100字范文 > 求职信-大学英语作文_1500字_英语作文


时间:2023-01-23 22:02:28



求职信假如你叫李华,刚从浙江大学化学系毕业,现打算用英文给在杭州的中外合资企业浙江太平洋化学有限公司(Zhejiang Pacific Chemical Limited Corporation)经理Smith先生写一封信,推荐自己到该公司求职.写信日期7月15日.信的要点如下:1,刚毕业于浙江大学化学系,在校期间表现良好;2,长英语,具有英语交际和翻译英文化工科技资料的能力,并具备阅读德文专业书籍的能力,能操作电脑;3,学知识扎实;4,旦被录用,将全身心投入工作,并能与同事友好相处.要求:1,信件必须包括上述要点,但不要逐条翻译;2,行文通顺,注意书信格式;3,词数:100左右;4,你的地址如下:P.O.Box 405The Chemistry DepartmentZhejiang UniverityP.O.Box 405The Chemistry DepartmentZhejiang UniverityShanghaithe 22th of August Dear Mr. Smith,As a graduate student of Zhejiang university. I already studied four years in this unversityincluding four years studying Chemistry Department. I also worked six months in Lafarge Roofing Systems China as a « Project Assistant ». The CEO appreciated my analytic and synthesis skills. He gave me his confidence to represent Lafarge and prospect the Zhejiang Development Zones to find the best location to build a new factory.I have an intermediate level in English (speaking and writing).I am gaining proficiency as a good negotiator in my daily and working life.Now that all my classes are finished, I am back in China in order to stay here at least a few years.I am available as soon as required, and I will be glad to give you moredetails about my experiences, my motivation, and my skills. I thank you in advance for your interest.Yours faithfully,Lihua
