100字范文 > 失地农民利益 land-lost farmers interest英语短句 例句大全

失地农民利益 land-lost farmers interest英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-01 05:35:49


失地农民利益 land-lost farmers interest英语短句 例句大全

失地农民利益,land-lost farmers interest

1)land-lost farmers interest失地农民利益


1.How to Protect the Interests of Land-lost Farmersin the Process of Urbanization;城市化进程中如何保障失地农民利益

2.The Study on Land-lost Peasants" Protection of Interests in Urbanization Progression城市化进程中失地农民利益保护研究

3.The Research on Problem of Profit Collision of Peasant Who Lost Land in Less-developed Region;欠发达地区失地农民利益冲突问题研究

4.Study on the Benefit Protection of the Farmer Who Lost Land;呼和浩特市失地农民利益保障机制研究

5.The Research on the Land-requisitioned Farmers Benefit Compensation Question Based on the Sustainable Livelihood;基于可持续生计的失地农民利益补偿问题研究

6.The Study on Protecting Interests of the Land-lose Farmers during a Country s Urbanization;城市化进程中失地农民利益保障问题研究

7.Evaluation of Deprived-of-land Farmers Compensation Modes and Influence Analysis;失地农民利益补偿评价及影响因素研究

8.The Off-land Farmers Logic of Action to Express Their Interest and Its Analysis from the Angle of Sociology;失地农民利益表达的行动逻辑及其社会学分析

9.On the Protection of the Profits of the Peasants Whose Lands are Lost in the Process of Urbanization;浅析城市化进程中失地农民利益的维护

10.On injuring benefit of the farmer in the urbanized advancement and the system analysis;城市化进程中失地农民利益受损及其制度分析

11.Resolving the Problems Relating to the Interests Guarantee for the Land-lost Far mers is Significance for Harmonious Society Built;失地农民利益保障问题与社会和谐研究

12.Institutional Analysis on Present Disadvantage of Farmers Losing Land;当前我国失地农民利益受损的制度分析

13.Discussion on the Farmer s Interest Guaranteed in the Course of Urbanization;城镇化进程中失地农民利益保障问题探析

14.The Action Choices of Land-losing Peasants′ Interests Expression失地农民利益表达的行动选择和理性思考

15.Analysis and Countermeasures Research of Farmers Losing Land and Being Denied of Their Interests in China s Urbanization;城市化进程中失地农民利益流失分析及对策研究

pensation Standard of Farmland Requisition and Farmers Benefits Guarantee;征地补偿标准与失地农民的利益保护

plete Compensation for the Rational Benefits of Land-Losing Farmers;失地农民合理利益完全补偿问题探析

18.The Land Acquisition Process to Protect the Interests of Landless Peasants;论土地征用过程中失地农民的利益保障


the rights and profit of peasants who lost their land失地农民权益

3)Debate about the Pros and Cons of Landless Peasants农民失地利弊辩

4)peasants interests农民利益

5)farmer"s interests农民利益

6)farmers interests农民利益

1.Under the condition of opening economy and in the process of building a harmonious society in China,there is important international meaning in studying and examining the formation and obtainment offarmers interests,which embody harmonious development in the broad sense.作为基础产业的农业发展,在开放经济条件下,以及我国构建和谐社会的进程中,研究和考察农民利益的形成与获取,本身体现着社会广义上的和谐发展,并具有重要的国际意义。

2.Based on the research of agriculture safety,countryside harmony andfarmers interests,this paper analyzes the drawbacks .在我国的农业安全、农村和谐和农民利益的研究基点下,通过对"小产权房"的危害性进行分析,进而提出在"管"、"调"、"控"手段下建立起完善的约束机制、协调机制和防控机制,为解决我国"小产权房"问题提出若干建议。

3.This essay mainly reveals the reality thatfarmers interests have formed pluralistic trends,whereas their expression is in plight.该文分析了当代农民利益已呈现多元化的趋势、但利益表达陷于困境的现实 ,指出其症结在于表达渠道不畅 ,解决办法是依法表达农民利益 ,并探讨构建合法的、符合国情的农民利益表达机制。


