100字范文 > 小学三年级第一次自己洗澡英语日记带翻译


时间:2021-08-18 05:25:35





Sunday night, I just finished playing, stink on my body, dad will take me to take a bath.

我和爸爸来到浴室,我脱好衣服后,对爸爸说:“今天我自己洗澡。” 我不知道那水龙头的水温怎么样就把水龙头打开,谁知,我打开的是热水,水龙头像开了闸的阀门一样,“哗哗”地直往下流,烫得我嗷嗷直叫,差点哭了起来。爸爸听到声音后像离弦的箭一样跑过来,看到我被水烫的"狼狈样,他急忙将水龙头关起来。我说:“爸爸,我长大了应该自己洗澡。”我又把爸爸推了出去。

My father and I came to the bathroom. After I took off my clothes, I said to my father, "today, I take a bath myself." I don"t know how to turn on the water temperature of the faucet. Who knows, I turned on hot water. The head of the water dragon, like the valve of the gate, was running down. It was so hot that I cried and almost cried. When Dad heard the sound, he came running like an arrow from the string. Seeing that I was in a mess of scalding, he quickly turned off the tap. I said, "Dad, I should take a bath when I grow up." I pushed Dad out again.


I slowly turn on the tap, enlarge the water, try the water temperature by hand, and adjust the angle of the tap constantly. Finally, it"s done.


I was rubbing myself with soap and humming. I learned to rub ears, back, arms and other parts like adults, and I secretly took my mother"s shower gel. I squeeze the shower gel on my body, and a smell comes from my nose - I"m also a boy who loves stink! Soon my bath will be finished.


This is the first time in ten years that I have bathed myself.

