100字范文 > 我的英语老师My English Teacher英语作文

我的英语老师My English Teacher英语作文

时间:2021-06-15 20:55:00


我的英语老师My English Teacher英语作文

我的英语老师My English Teacher英语作文

在我们平凡的日常里,大家总免不了要接触或使用作文吧,作文是通过文字来表达一个主题意义的记叙方法。那么一般作文是怎么写的呢?下面是小编帮大家整理的我的英语老师My English Teacher英语作文,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友。

Today, I go to school with aheadache. At the beginning, it is just a slightly pain. Nevertheless, it is notuntil the English lesson that my head pains heavily. So it is difficult for meto take notes. Luckily, my English teacher notices it so she takes me to theoffice. With a big smile on her face and caring words, she gives me a glass ofwater. To my surprise, she offers to help me notes. It is her love that warmsme up. At that moment, I whisper myself that I will do my utmost to help othersas kind as my English teacher.

