100字范文 > 没办法用英语口语怎么说


时间:2019-04-22 21:42:02





no way out;have no choice but;be unable to find a way out;can"t do anything about it;can"t be helped;can"t help it;can do nothing about it;例句:The search has been quite unsuccessful then ?那么打捞是完全没办法了?My evaluation is that nothing will make him talk .我估计没办法能叫他开口了。We have no choice but to turn back .没办法,我们只有回去。I simply can "t do anything with him .我简直拿他没办法。She could not win him, however, to any conversation .不过,她老是没办法逗他说话。He is one too many for me .我弄他不赢,我拿他没办法。He is too many for me .我弄他不赢,我拿他没办法。I can do nothing with him and he can do nothing with me .我拿他没办法,他拿我也没办法。

【实在没办法用英语怎么说】well it can"t be helped例句:I " m at my wits end to keep the children quiet我实在没办法让这些孩子安静下来。At the worst , i have to tell her the true如果实在没办法,我就只能告诉她真相了。That " s the law of our bank . we can " t help it这是我们银行的规定,我们实在没办法。I know , but i am in a hurry and can not help it我知道,但是因为赶时间实在没办法。At the worst , i will have to tell her the truth如果实在没办法,我就只能告诉她真相了。If have any other choice , i have to tell her the truth如果实在没办法,我就只能告诉她真相了。I " m terribly sorry i " m late . i just couldn " t help it真太对不起,我迟到了。不过我实在没办法。I can do nothing but tell her the truth if no better way如果实在没办法,我就只能告诉她真相了。

【我没办法用英语怎么说】i can‘t helit例句:I do not seem to be able to please my step-mother and isabel; more .看来我没办法使继母和伊莎贝尔更满意。I won " t be able to do it . - you want out already我没办法做-你已经打算退出了?I can t , jeanne . i can t hear your confession我没办法,贞德我没办法听你告解I couidn " t care iess if they starved to death如果他们饿死了我没办法视而不见I understand that , colonel , but there is我明白,上校,但这些人我没办法安置了The winch is jammed . i can " t shut it off绞盘转不动了,我没办法把锚提起来!- i won " t be able to do it . - you want out already-我没办法做-你已经打算退出了?" i couldn t , " said carrie , her colour rising“我没办法, ”嘉莉说,脸色更红了。I couldn " t light the fire . all the wood was wet我没办法生火,木头全是湿的。【办法用英语怎么说】method; means; measure; quomodo; road; way例句:What do you think of those two expedients ?你觉得这两种办法怎么样?I tried every cure you can think of .我试过了一切能想到的解脱办法。Nothing could induce him to name a motive .没有办法教他说出动机来。Your best bet is to sell them now .你现在的办法就是把它们卖掉。They tried everyway to find the solution .他们想尽办法来解决问题。This strategy also has ancient antecedents .这种办法也是古已有之。Let "s put our heads together and see how to do it .大家来想办法。I must contrive a new career .我必须给自己的前途想出个新的办法来。She had found it well to flutter ahead .她发觉的办法是曲线前进。
