100字范文 > 七夕节英语作文带翻译


时间:2022-09-15 12:45:52





"The way Altair, glistening white milky girl." Vega to met when the lunarJuly seven, the magpies busy take xi bridge, laughter everywhere in theworld.

In the summer, I enjoy the cool in the yard with my grandma. The night windwas cool, I tease grandma told me the story. Grandma shook his cattail leaf fanbegan to tell the story of "the gigolo knit". "...... later, on July 7, will beas vega and meet once a year." In persimmon leaves "wow - wow -" sound, grandmathe end of the story. Plunge into the horn of my looking up at grandma,curiously ask: "when just to July 7 ah!" Then for the gigolo knit todissatisfaction: "she really hate, niulang and zhinv will see once a year, howenough!" Grandma with a smile touched my head and said: "in a couple of days toJuly 7!" Young I ran around in the yard, for they are happy... It was my firstimpression about Chinese valentine's day.

Every year Dragon Boat Festival is mom on my wrist is "line". Take the ropeis composed of a few kinds of color line establishment, it. Mother said thatthis flower always wearing a rope, in July 7 will throw into the sky, to thegigolo knit do xi bridge, let them stay longer, the magpie is to go to sleep atnight, after all "gentle, ritual dream, return of magpie bridge." Meet once ayear of can not careless.

Altair and vega in the sky from far away, she hair clasp of the middle lineof the Milky Way? Some "ying ying between monohydrate, affectionately notwords".

July seven, the world is also very busy. The ancient childe ladies only canmeet on this day, to the suffering of the lovesickness. Perhaps "distanceproduce beauty", or "half", the ancients emotion is always very strong.

Grandma said that July 7 is the day to go to bed early, parting of thenight of the children can't stand it. July seven nights at a time, I secretlylook outwards open bamboo shade, a grey in the sky, can't see a heart. I thoughtto myself, don't separation, vega have? Suddenly feel time passes quickly forthe first time, time. Bamboo curtain in a corner, I leaned out half a head, lengleng looking at the sky, tears a drop of somehow. The word "farewell" for thefirst time I have to appreciate. Separation. "okay okay, and the Kings came outmore, every one in tianyi ya. Road resistance and long, meet encore know?"

After be brought up a inadvertently talked about this matter with friends,always the friend but said 1: "did two feelings if long, and in which." I lookedat her, quiet for a few seconds, the heart be suddenly enlightened.

Now every July seven, my family will get in the home, a heap of don't knowwhere is grandma turned out from hometown customs, have also become interesting.After dinner, grandma sang "magpie fairy", everyone follow up while listening tobeat. Like a dream "gentle, ritual, return of magpie. Two feelings if long, andis in exist." In persimmon leaves "wow - wow -" sound, grandma ended the song,like a few years ago, though he did not change anything. Altair and vega in thesky as if also really close together.

July seven, to your family, your friends, of the person you love, andaffection in the heart.











When I was young, home theater with a few grapes, mother always told usthat on the night of the Chinese valentine's day that day, can hear cows (underthe vine and vega on the magpie bridge in conversation. At that time, severalsister of this story, invited the Chinese valentine's day evening to listen to.But then is too small, not too many concepts of the lunar calendar, has beenmissed, until now, the vine has does not exist, the gigolo knit a little words,can no longer be heard.

After school, like qin guan "magpie fairy" "fiber cloud opportunely, fly,the hate, Banks had dark du. Goldwind high curative value a meet, then win theworld...." In the heart always to the cow (vega can't often meet each other.

Chinese valentine's day originated in the han dynasty, also known as "theneedlework festival". Eastern jin ge hong "xiking miscellanea" have "han choi onJuly 7, female often to wear seven needle hole in the front floor, all of xi",hope the girl can be practical. Wei jin southern and northern dynasties, withthe increasingly improvement of vega and love story, the Chinese valentine's dayhas become a universal festival, festival customs are rich and colorfulactivities, while "the needlework" to become the most common section of commonactivities. Jingchu age "in describing the common cloud:" on July 7th, for themorning glory, vega party night. Is the evening, the woman with floor, wearseven hole needle, or with gold and silver as the needle, melon and fruit in thefamily with the needlework "Chen. Now, the custom of the Chinese valentine's dayhad forgotten, and because of the existence of cattle (vega love legend is knownas "Chinese valentine's day".

Today, another year the Tanabata night, whether celestial cattle insultingand vega can meet, we have to know, but the lovers will be lovers.






Chinese valentine's day, also known as "the needlework" or "girl's day","sections", of the lunar calendar July seven, also called the Chinesevalentine's day. Chinese valentine's day is China's traditional festivals themost romantic colour of a festival, is also on the 7th day of the girls in thepast.

In this night, women wear the needlework needle, prayer, devotion. Theneedlework section is a gigolo knit story handed down by. In the needlework,ancient and modern have a different approach, ancient times, in many parts ofthe unmarried girls will be at the time of the night, stay in the melon andfruit under the frame to listen. It is said that if can hear the gigolo knitmeet me, the girl would get sweet love in the future. Will dew to wash hair,legend Chinese valentine's day when the dew is the gigolo knit meet when tears,such as in the eyes and hands, can make the person nimble. Chinese valentine'sday in ancient times and do the custom of the needlework fruit, the needleworkfruit is flour, sugar, and a few of sesame seeds. The needlework fruit alsoknown as "proper fruit", made from wheat flour called "smart"; Made of glutinousrice flour said "pink" smart. In addition, the Chinese valentine's day that day,the minority areas and vega needle, the needlework and other custom.

This year's Chinese valentine's day is today, August 13. In the evening, Icame downstairs the lawn. Then it is already dark, purple blue sky hung themoon, on many little star twinkle, like a child, bright eyes, very beautiful. Itook half a day, only found in the numerous stars Altair and vega. Altair andvega are very big, very bright. Altair is light blue, shine with the light ofthe light blue; Vega is a little red, with reddish light. In the middle of thetwo stars have a clear line, that is the heavenly queen in the Milky Way.

I looked at the sky, eyes with vega and the cowherd and the two childrenmet: a lot of magpies fly together, with his own body to set up a strong andsolid, the magpie bridge meet, vega and two children. Think of the scene, I feelvery warm.

In the Chinese valentine's day - Tanabata sparked my daydream, let me has agreat imagination on the fallacy of the night sky.







On the first day of this year as is the western valentine's day, my familycan be had a romantic new moon valentine's day!

Supper is upstairs I play computer, suddenly heard very noisy downstairs,pursuing. Dad, LaoJiu and old uncle, each with a bright rose a dagger in hishand. And then one knee, say: "I love you!" To the respective love! My eyesalways stay in my mom and dad, I saw my father laugh, also saw the mother'ssmile, the in the mind very sweet! Mom, dad love to my mother had a such aromantic valentine's day!

See below scene, my heart is so moved, because of amusement mom and dadlove, just let me have a loving home!





Legend, long long ago, west of nanyang cattle home villages had a smarthardworking young man named cowherd, because parents early death, so we have tofollow the elder brother sister-in-law. But sister-in-law is vicious, not onlyoften bewilders cowherd, also let him do heavy work. Finally sister-in-law alsoput cowherd out of the door, only to the cowherd a cow. But the cowherd withdiligence and finally can let her meals food and clothing. How time flies, onlyit is time to marry the age of the children, in the end the help of celestialcattle, the cowherd took the descent from heaven to play fairy - vega, and fromnow on and she lived a day, also gave birth to a boy and a girl. Both husbandand wife, a tapestry, one to do farm work, happy life. But bad weather, goodtimes are always not long, it was heavenly queen and the jade emperor know thatthey will sent to day, forcefully to fine a coming apart. Cowboy is sad, butalso helpless, at this time the old cow said suddenly, after the death of it,peel the skin off it, put in the body, can fly to heaven, and the old cow died.Cowherd restraining tears to peel the skin under the old cow, immediately backtwo children and ran in the sky. See, will catch up with vega cowherd, butremove the head of the heavenly queen gold hairpin, a budao edge of tianhequickly emerged, vega and relative cry every day have to shed tears. Theyfinally so devoted love touched magpies, ten million magpie fly to heaven theyput up a bridge, to make the gigolo knit meet. Holy mother are helpless, have toagree to seventh day they meet once a year.

Today is Chinese valentine's day, qixi festival known as the festival ofthe needlework. On this day many girls would pray to vega, pray you had doublehands, has one thousand years of love in the future. Reader will kuixing worshipduring today, hope kuixing let them do shipment smoothly.

Looked up the sky, as we all know how tonight to find "cowherd" and "vega"?If it is a fine night, can be in the place where is not affected by urbanlighting, had better be two hours after dark, near the head, as long as you arecareful observation, can be found in the Milky Way's side and on both sides of atotal of three bright star. The brightest of bluish white stars, and is "vega",in the south by east vega, have a yellowish star, is the "cowboy", and thecowherd beside the two stars, that is, their sons and their daughters.

Look up at the starry sky, the vast and beautiful. Careful contemplation, Iseem to understand why some their enduring the story of niulang and zhinv,mostly because the Tanabata night sky is so beautiful!





