100字范文 > 脑功能连接 brain functional connection英语短句 例句大全

脑功能连接 brain functional connection英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-28 00:28:35


脑功能连接 brain functional connection英语短句 例句大全

脑功能连接,brain functional connection

1)brain functional connection脑功能连接


1.Post-effect of acupuncture on brain functional connectivityMRI观察针灸后效应对脑功能连接的影响

2.Study on the effects of acupuncture at acupoint and non-acupoint on functional connectivity of different brain regions with functional magnetic resonance imaging针刺穴位和非穴位对脑功能连接影响的MR研究

3.A Brain Functional Connectivity Analysis Based on Independent Component Analysis基于独立成分分析的脑功能连接性分析

4.Functional MRI investigation of brain functional connectivity in resting-state of Parkinson"s disease patients功能磁共振成像评价帕金森患者静息状态下脑功能连接

5.Rudiment Analysis of Functional Connectivity Changes in Parkinson s Disease with the Tpye of Endogenous Liver Wind in Resting State;肝风内动型帕金森病静息状态下脑功能连接的初步探讨

6.A Functional MRI Study on Difference of Brain Functional Connectivity between N-back Task and Resting-State in Patients with Paranoid Schizophrenia;偏执型精神分裂症患者N-back任务和静息状态脑功能连接差异的fMRI研究

7.Functional Connectivity Study in Resting-State in Expressive Aphasia Patients after Stroke脑梗死运动性失语患者静息态fMRI功能连接研究

8.A Comparative Study of Gray Matter Concentration and Functional Connectivity in Schizophrenia of Different Subtype;不同亚型精神分裂症患者脑灰质密度和功能连接的比较研究

9.Connection of motor related cortices in normal subjects:a functional connectivity MR study基于fMRI功能连接度分析正常人相关脑区在运动过程中的参与程度

10.functionally complete set of connective连接词的全功能集合

11.Study on Functional Category and Functional Realization of Connect-road in Town Agglomerations城镇群连接道路功能分类与功能实现

12.A computer or typesetting function that is limited by the speed or processing characteristics of the equipment with which it is associated.中义电脑或排字机的功能受限设备的速度或和所连接的设备的特性。

13.When would you like Auto Connect enabled?您希望在何时启用“自动连接”功能?

14.Modem is not functioning or line has been dropped.调制解调器功能不正常,或连接已断开。

15.No, do not set up security features on any of my connections否,不在我的任何连接上设置安全功能

16.Connector-Structure Design: Provide stable performance.(6)纯连接器结构设计,功能稳定。

17.Regulation of Human Cx31 Gap Junctional Activity by Protein Kinases;Connexin 31间隙连接通道功能调节研究

18.Functional Characteristics on E3 Ubiquitin Ligase SRAR1 in Arabidopsis拟南芥泛素连接酶SRAR1的功能研究


Brain functional connectivity脑功能连接性

3)functional connectivity功能连接

1.Study of Functional Connectivity Based on Independent Component Analysis and Cross Correlation Analysis;基于独立成分分析和互相关分析的脑功能连接研究

2.Amygdalar interhemisphericfunctional connectivity in depression:a resting-state fMRI study;抑郁症静息态大脑双侧杏仁核的功能连接

3.Two main resting state fMRI data analyses techniques,namely,thefunctional connectivity analysis and the characteristic analysis of the low frequency fluctuations,w.然后介绍了基于静息状态功能磁共振成像的两种主要的数据分析方法:功能连接分析和慢波振荡特性分析。

4)the conjunctive function连接功能

1.As a result of it,the signifier has somewhat attained its structural functions: the foiling function,the narrative function andthe conjunctive function.《红楼梦》中形式多样的"见"表达丰富的视觉意义,但在有时"见"的视觉意义出现淡化、弱化甚至虚化现象时,却具有了烘托功能、叙事功能和连接功能等结构功能。

5)functional connectivity功能连接度

6)functional interface功能接口(连接)



人脑的功能分化左右大脑半球的功能特化 李瑞端绘[图]
