100字范文 > 码 code英语短句 例句大全

码 code英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-29 21:51:53


码 code英语短句 例句大全



1.Recursive algorithms for computing the width ofcodewords on ring Z_p~k;环Z_p~k上码字广度的递归算法

2.The Property of the Width of a Codeword and Its Resursive Algorithms on the Finite Ring Z_4;有限环Z_4上码字广度的性质及其递归算法

3.A fast algorithm for calculating the depth of acodeword on ring Z_(p~k);一种快速计算Z_(p~k)上码字深度的算法


1.Bose-Chaudhuri-HocQuenghem code错误纠正码,bch码

2.function digit [ letter ]【计】操作数码[字码]

3.source code源码,[台]原始码

4.A symbol used in secret writing;a cipher or code.暗码,密码,代码用于秘密书写的符号;暗码或密码

5.continental code大陆电码(即莫斯科电码)

6.dot-and-dash code点-划电码(莫尔斯电码)

7.A charge for the use of a quay.码头费使用码头的费用

8.coded inert element电码[编码]无源元件

9.yardage | footage尺码[用码测量的长度]

10.free alongside quay码头交货码头交货价格

11.binary-to-gray coverter二进码-格雷码变换器

12.Using code or cipher.使用代码的,使用密码的

13.code redundancy of source conding信源编码的代码冗余度

14.Hong Kong-Macau Ferry Terminal [Macau Ferry Terminal]港澳客运码头〔港澳码头〕

15.propositional coding theory命题编码说 命题编码说

16.fibre optic coder-decoder纤维光学编码-解码器

17.personal access code专用选取码、专用接入码

18.A chip or counter used in gambling.筹码赌博中用的筹码



1.Directed designs and perfect deletion correctingcodes;有向设计和完备的错位纠正码(英文)

2.The concept of complex rotarycodes of genus g =1 is proposed in this paper.提出了亏格g=1的复数旋转码GICR的概念,利用多层环面完全嵌套的方法给出了GICR码的直观模型。

3.Introducing the concept of quasi-composition ofcodes,and extending the properties on composition ofcodes to quasi-composition ofcodes,thus getting some new result.引入码的拟复合的概念,并把码的复合的一系列性质推广到拟复合的情况,得到一些新的结果。



1.MMS mapping analysis andencoding/decoding module design in IEC 61850;IEC 61850标准中MMS映射分析及其编码/解码模块的设计

5)Turbo decodingTurbo码译码

1.To lower power consumption inTurbo decoding, a new algorithm based on trellis combination was proposed.针对Turbo码译码器功耗大的问题,改进了传统的最大后验概率译码算法,提出了一种基于网格图合并思想的低功耗Turbo码译码算法。

2.Turbo decoding adopts the idea of iterative decoding in which the decoding delay is an obstacle to the application of a real-time communication system.Turbo码译码采用迭代译码思想,译码时延较大是其应用于实时性要求较高的通信系统中的一大障碍。

3.New developments ofTurbo decoding algorithm and the latest applications of Turbo code technology in recent two years are introduced.介绍了近两年来Turbo码译码算法研究的最新进展和Turbo码技术应用的最新成果。

6)Encoding and Decoding编码解码

1.Encoding and Decoding Method for Infrared Remote-control Signal;红外遥控信号的一种编码解码方法

2.This paper introduces an encoding and decoding method for infrared remote-control signal with software of microchip computer, infrared signal is received by HS0038, including principle of encoding and modulation and decoding, and hardware circuit, and program.以HS0038作为红外接收头,介绍了红外遥控信号的单片机软件编码解码方法,包括编码、调制和解码的原理,以及硬件电路和程序实现。


