100字范文 > 人教版高一英语第五单元检测试题


时间:2020-02-14 21:37:43




第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)


Is your mind completely filled with thoughts of something? That’s called obsession (痴迷). When we think of obsession, we tend to think of the __1__ aspects of extreme behavior. It can be unhealthy or dangerous. However, actually,“productive obsessing” can be not only a __2__ for boredom and passivity, but also the recipe for a __3__ life. Having a productive obsession appears to __4__ people to do this, even if things get tough. In contrast, those without passion (激情) may end up letting challenges and difficulties __5__ them.

But there is a fine but important __6__ between obsession and passion. So how do you __7__ a passion, and avoid the negative aspects of obsession?

Whatever the project is, it should __8__ love and interest. People, who have an unexplored interest in something, but always put it off, should begin by __9__ themselves to it for a month. When people do commit themselves on something, even for a month, their brains become retrained. It __10__ hesitating and worrying and explores its own potential.

Having a productive obsession leads to various mental__11__ : pleasure when things are going very well; __12__ when you are offended. The key is being prepared for these states and knowing how to handle them. Being obsessed with a(n) __13__ plan for years without putting it into practice is not productive.

Going after something with __14__ may not make you outstanding, but you don’t know where it will lead until you give it a try. At the very least, it could be the __15__ to a satisfyin g and meaningful life.


1. A.scientific B.negative

C.various D.psychological

解析:选B。根据下文“It can be unhealthy or dangerous.”可知,谈到痴迷,人们往往会想到极端行为的消极方面。

2. A.cause B.cure

C.stage pany

解析:选B。根据“However”一词可知,作者认为能动性的痴迷是有积极作用的。再根据下文“...but also the recipe for a____3____life.”可知,“productive obsessing”是治疗厌倦和被动的良方。

3. A.balanced B.simple

C.healthy D.fulfilling

解析:D。根据最后一段“a satisfying and meaningful life”可知,这种“痴迷”也是让人过上有满足感的生活的诀窍。

4. A.order B.invite

C.drive D.ask

解析:选C。根据下文“...even if things get tough.”可知,为了能够有所成就而对某事产生的痴迷,即便事情会变得困难而棘手,它仍会让人觉得有动力,好像被驱动着去努力。

5. A.defeat B.find

C.change D.shape


6. A.line B.conflict

C.similarity D.relationshi p

解析:选A。根据下文“So how do you __7__ a passion,and avoid the negative aspects of obsession?”可知,痴迷与激情还是不同的,它们中间有条细微而重要的分界线。

7. A.share B.think

C.develop D.exhibit


8. A.stand for B.bring up

C.make use of D.be rooted in

解析:选D。根据下文“who have an unexplored interest in something ”可知,无论你想做什么,它都应当源于你对这件事的兴趣与热爱。

9. A.sticking B.devoting

C.adapting D.attaching

解析:选B。根据下文“When people do commit themselves on something...”可知,作者认为那些对某事怀有兴趣却一直推迟、不去实践的人应当花一个月时间致力去做这件事情。

10. A.keeps B.means

C.begins D.stops

解析:选D。根据上文“but always put it off”及下文“...hesitating and worrying and explores its own potential.”可知,当人们坚持了一段时间专心做某事之后,就会停止犹豫和担心而开始发掘自身的潜力。

11. A.forms B.images

C.problems D.states

解析:选D。根据下文...“these states”可知,此处指各种精神状态。

12. A.anxiety B.envy

C.anger D.regret

解析:选C。根据下文“...when you are offended.”可知,当人们被冒犯时会感到气愤。

13. A.successful B.ambitious

C.painful D.unreasonable

解析:选B。根据下文“...plan for years without putting it into practice is not productive.”可知,一个人有雄心壮志,如果不去实行就不会有任何结果。

14. A.enthusiasm B.courage

C.creativity D.determination

解析:选A。根据上文“In contrast,those without passion...”可知,此处说的是:怀着激情去做事不一定会使你变得不同凡响。

15. A.answer B.limit

C.key D.end

解析:选C。根据上文“‘productive obsessing’can be...the recipe for a ____3____life.”可知,怀着激情做事是让人过上美满而有意义的生活的关键。



Zhao Wei is the vicedean of the school of political science and law of Shenyang University. “People choose the Internet mainly for 16.________efficiency,” he told China Daily yesterday. “The Internet will play 17.________more important role in helping officials handle public grievances(委屈)better in the face of Internet users in China,” he said.

The number of Chinese netizens(网民) increased18.________16.2 million in the first quarter of this year,19.________(reach) 316 million, according to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China.

“Some government staff shouldn’t take a hard line against people who complain in various ways. 20.________, they need to realize the positive side of complaints. That is to say, online complaints should be viewed 21.________a cushion (缓冲) against some social problems rather than a nuisance (讨厌的东西),” Zhao said.

He also noted some mass incidents can 22.______ (avoid) if people get timely responses.

Zhao’s department 23.________(begin) a course earlier this year, 24.________was designed to train 25.________ (profession) who work for the government departments that receive public grievances via calls, letters, and Internet messages or facetoface complaints.

16.解析:考查代词。根据句意,此处指的是“人们选择因特网是因为其效率和透明度”,所以填its来指代the Internet’s。


17.解析:考查固定搭配。play a...role意思是“扮演……的角色”。




19.解析:考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,前面的句子中已有谓语动词,所以此处的reach应该用分词形式, 因为其与“The number of Chinese netizens”是主动关系,所以此处用现在分词,构成现在分词短语作状语。






22.解析:考查语态。分析句子结构可知,avoid的逻辑主语是some mass incidents,因此该动词要用被动语态。意思是:他也指出,如果人们得到及时回复的话,群体事件就可以避免。

答案:be avoided

23.解析:考查时态。根据后面的时间状语“earlier this year”可知,此处所陈述的是一件过去发生的事实, 用一般过去时态。










Legend has it that President George Washington never told a lie. Still, he was not perfect. A library in New York has a document to prove it. According to a written record of the library, Washington checked out two books on October 5, 1789, and never brought the m back.

More than 220 years have gone by since Washington borrowed the books, and a lot has changed since then. Back in 1789, there was no Washington, D.C.. The U.S. capital was New York City, and that was where the President lived. There was only one place in the city to borrow books, the New York Society Library. It was there that Washington checked out the two books that were never returned. Washington had been President for just five months when he borrowed the books. One book was about international relations, and the other focused on lawmaking, which helped with his new job.

The librarian wrote down the titles, the dates and the name of the borrower. Washington was listed simply as “President”.

Under the rules of the library, the books should have been handed back by 2 November that same year, and their borrower would have b een faced with fines of a few cents a day ever since. Over time, Washington’s fine grew and grew. Today, the library is owed about 200,000 dollars for the two missing books. “We’re not actively concerned about the overdue fines,” the head librarian Mark Bartlett said. “But we would be very happy if we were able to get the books back.”

As for Washington’s reason for failing to return the books he borrowed, we may never have an answer. Perhaps he was too busy and just forgot about them. Maybe they were lost. Even though he were alive today, Washington might prefer to keep the truth a mystery. After all, it was he who famously said, “It is better to offer no excuse than a bad one.”


26. According to the passage, the president________.

A.failed to return the books on time

B.enjoyed reading in the library

C.had ever lived near the library

D.told a lie to the librarian

解析:选A。细节理解题。根据第一段“According to a written record of the library,Washington checked out two books on October 5,1789,a nd never brought them back.”可知,根据图书馆的笔录,华盛顿在1789年10月5日借了两本书,至今未还。即借的书没有按时归还。

27. We can infer from the passage that________.

A. the New York Society Library was built in 1789

B.Washington maybe borrowed the two books to help with his job

C.the books can be kept one month after being borrowed from the library

D.the librarian was so careless a s not to record the borrower’s full name

解析:选B。推理判断题。根据第二段“Washington had been President for just five months when he borrowed the books.One book was about international relations,and the other focused on lawmaking,which helped with his new job.”可知,华盛顿在他就职总统刚刚五个月的时候去图书馆借书,一本关于国际关系,一本关于立法,这两本书都与他的新工作有关。由此可推断,华盛顿很有可能是为了工作去图书馆借这两本书的。

28. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A.Two centuries ago, the U.S. had no libraries but one.

B.President George Washington hardly made a mistake.

C.The two books were borrowed in the name of Washington.

D.If he lived today, Washington would have to pay much to the library.

解析:选D。推理判断题。根据第四段“Over time,Washington’s fine grew and grew.Today,the library is owed about 200,000 dollars for the two missing books.”可知,随着时间的流逝,华盛顿的罚款越来越多,现已达到大约20万美元。由此可推知,如果华盛顿健在的话,他将为这两本书付给图书馆一大笔罚款。

29. The head librarian Mark Bartlett________.

A. is puzzled how to find the books again

B.hopes to get the missing books with the fines

C.is regretful to lend Washington the books at that time

D.prefers to find the two books rather than get the fines

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第四段“‘We’re not actively concerned about the overdue fines,’the head librarian Mark Bartlett said.‘But we would be very happy if we were able to get the books back.’”可知,Mark Bartlett 认为找到这两本丢失的书比追讨回这笔罚款更让人高兴。

30. What can we know from the last paragraph?

A. Washington had a quite bad memory.

B.Washington was a humorous person.

C.Washington would keep silent about the reason even if he lived.

D.Washington believed people should avoid making bad excuses.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据最后一段“Even though he were alive today,Washington might prefer to keep the truth a mystery.After all,it was he who famously said,‘It is better to offer no excuse than a bad one.’”可知,即使华盛顿还活着,他也不会说出事实的真相。毕竟他说过,什么也不说比一个烂借口要好得多。即华盛顿会对未还书的原因只字不提。


Teens don’ t want to be seen with their parents, much less talk to them or do anything with them. That’s what we hear all the time. I don’t believe it. Oh,sure, when my daughter and my son were in their teens, they wanted to spend most of their free time with their friends. But there were always those special times planned when we enjoyed being alone with each other, when we connected deeply, and when we were reminded again how much we loved one another.

I recall how delighted my 14yearold daughter, Alisa, felt when I asked her for a date to see a movie. It was a bittersweet Italian movie, Cinema Paradiso, and I wanted this story to give her a sense of how I grew up as an Italian boy in a small town, where life was simple and where everyone knew one another. I wanted her to know how her father had been brought up and shaped.

We both laughed and cried during the same scenes in the movie. She was_attached_to the movie. I decided we should complete our evening with some lively conversation at a nearby bakery. I told her the movie was now so much more special for me because I had shared it with her. She smiled. She understood. We made a memory that night.

From our living room window, I saw my 13yearold son, Jason, tearfully searching our vegetable garden for a place to bury his pet boa constrictor (蟒蛇). Because my son had suffered from asthma (哮喘) and allergies, he could never have a dog, a faithful friend that he wanted so much. Every pet he owned—lizards, fish, or snakes—had died.

I was at his side as we searched for the best gravesite (墓地). We dug the grave, said our goodbyes and then he cried. He cried hard and he asked me why every pet he had owned died so soon. I could feel his heart break against my chest. I just held him close. He let me hold his aching soul. He needed me while he was confused. Share your heart with your teens. Show them repeatedly that you know and love who they really are. There are tender memories waiting to be made.


31. What can we learn from the passage?

A. Children would like to spend time with parents.

B.Parents have trouble in getting along with children.

C.The author always spent time with children in a planned way.

D.The family should help each other at the important moment.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第一段的“But there were always those special times planned when we enjoyed being alone with each other,...”以及第二段与女儿相处的例子可知,作者总是有计划地与孩子们在一起。

32. Why did the author choose to see Cinema Paradiso with his daughter?

A. To make his daughter laugh.

B.To give his daughter encouragement.

C.To let his daughter love movies.

D.To make his daughter know him better.

解析:选D。推理判断题。根据第二段“...I wanted this story to give her a sense of how I grew up as an Italian boy in a small town,where life was simple and where everyone knew one another.I wanted her to know how her father had been brought up and shaped.”可知,作者选择和女儿一起看《天堂电影院》是为了让她感受到她的父亲是如何在一个小城镇成长的,在那里生活很简单,每个人都互相认识。由此可推测,选择看这部电影是为了让女儿更好地了解她的父亲。

33. What do the underlined words “was attached to” in Paragraph 3 mean?

A.Disliked. B.Loved.

C.Missed. plained of.

解析:选B。词义猜测题。根据上一句“We both laughed and cried during the same scenes in the movie”可知,作者的女儿看这部电影的时候十分投入,可知她喜欢这部电影。由此可判断画线词意为“喜欢”。

34. It can be inferred that________.

A. at some moments, children want to be with parents

B.the author’s children cannot take care of themselves

C.it is hard for parents to know the inside of their children

D.the author’s son is cruel to coldblooded animals

解析:选A。推理判断题。根据最后一段的“He cried hard and he asked me why every pet he had owned died so soon.I could feel his heart break against my chest.I just held him close.He let me hold his aching soul.He needed me while he was confused.”可知,当作者的儿子伤心、困惑时,他需要作者。由此可推断在有些时刻,孩子需要父母在他们身边。

35. From the last paragraph we know that________.

A.setting a good example to children is important

B.the author advises people to make memories with their teens

C.the son was touched by what his father had done

D.knowing children’s daily activities is necessary

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据最后一段的“There are tender memories waiting to be made.”可知,作者建议人们和孩子共同创造回忆。C

We all have four to six dreams per night. But why do some people seem to r emember their dreams while others don’t?

People who report that they have good dream recollection are more likely, than others who don’t, to have been woken up during a stage of sleep referred to as REM (rapid eye movement). This is the stage of sleep where dreams occur, and if you’re woken up during it you may recall the dream you were having more readily.

Light sleepers who are woken up very easily by the slightest sound tend to report having many more dreams they can remember than heavy sleepers who can nod off during thunder and lightening and do not know they’ve been dreaming at all. Therefore one way to remember your dreams is to set an alarm to go off frequently during the night, as you’ll have more chances of waking during REM sleep. However,doing this exercise regularly will be bad for your sleeping pattern, and may mess with your body clock.

Interestingly, some people have the ability to dream to order, to a degree. If they focus on thinking about remembering their dreams, get a dream journal ready to write in and place it by their bed at night and tell themselves they will write down their dreams upon waking, they’re more likely to actually produce a memorable dream.

Studies have shown us that during dreams we often play out different scenarios (情节) and our brains work out how to deal with them, should they actually occur in waking life. Thus, if you dreamed you lost your car keys and needed to find another way of getting to your destination, this could just be your mind working out what you would do in the future if this happened to you. The reason why people don’t always remember dreams is that it would interfere (干扰) with waking life. An overload of information which may not be necessary could confuse your daily thinking, and lead you to perform less well. However, storing information away in your mental filing system located in your subconscious (潜意识), in case you ever need it, is far more efficient.


36. What can we learn about REM?

A.Sleepers are hard to wake up during REM sleep.

B.People who can’t remember their dreams don’t have REM sleep.

C.Both light sleepers and heavy sleepers can experience REM sleep.

D.People who are woken up during REM sleep will forget their dreams.


37. Which group of people are most likely to forget their dreams?

A. People who are ready to write a dream journal.

B.People who desire to find a solution in their dreams.

C.People who set an alarm to go off frequently during the night.

D.People who are hard to be disturbed by surrounding sounds during sleep.

解析:选D。推理判断题。根据第三段“Therefore one way to remember your dreams is to set an alarm to go off frequently during the night,as you’ll have more chances of waking during REM sleep.”可排除C项;根据第四段“If they focus on thinking about remembering their dreams...they’re more likely to actually produce a memorable dream. ”可知,当人们有意识地想要记住梦境时,通常能如愿,可排除A、B两项;而睡觉时不易被周围声音打扰的人,很少有可能在REM阶段醒来,因而更易忘记梦境。

38. It is bad for people to remember all of their dreams because________.

A. that will confuse their daily thinking

B.that will make people feel exhausted

C.they will judge everything by sense

D.they will be guided by their dreams

解析:选A。细节理解题。根据最后一段“The reason why people don’t always remember dreams is that it would interfere with waking life.An overload of information which may not be necessary could confuse your daily thinking...”可知,人要是能记住所有的梦境,储存太多不必要的信息,就会干扰其醒着时的生活和思维,因而是有害的。

39. From the last sentence, we can infer that________.

A. effective ways need to be developed to fully make use of our dreams

B.people who regularly forget their dreams will never know their mind well

C.scientists will give us much deeper explanations for what our dreams mean

D.those forgotten dreams are stored in our bra in and will be remembered if needed

解析:选D。推理判断题。上文讲到人脑储存太多信息是有害的, 因此人们选择性地遗忘一些梦境。根据“However”一词可推测出下文要表达的是,这些被遗忘的梦境不是真的消失了。这些梦境被转存到人的潜意识当中,当人们需要时还是会浮现出来并发挥作用。因此,被遗忘的梦境仍储存在人的大脑中,当需要时会被记起。

40. The passage mainly discusses________.

A. how important dreams are to health

B.the reason why people forget their dreams

C.the relationship between one’s dream and sleep

D.different stages of sleep and people’s changes in each one



Exams affect the whole family. As teenagers bury themselves in textbooks, parents have to behave like saints(圣人), ignoring doubts—is he actually studying up there, or just playing online games? Forget any practical help around the house. “He’s sitting at the kitchen table reading the TV guide,” says the mother of a 15yearold boy. “But when I ask if he can take the rubbish out, he looks very angry and says, ‘But I’m revising’.” Chloe, 16, comes from a large family and finds it is hard to revise. “I
