100字范文 > 爱如何能成长?▎永远不要追求完美 否则你找不到任何爱流进你(中英)

爱如何能成长?▎永远不要追求完美 否则你找不到任何爱流进你(中英)

时间:2023-11-17 14:59:40


爱如何能成长?▎永远不要追求完美 否则你找不到任何爱流进你(中英)


Remember is: don"t ask for perfection,otherwise you will not find any love flowing inyou.


On the contrary, you willbecome very unloving. People who demand perfection are very unloving people,neurotic people. Even if they can find a beloved or a lover, they demandperfection -- and the love is destroyed because of that demand.


Once a man loves a woman or a woman loves aman, demands immediately enter. The woman starts demanding that the man shouldbe perfect, just because he loves her. As if he has committed a sin! Now he hasto be perfect, now he has to drop all his limitations suddenly -- just becauseof this woman.


Now he cannot be human. Either he has to become superhuman or hehas to become pseudo, false, a cheat. Naturally, to become superhuman is verydifficult, so people become cheats. They start pretending and acting andplaying games. In the name of love people are just playing games.


So remember is: neverdemand perfection. You have no right to demand anything from anybody. Ifsomebody loves you, be thankful, but don"t demand anything -- because he has noobligation to love you. If somebody loves, it is a miracle. Be thrilled by themiracle.


But people are not thrilled. For smallthings they will destroy all possibilities of love. They are not interestedmuch in love and the joy of it. They are more interested in other ego trips. Beconcerned with your joy, be utterly concerned with your joy, be only concernedwith your joy. Everything else is non-essential.


Love as a natural function, as you breathe.And when you love a person, don"t start demanding; otherwise from the verybeginning you are closing the doors. Don"t expect anything. If something comesyour way, feel grateful. If nothing comes, there is no need for it to come,there is no necessity for it to come. You cannot expect it.


But see people, see how they take eachother for granted. If your woman prepares food for you, you never thank her.I"m not saying that you should verbalise your thankyou, but it should be inyour eyes. But you don"t bother, you take it for granted -- that is her work.Who told YOU?


If your man goes and earns money for you, you never thank him. Youdon"t feel any gratitude. That"s what a man should do. That"s your mind. Howcan love grow? Love needs a climate of love, love needs a climate of gratitude,thankfulness. Love needs a non-demanding atmosphere, non-expecting atmosphere.This is the second thing to remember.

译自Tao The Pathless Path(需要转载请后台留言)
