100字范文 > 【中-英新闻】为自贸试验区发展献计 66位专家获聘南宁片区创新发展智库

【中-英新闻】为自贸试验区发展献计 66位专家获聘南宁片区创新发展智库

时间:2023-03-27 19:56:03


【中-英新闻】为自贸试验区发展献计 66位专家获聘南宁片区创新发展智库



A total of 66 experts were employed as think tank for the development and innovation of Guangxi Pilot Free Trade Zone (Nanning Area)

广西日报 -08-03


Guangxi Daily -8-3

By Yang Qiu

本报南宁讯 8月1日,记者从中国(广西)自由贸易试验区南宁片区管委会了解到,为进一步提升广西自贸试验区南宁片区创新发展的决策能力和决策水平,推动南宁片区制度创新不断形成新思路、新方法和新举措,中国(广西)自由贸易试验区南宁片区设立创新发展智库,并在南宁通过网络给首批专家颁发电子聘书。

[Nanning News] On August 1, the journalist learned from the Management Committee of Nanning Area of China (Guangxi) Pilot Free Trade Zone that it has set up the innovative development think tank for further strengthening the decision-making competence and level of innovation and development in Nanning Area of Guangxi FTZ, and constantly forming its new ideas, approaches and measures. The first batch of experts was awarded the e-appointment letter through the Internet in Nanning.


The think tank has its council with a secretariataffiliated. The secretariat is set up in the Institutional Innovation Bureau of Nanning Area Management Committee. And it is divided into six professional advisory groups, namely, comprehensive, modern finance, digital finance, intelligent logistics, cultural and sports medical treatment and emerging manufacturing industries.


The first batch of experts, the think tank has employed, is 66, including seven foreign experts from Israel, Singapore, India and other countries, which will play animportant role in further improving the decision-making ability and level of innovation development and promoting the realization of high quality developmentin Nanning area.


1.智库 think tank

2.自贸区 free trade zone

摘自《广西日报》 8月3日第2版

翻译:程婷;校对:sir pio



