100字范文 > 高中学生 Senior high school students英语短句 例句大全

高中学生 Senior high school students英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-22 04:47:05


高中学生 Senior high school students英语短句 例句大全

高中学生,Senior high school students

1)Senior high school students高中学生

1.Correspondence analysis on the prevalence of caries among senior high school students in Hangzhou;杭州市高中学生龋患状况对应分析研究

2.Analysis of psychological intervention and investigation of mental fitness of senior high school students;高中学生心理健康状况调查与心理干预效果分析

3.Objective:To explore the source, influencing scope and extent of psychological stressful factors in senior high school students in Hunan.目的了解湖南省高中学生心理应激因素的来源、影响范围和程度。


1.Development of the Autonomous English Learning Guided by Learning Plans in Senior High School;学案导学,培养高中学生自主学习能力

2.an undergraduate transfer student一大学(高中)转学学生

3.undergraduate courses;undergraduate humor.大学(高中)课程;大学生(高中生)似的幽默

4.undergraduate humor大学生(高中生)似的幽默

5.A student in the first-year class of a high school, college, or university.新生高中、学院或大学的一年级学生

6.How to Develop the Biologic Scientific Literacy of Senior High School Students in Biologic Teaching.;高中生物教学中培养学生生物科学素养初探

7.How to Strengths mathematical modeling thoughts in mathematics teaching;在数学建模教学中提高学生数学修养

8.How to Improve Students Memory Efficiency in Teaching Chemistry in Middle Schools;中学化学教学怎样提高学生记忆能力


10.Students personality cultivation in P.E. teaching in polytechnic colleges;高职高专体育教学中学生个性的培养

11.The Study of Phenomenon of Altiplano in the Physics Study of Senior School;对高中生物理学习中高原现象的研究

12.On Senior Middle School Politics Class Teaching Face to Life of the Students;高中思想政治课教学要面向学生生活

13.Survey of life incident of students in key senior high school grade three should defy the life incident to investigate;重点中学高三学生应激生活事件调查

14.Views on Student Work in Higher Learning Institutions;论高校学生工作中的“大”学生工作观

15.Improving Students Bioscience Cultivationin the Methodology of Biology;在生物教学法课中提高学生生物科学素养

16.A Study on Cultivating Learner Autonomy in English Language Learning in Senior High School;高中英语教学中学生自主学生能力培养的研究

17.Empirical Study to Senior High School Student Engagement in Biology Teaching;高中生物学教学中学生参与的实证研究

18.The Empirical Research into Students Pre-science Concept Transformation in Senior Biology Teaching;高中生物教学中学生前科学概念转变实践研究


High school students高中学生

1.Analysis of obstacles in physics learning for high school students in the background of new curriculum新课程背景下高中学生学习物理障碍浅析

2.Objective In order to understand situation and needs for health education of AIDS prevention in high school students in Anhui.目的了解安徽省高中学生预防艾滋病健康教育现状与需求。

3.This paper discusses the theoretical and practical aspects of English vocabulary acquisition for high school students, and puts forward the following strategies: the semantic strategy, the contextual strategy, the word-formation strategy, note-book strategy and the dictionary strategy.本文从英语词汇习得的理论和实践两个方面就高中学生词汇习得作出探讨,提出了语义策略、语境策略、构词法策略、笔记策略和字典策略等具体操作。

3)senior middle school students高中学生

1.An Investigation of English Learning Strategy Employed by Senior Middle School Students in Zhanjiang City;湛江城乡高中学生英语学习策略的比较研究

2.OBJECTIVE To understand at nutrition status ofsenior middle school students,proceeds to them the nourishment guide,and improve the condition of their nourishment.目的了解高中学生的营养状况,分析影响营养状况的因素。

3.By using MMPI, personality of fivesenior middle school students in Beijing urbansuburban districts is studied.用MMPI对北京城郊区5所高中学生的个性特征进行了研究,通过13个临床基本量与6个附加量测试结果,为青少年个性研究及建立青少年常模提供了依据。

4)High school student高中学生

parison of physical constitution between 16-18 years old high school students in Guangzhou, Hong Kong and Macau;穗、港、澳16~18岁高中学生身体素质比较

2.It is discovered that high school students detesting PE Lessons is due to the sex-mixed classes,contents of classes,equipments,etc.通过对洪家中学高中学生的问卷调查,发现:学生厌学体育课行为的主要原因有男女合班上课、课程内容组织、场地器材设施等,并对预防和减轻学生厌倦心理提出了意见和建议。

3.Aim at the tall high school student in across column run teaching and train the widespread existence fears to mental problem of the column.针对高中学生在跨栏跑教学与训练中普遍存在“惧栏”的心理问题。

5)Senior Students高中学生

1.The investigation into theSenior Students wearing near-sighted glasses;对高中学生近视情况的调查

2.The Research on Methods of DevelopingSenior Students History Thinking Ability;高中学生历史思维能力培养策略的研究

3.It is a prominent route for the practice to Chinese studies in the senior students.本文针对高中学生的课外阅读情况进行调查研究,在广泛搜集、分析文献资料的同时,结合问卷调查,将课外阅读纳入到新的语文课程的视野中来考察。

6)students of medium senior high vocational school中高职学生


高级中学学生军事训练高级中学学生军事训练military training of high school students
