。

3.This paper studied the effects ofirrigation quantity and periodicity on impatiens growth in greenhouse by the measure of orthogonal test with modes of trickle, micro-sprinkling and manual irrigations, and achieved t.为此,通过滴灌、微喷灌和人工点灌3种灌溉模式,利用正交试验方法,研究了灌水量和灌水周期对温室中凤仙生长的影响,得出了3种灌溉模式的最优灌水量和灌水周期。


1.The Research on Irrigation and Irrigation Method for Konjac No-soil Cultivation;魔芋无土栽培灌水量与灌水方式的研究

2.Effect ofirrigation on nutrient movement of N, P and K in soil;不同灌水量对土壤氮磷钾养分移动的影响

3.Effects of differentirrigation minima on the growth and physiological characteristics of lettuce under plastic greenhouse;塑料大棚中不同灌水量下限对生菜生长和生理特性的影响

4)irrigation volume灌水量

1.The experiment was conducted to investigate the influence of dripping end flow andirrigation volume on the distribution pattern of NH_4~+-N in soil,and to analyze the change rules of NH_4~+-N concentration in horizontal and vertical directions.结果表明:随滴头流量和灌水量的增大,水平垂直两方向的最大湿润距离增大,且随滴头流量增大,表层积水区半径增大。

5)Irrigation rate灌水量

1.Influence of row spacing and irrigation rate on seed yield of Medicago sativa;播种行距和灌水量对紫花苜蓿种子产量及其构成因素的影响

2.1 Effect of irrigation rate on water requirement characteristic, quality and grain yield of wheatTwo cultivar was studied in this experiment, they were Jimai 20, which has strong gluten potential and Taishan 22, which has medium gluten potential.1灌水量对小麦需水特性和品质与产量的影响供试材料为强筋小麦济麦20(J20)和中筋小麦泰山22(T22)。

6)water irrigation measurement灌溉量水


饱和持水量测定饱和持水量测定measurement of saturation moisture capacity匕aohe ehishuiliang eeding饱和持水t测定(measurement of satu-ration moisture eaPaeity)土壤农业水文特性测定项目之一,是测定土壤孔隙完全充满水时的l几壤湿度。饱和持水t所占容积等于土壤总孔隙度,可用来鉴定土壤水分饱和程度和总孔隙度。测定方法是浸水饱和法。即在欲测地段上,用容重环刀取原状土,取土方法与测定卜壤容重时取_L相同(见土壤容l测定)。把装有未遭破坏土样的环刀称重后,使其有孔底一端(内垫滤纸)朝下,放在盛水的平底磁盘中或充满水的砂层上,使盘内水面与环刀上缘保持一样高,切勿使水面淹没环刀,以免影响空气自土壤孔隙排出,使水不能充满孔隙。经过一定时间后(砂土4一8小时,粘土8一12小时)迅速取出,用盒盖托住称重。然后再放入盘中,继续使水充满孔隙,直至前后两次重量无显著差异为止。为了计算环刀中土体的干土重,必须在同一土层上,另取土样,用称重烘干法测其湿度。用下式计算饱和持水量(占干土重的百分数):环刀中上样吸水饱和*、、、。_后的含水量吧刊’寸小里一环万币王释的不干甭入川U.式中上样干土重(克)=环刀中的湿土重(克)xl()0100十上样湿度的百分数此外,通过下式也可计算饱和持水量(占干土重的百分数):饱和持水量二总孔隙度 容重火10()%式中总孔隙度二1一宣重比重(林家栋)
