100字范文 > 现状比较 Comparison of Current Situation英语短句 例句大全

现状比较 Comparison of Current Situation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-17 05:33:40


现状比较 Comparison of Current Situation英语短句 例句大全

现状比较,Comparison of Current Situation

1)Comparison of Current Situation现状比较


parison and Study of the Current Situation of Domestic and Overseas Engineering Project Management;国际国内工程项目管理现状比较研究

parative Research of Developing Situation between Chinese and Overseas Low Temperature Logistics;国内外冷链物流的发展现状比较研究

3.Equity Issues in Elite Higher Education in China and the USA:A comparative Study;中美两国精英高等教育公平现状比较

4.The Compare and Analysis of the Actual Regional Financial Ecosystem;区域金融生态的现状比较与成因分析

parative Research on the Current Developing Situation of the Manufacturing Industry in Jiangshu Province and Shanghai City;江苏与上海制造业发展现状比较研究

parative research on condition of internet economy in five provinces of northwest;西北五省区间网络经济现状比较研究

parison of the Youth Rights Protection between China, Japan and Korea;中日韩三国青少年权益保护现状比较

parison and Discussion on the Current Situation of Engineering Project Management at Home and Abroad;国内外工程项目管理现状比较与探讨

9.Service Industry:Present situation、International Comparison, Countermeasure and Forecast;服务业:现状、国际比较、对策及展望

10.A Comparative Study on the Pressent State of Mental Health of the Junior Middle School Students of the Uygur and Han Nationalities.;维、汉初中生心理健康现状的比较研究

11.The Comparative Analysis on the Development of Sports Activities in Mulao Nationality;仫佬族体育活动开展现状的比较分析

12.A Comparative Study of the Educational Condition and Policies for International Students in Japan and China;中日留学生教育现状及政策比较研究

13.Status,Comparison and Suggestions of Local Educational Legislation in Guangdong Province;广东省地方教育立法:现状、比较与建议

14.The current situation and character of service mode of rural informationization in China;农村信息化服务模式现状及特征比较

parative Research on Sports Study Appraisal Status Both at Home and Abroad;国内外体育学习评价现状的比较研究

16.Research into western urbanization mode based on regional comparison;基于区域比较的西部城市化现状分析

17.Overview of information systems research in China and international comparison;中国信息系统(IS)研究现状和国际比较

18.The Present Situation and Characteristics of Housing Industry in China;我国住宅产业的发展现状和特点比较


actuality of cold forging comparison冷锻现状比较

3)institute comparison制度现状比较

4)current comparison at home and abroad国内外现状比较

5)practical comparison现实比较

6)character comparison性状比较


现状1.显现的情状。 2.目前的状况。
