100字范文 > 经典个性的心灵语录 句句透彻心扉 值得细细品味!

经典个性的心灵语录 句句透彻心扉 值得细细品味!

时间:2020-12-29 06:34:28


经典个性的心灵语录 句句透彻心扉 值得细细品味!

一、静好的岁月,依附着一份念想,剪下一段时光珍藏。柔风一缕拂过发梢眼角,空气中,散发着淡淡的莲香,心,瞬间柔软。人,总是要懂分寸知进退,如这一朵幽香,风动你亦动,风止你亦静,动静相宜,距离恰好。The quiet good years, attached to a miss, cut off a period of time collection. A gentle breeze brushes through the tip of the hair and the corner of the eye. In the air, there is a light fragrance of lotus, heart, instant softness.

People, always know how to move forward and backward, such as this fragrance, the wind moves you, the wind stops you also static, dynamic and static appropriate, the distance is just.

二、哭是给自己听的,笑是给别人看的,这就是所谓的人生。即使自己不快乐,也绝不去打扰别人的幸福,这就是原则。我以为我害怕的,是告别的时刻,原来,我同样害怕重逢。当你一个人熬过了所有的苦,也就没有那么想和谁在一起了。crying is for oneself, laughing is for others to see, this is the so-called life. Even if you are unhappy, you will never disturb the happiness of others. That is the principle. I thought I was afraid of the moment of farewell. I was also afraid of reunion. When you go through all the hardships alone, you don want to be with anyone that much.

三、 缘分是一种永恒,它没对没错,在给你遗憾的同时,也给你深深的感动;心情是一种永恒,它相依相伴,一边让我们受伤,一边让我们学会坚强;人生,失去的只是时间,你所获得的是价值是永恒。fate is a kind of eternity, it is not right or right, while giving you regret, it also gives you deep impression; mood is a kind of eternity, it is closely related to each other, while let us hurt, while let us learn to be strong; life, only lost time, what you get is eternal value.

四、我极致害怕三件事:朋友的渐渐远离,恋人的欺骗背叛,父母的白发苍苍。只要努力过坚持过,上天就真的会奖赏你,人生也真的会有奇迹。Im terrified of three things: the gradual departure of friends, the cheating and betrayal of lovers, and the grey hair of parents. As long as you have worked hard and persevered, God will really reward you, and life will really be a miracle.

五、不要因为冷就去抱另一个人,不要因为寂寞而去寻找另一个人,不要因为新鲜感而丢掉最爱你的人。人生很长,日子很短,如果痛苦,你会嫌它漫长;如果幸福,你会嫌它短暂,不管人生路长与不长,最后的终点,总归是一样的结局。should not hold another person because it is cold, nor seek another person because it is lonely, nor lose the person who loves you most because of novelty. Life is long, life is short, if pain, you will dislike it long; if happiness, you will dislike it short, regardless of the length and length of life, the final end is always the same.

六、或许就是自打栽在你手里的那天起我就开始变得越来越不像自己了,我的喜怒哀乐全被你一个人牵动,整个人像是得了精神分裂症,说实话,我连自己都讨厌,我万般无奈又无力,多想控制住对你的感情,可是我忘了,感情这东西,向来半点不由人。may have been planted in your hands since the day I began to become more and more unlike myself, my joys and sorrows are all affected by you alone, the whole person seems to be suffering from schizophrenia, to tell the truth, I even hate myself, I am helpless and powerless, want to control your feelings, but I forgot that feelings, this thing has always been a little uncontrollable.

七、 不论遇到什么人,你还是那个你,生活乏味是你自己枯燥,不是因为少了谁。别幻想了,发光就要趁现在,从来不用靠等待。该长大了,凡事靠自救,别寄望谁来升华你的生命。No matter who you meet, you are still the same person. Life is dull for you, not because of who is missing. Don fantasize, shine now, never wait. Its time to grow up. Everything depends on self-help. Don expect anyone to sublimate your life.

八、别惯坏了,不知领情的人,别喂饱了,不懂回馈的心。 永远记住了:要把诺言,留给诚信的人,要把在乎,留给重情的人,要把坦诚,留给忠厚的人,要把忠义,留给交心的人,要把善良,留给感恩的人,要把真心,留给珍惜的人。don get used to it, people who don know how to appreciate it, don be full, don know how to give back. Always remember: to leave promises to honest people, to care about, to those who value love, to be honest, to those who are loyal, to those who are loyal, to those who are sympathetic, to those who are kind, to those who are grateful, to those who are sincere and cherish.

九、每个人心里,都有个过不去的人,不管你有多爱,TA在你的生命里只有两种结局,要么是终点,要么是路人,再无别的选择;人生首先要是望远镜,看远;再就是显微镜,看细;接下来是放大镜,看透;其次是太阳镜,看淡;最后是哈哈镜,笑看生活。In everyones heart, there is a person who can go through. No matter how much you love, TA has only two endpoints in your life, either the endpoint or the passer-by, and there is no other choice. Life is first a telescope, see far; then a microscope, see carefully; then a magnifying glass, see through; secondly a sunglass, see dimly; finally, a Haha mirror, laugh at life.

十、这个世界,有泪自己流,有苦自己受,没人理解,自己努力,没人帮助,自己尽力,强者不是没有眼泪,只是可以含着眼泪向前跑。In this world, there are tears to shed, suffering to suffer, no one understands, working hard, no one helps, trying hard, the strong is not without tears, but can run forward with tears.

十一、生命的奖赏远在旅途终点,而非起点附近。我们不知道要走多少步才能达到目标,踏上第一千步的时候,仍然可能遭到失败。但我们不要因此放弃,要坚持不懈,直至成功!因为生来就是个很普通的人,所以每一次努力,都得竭尽全力,一点点的进步,都会欢欣鼓舞,只想做个在自己的世界发光的普通人。The reward of life is far from the end of the journey, not near the beginning. We don know how many steps we have to take to reach our goal. When we take the first thousand steps, we may still fail. But we should not give up, we should persevere until we succeed!

Because born a very ordinary person, so every effort, we have to do our best, a little progress, will be happy and inspired, just want to be a light in their own world of ordinary people.

十二、谁的人生不迷茫,不过我们都在努力跑出迷雾,在一路上看尽各种风景。好的感情大多始于颜值,敬于才华,合于性格,久于善良,终于人品,与一个人相处,最重要的是对方待你的心意,以及是否能够发自内心的懂你。Whose life is not confused, but we are trying to run out of the fog and see all kinds of scenery along the way. Good feelings mostly start with facial value, respect for talent, conform to personality, be kind for a long time, and finally get along with a person, the most important thing is that the other side treats your mind, and whether it can understand you from the heart.

十三、没有人可以左右你的人生,只是很多时候我们需要多一些勇气,去坚定自己的选择。做人凡事要静,静静地来,静静地去,静静努力,静静收获,切忌喧哗。人生就像是一道多项选择题,困扰你的往往是众多的选择项,而不是题目本身。nobody can control your life, but many times we need more courage to make our own choices. Everything in life should be quiet, come quietly, go quietly, work quietly, harvest quietly and avoid noise. Life is like a multiple-choice question. Its often many choices that bother you, not the topic itself.

十四、人,来到这个世上,总会有许多的不如意,也会有许多的不公平,会有许多失落,那是因为自己还不够强大。对所有的人以诚相待,同多数人和睦相处,和少数人常来常往,只跟一个亲密无间。people, come to this world, there will always be many unsatisfactory, there will be many inequities, there will be many losses, that is because they are not strong enough. Be honest with all people, live in harmony with most people, and often with a few people, only with one intimate.

十五、记住该记住的,忘记该忘记的。改变能改变的,接受不能改变的。回首人生,最痛的,不是失败,而是没有经历自己想要经历的一切。没有人可以左右你的人生,只是很多时候我们需要多一些勇气,去坚定自己的选择。remembers what should be remembered and forgets what should be forgotten. Change what can be changed, accept what cannot be changed. Looking back on life, the most painful thing is not to fail, but not to experience everything you want to experience. Nobody can control your life, but sometimes we need more courage to make our own choices.

十六、 很累,累到想要放弃,但是放弃之后将会是一无所有,又不能放弃。唯有坚持、唯有为自己打气,才能更勇敢的走下去。因为,我已无路可退。is very tired, tired to give up, but after giving up will be nothing, and can not give up. Only by persevering and encouraging ourselves can we go on bravely. Because I have no way to go back.

十七、没有人是完美的,顺其自然,生命因放下而美丽。好与不好都走了,幸与不幸都过了。人生再多的幸运、再多的不幸,都是曾经,都是过去。一如窗外的雨,淋过,湿过,走了,远了。nobody is perfect, let it be, life is beautiful because it is laid down. Good and bad are gone, and good and bad are gone. No matter how lucky and unfortunate life is, its all past. Like the rain outside the window, drenched, wet, gone, far away.

十八、记住那些帮助过你的人,不要以为一切都理所应当,而在你有能力的时候,也记住尽可能的去帮助别人,不要认为事不关己,这是一个做人的道理。remember those who have helped you, don take everything for granted, and when you have the ability, also remember to help others as much as possible, don think its not your own business, this is a truth of life.

十九、有阳光,有微笑,有痛苦的经历,也有美好的回忆。正是这些经历,教会我们懂得了怎么去珍惜,懂得了如何去爱。执一颗恬淡的心,面对新的一天!has sunshine, smiles, painful experiences and good memories. It is these experiences that teach us how to cherish and love. Hold a quiet heart and face a new day!

二十、恩怨是非都是虚幻,抵不过海阔天空的美好,不必太在意。所有爱恨情仇都会化为烟云,功名利禄到头来也是一场虚空。生命的最后什么也带不走,最终拥有的只是一个过程,一种心情而已。Gratitude and resentment are illusory, but the vastness of the sea and the sky is beautiful, do not care too much. All love, hatred, hatred and hatred will be turned into smoke and clouds, and fame, wealth and fortune will be a void in the end. The last thing in life is nothing to take away. What we have is only a process, a mood.

二十一、再大的伤痛,睡一觉就把它忘了。背着昨天追赶明天,会累坏了每一个当下。边走边忘,才能感受到每一个迎面而来的幸福。烦恼不过夜,健忘才幸福。No matter how big the pain is, it will be forgotten after sleeping. Catching up with yesterday and tomorrow will exhaust every present moment. Only by forgetting while walking can we feel every happiness that comes to us. Happiness comes from forgetfulness.

二十二、有些事,你真别看清,看清,心痛;有些人,你真别看懂,看懂,伤情。人生,就是一种糊涂,一份模糊,说懂不懂,说清不清,糊里糊涂,含含糊糊。人生看不惯的东西太多,看清、看懂,全是自找伤心。给生活罩上一层薄雾,不是自欺,而是对自我的保护。has some things, you really do not see clearly, see clearly, heartache; some people, you really do not understand, understand, hurt. Life is a kind of confusion, a vague, can not understand, can not say clearly, vague, vague. There are too many things in life that you can get used to. Its all about finding sorrow. Covering life with mist is not self-deception, but self-protection.
