100字范文 > 北京航空航天大学外国语学院《821英语语言文学》(英语语言文学专业)历年考研真题及


时间:2018-10-14 09:50:10



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I. Define and exemplify the following terms (20/150,5×4)



3.Aesthetic distance



II. Essay Questions and Literary Analysis (30/150,3×10)

1. In Shakespeare’s Hamlet, the tragic hero Hamlet seems to be delaying his revenge. Why? Please give your

explanations by in-depth analysis with textual evidences.

2. How do you understand the Enlightenment Spirit? Please illustrate your points by analyzing at least two literary works from the English eighteenth century.

3. How do you understand the nature of the American Dream? Please analyze the theme of American Dream as revealed in literary works with at least two examples.

Ⅲ. Literary Translation(40/150, 2×20)

1.Translate the following English into Chinese.

No woman can be too rich or too thin. This saying often attributed to the late Duchess of Windsor embodies much of the odd spirit of our times. Being thin is deemed as such a virtue. The problem with such a view is that some people actually attempt to live by it. I myself have fantasies of slipping into narrow designer clothes. Consequently, I have been on a diet for the better—or worse—part of my life. Being rich wouldn’t be bad either, but that won’t happen unless an unknown relative dies suddenly in some distant land, leaving me millions of dollars.

2.Translate the following Chinese into English.


IV. Literary Selections and Analysis (60/150,6×10)


WHEN the sweet showers of April fall and shoot,

Down throw the drought of March to pierce the root,

Bathing every vein in liquid power

From which there springs the endangering of the flower,

When also Zephyrus with his sweet breath

Exhales an air in every grove and heath

Upon the tender shoots, and the young sun

His half-course in the sign of the Ram has run,

And the small fowl are making melody

That sleep away the night with open eye

Then people long to go on pilgrimages.

a. Identify the author and the work from which the passage is selected.

b. Why is the work regarded as a masterpiece?

c. Comment on the language style of the writer.


And yet nothing had changed since the moments when he had been kissing her: or rather, nothing in the substance of things. But the essence of things had changed.

These and other of his words were nothing but the perfunctory babble of the surface while the depths remained paralyzed. He turned away, and bent over a chair. [She] followed him to the middle of the room where he was, and stood there staring at him with eyes that did not weep. Presently she slid down upon her knees beside his foot, and from this position she crouched in a heap.

‘In the name of our love, forgive me!’ she whispered with a dry mouth. ‘I have forgiven you for the same!’

And, as he did not answer, she said again—

Forgive me as you are forgiven! I forgive you, Angel. ‘

‘You—yes, you do. ‘

But you do not forgive me?’

‘O […], forgiveness does not apply to the case! You were one person: now you are another. My God—how can forgiveness meet such a grotesque—prestidigitation as that!’

He paused, contemplating this definition: then suddenly broke into horrible laughter—as unnatural and ghastly as a laugh in hell.

‘Don’t—don’t! It kills me quite, that!’ she shrieked. ‘O have mercy upon me—have mercy!’

He did not answer: and, sickly white, she jumped up.

a. Identify the author and the work from which the passage is selected.

b. Analyze the significance of the book’s subtitle.

c. Analyze the personality of the heroine and hero.


She became aware of something about her. With an effort she roused herself to see what it was that penetrated her consciousness. The tall white lilies were reeling in the moonlight, and the air was charged with their perfume, as with a presence. Mrs. Morel gasped slightly in fear. She touched the big, pallid flowers on their petals, then shivered. They seemed to be stretching in the moonlight. She put her hand into one white bin: the gold scarcely showed on her fingers by moonlight. She bent down to look at the binful of yellow pollen:but it only appeared dusky. Then she drank a deep draught of the scent. It almost made her dizzy.

Mrs. Morel leaned on the garden gate, looking out, and she lost herself awhile. She did not know what she thought. Except for a slight feeling of sickness, and her consciousness in the child, herself melted out like scent into the shiny, pale air. After a time the child, too, melted with her in the mixing-pot of moonlight, and she rested with the hills and lilies and houses, all swum together in a kind of swoon.

a. Identify the author and the work from which the passage is selected.

b. Define the author’s realism with the analysis of the above text.

c. What is theme of his work? Also explain the author’s understanding of sexuality.


The founders of a new colony, whatever Utopia of human virtue and happiness they might originally project, have invariably recognised it among their earliest practical necessities to allot a portion of the virgin soil as a

