100字范文 > 周长 circumference英语短句 例句大全

周长 circumference英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-10 12:44:04


周长 circumference英语短句 例句大全



1.Detection of Plantlet Ploidy Level of Capsium annuam by Observing Stoma Guard Cells Circumferences;用气孔保卫细胞周长鉴定辣椒植株的倍性


1.The column measures two feet around.这根柱子周长2英尺。

2.a young tree measuring only 18 inches round周长仅18英寸的小树

3.an old tree that was six feet around一棵周长6英尺的老树.

4.Weeds grow around the house房屋四周长满了野草。

5.This tree has a circumference of 6 feet.这棵树周长六英尺。

6.The circumference of the earth is almost 25000 miles/The earth is almost 25000 miles in circumference.地球的圆周长约为25000.

7.This tree is 3 meters in girth.这棵树周长有三公尺。

8.The mausoleum is encircled by a double wall with the inner structure extending more than 2 500 metres long and the outer one more than twice as long.陵园周围修筑了两重城墙,内城周长2525.4米,外城周长6064米。

9.Students: The length of the curve making a circle is called the perimeter.生:围成圆的曲线的长度叫做圆的周长。

10.the ratio of the circumference to the diameter of a circle.圆周长度与圆的直径长度的比。

11.The period of time of most pregnancies then was between 42- 44 weeks, with the longest being 48 weeks.妊娠大多为42~44周内,最长者为48周。

12.Ferns fringed the pool.池塘周围长着厥类植物

13.the life cycles of plant species植物种生活周期的长短

14.Zhao Xiaomei is the monitor this week.这周赵小梅是班长。

15.significant long-drift motion大幅度长周期漂移运动

16.The new college president was installed last week.新的学院院长上周就任。

17.The tree girts fifteen feet.这棵树周围长十五英尺。

18.Captain gave the order to lower the flags for a week holiday.船长命令降旗休假一周。



1.An Algorithm of Perimeter Calculation in Binary Image Using Quadtree Data Structure;利用四元树结构计算黑白二值图像周长的方法

2.According to the character that the sealings are prone to be distorted but theperimeter is invariable,a new algorithm is proposed that the inner and outer diameters are computed through measuring theperimeter.针对橡塑密封件容易变形而其周长保持不变的特点,提出了一种通过测量周长来计算原始内外径的算法。

3.The conditions for the existence of periodical solutions,and the estimation of theperimeter and relative position of the limit cycles are obtained.证明了周期解的存在条件,并估计了有关极限环的周长和相对位置。


1.The computation precision of metal image area andgirth was increased, and the algorithm for traditional method of computing image was improved.研究提高金属图像面积和周长的计算精度 ,对计算图像像素的经典链码方法加以改进 。

2.The exact number of different length of cycles can be got by recording them and then thegirth(the length of the shortest cycle) is known.记录检测到的循环,能够得到矩阵中各种长度循环的准确数目,进而得到矩阵的周长(最短循环长度)。



6)long-term[英]["l?:?"t?:m, "l??-][美]["l??"t?m, "lɑ?-]长周期

1.Methods for Realizing Long-term and Effective Operation of FCCU;实现重油催化裂化装置长周期高效益运行的途径

2.The measures forlong-term operation of the revamped crude distillation unit in processing high-acidity crude oil in Liaohe Petrochemical Company of PetroChina Co.介绍了中国石油天然气股份有限公司辽河石化分公司改造后的南蒸馏装置,在加工高酸值原油期间装置达到长周期运行方面采取的措施,主要包括初步设计、材质选用、施工质量、开工前准备、设备管理、精心操作、新技术应用、环境保障和瓶颈问题的处理等,为其它装置加工高酸原油运行提供了经验。

3.It analyzes key factors that affectlong-term running of acrylonitrile production unit and sets forth the rele vant countermea-sure that achieved remarkable result after application in practical production and devoted positive popularization as well as applica-tion value for supervisinglong-term running of same type of production unit.分析了影响丙烯腈装置长周期运行的关键因素,提出了相应的对策,并应用于生产实践之中,取得了显著的效果,对于指导同类型装置长周期运行有着积极的推广和应用价值。


