100字范文 > 简单走心的情感说说 经典又务实 句句触碰心底!

简单走心的情感说说 经典又务实 句句触碰心底!

时间:2023-11-01 05:21:49


简单走心的情感说说 经典又务实 句句触碰心底!

一、 真正勇敢的人生不是别的,正是允许自己以自己喜欢的方式过一生,也欣赏与自己不同的人用他的方式度过一生。被爱的感觉是非常美好的,无论什么时候都会有人想着你、关心着你、照顾着你。无论什么时候都会有很强烈的安全感和幸福感。Really brave life is nothing else. It is to allow oneself to live a life in the way one likes, and to appreciate the way people who are different from oneself spend their lives in his way. The feeling of being loved is very beautiful. No matter when someone thinks about you, cares about you and takes care of you. There will always be a strong sense of security and happiness.

二、顺其自然,是对待人生最好方法。人生风云变幻,随处诱惑,假如任凭自己的欲望随波逐流,到最后痛苦的只能是自己。人生的兴衰荣辱只是一时的,随着时间的推移,一切都会烟消云散。无论世事沧桑,我们都应该努力克制内心无限膨胀的欲望,顺其自然,随遇而安,这样才能使心灵回归自我。Let nature take its course, is the best way to treat life. Life is changeable and tempting everywhere. If you let your desires drift with the tide, you will only suffer yourself in the end.

The rise and fall of life honor and disgrace is only temporary, with the passage of time, everything will disappear. Regardless of the vicissitudes of the world, we should strive to restrain the infinite expansion of the desire of the heart, let it be, as it happens, so that the mind can return to itself.

三、旅行时看过的风景和年轻时有过的梦想,是别人抢不走,自己也忘不掉的。任何事情都应该去尝试一下,人生是一幅画,一段情,一个故事,一场旅程,生命没有回头场,每一天都在有始有终的演绎,或精彩或平淡,或浪漫或平实,几近曲折几近坎坷,有欢笑也有离愁,有成功也有失败。has seen during its travels and the dreams that it had in its youth can not be taken away by others, nor can it be forgotten by itself. Everything should be tried.

Life is a picture, a relationship, a story, a journey, life has no turning back. Every day, there is a beginning and an end to the interpretation, or wonderful or dull, or romantic or plain, almost tortuous, there are laughter and sorrow, there are successes and failures.

四、从茫茫宇宙的角度看,我们每一个人的确都是无依无靠的孤儿,偶然地来到世上,又必然地离去。正是因为这种根本性的孤独境遇,才有了爱的价值,爱的理由。人人都是孤儿,所以人人都渴望有人爱,都想要有人疼。from the perspective of the vast universe, each of us is indeed a helpless orphan, accidentally came to the world, and inevitably left. It is precisely because of this fundamental loneliness that love has its value and reason. Everyone is an orphan, so everyone is eager to be loved, want to be loved.

五、我已经将另一个女孩嵌进我的人生,那女孩的人生亦然。我无法掉头就走,那也是我珍贵守护的爱情。余生,不管什么时候,都要懂得将心比心,别去敷衍一个真心待你的人,不管有多少遇见,都要好好把握手里的那份真心。Ive embedded another girl in my life, and that girls life is the same. I can turn around and leave. Thats my precious love. For the rest of your life, no matter when you meet, you should know how to compare your heart with your heart. Don perfunctory a person who treats you sincerely. No matter how many encounters you have, you should grasp the sincerity in your hand.

六、有人问孤独和寂寞有什么分别,就像某天下雨了,你躲在屋檐下,找遍了手机通讯录,也不知道能找谁给你送伞,那一刻是孤独的;而寂寞,是你习惯了一个人躲在屋檐下,静静地等雨停。people ask what is the difference between loneliness and loneliness, just like one day when it rains, you hide under the eaves, look for your cell phone address book, and don know who can give you an umbrella, that moment is lonely; loneliness, you are used to a person hiding under the eaves, waiting for the rain to stop quietly.

七、素日如水,往事如烟,时间悄悄从指尖溜走,回首过往,总有一些惆怅惹人思量,总有一些往事淡漠光影,总有一段回忆勾起心痛,总有一些人在记忆深处斑驳陆离,却从未遗忘。不曾记起,只因你在心灵之岸,从未离开。Days are like water, past events are like smoke, time slips away quietly from the fingertips, looking back on the past, there are always some melancholy and provoking people to think about, there are always some indifferent shadows of the past

there are always some memories to arouse heartache, there are always some people in the depths of memory mottled land, but never forgotten. Never remember, just because you are on the shore of your heart, never leave.

八、 你是否有四个模样:一个是在朋友面前疯癫的样子,一个是在恋人面前完美的样子,一个是只身一人时脆弱的样子,还有一个,是在陌生的人群中安安静静的样子。Do you have four looks: one is mad in front of friends, one is perfect in front of lovers, one is fragile when you are alone, and the other is quiet in a strange crowd.

九、并不是每一天都是好日子,但每一天一定会有些好事会发生。你总是在一个人安静的时候想太多,然后莫名其妙不开心,你总是笑得没心没肺,让人忘了你也会累。is not every day a good day, but every day must have some good things to happen. You always think too much when a person is quiet, and then somehow unhappy, you always laugh heartlessly, let people forget you will be tired.

十、或许每个人都有这样一段故事,不舍忘却又不愿忆起,总会在深夜凝望渊海。我反复的问我自己,我真的爱你吗?或者是不甘心,又或者是愧疚,才发现各种原因都有,我还不够优秀,还不配拥有!maybe everyone has such a story. They don want to forget it, but they don want to remember it. They always stare at the ocean at night. I repeatedly asked myself, do I really love you? Or unwilling, or guilty, only to find that there are various reasons, I am not good enough to own!

十一、坚持你喜欢的,尊重你不理解的,是成年人社交的基本礼仪。总是听从内心的声音。因为即便它长在你的左边,它却总是对的。insists that what you like and respect what you don understand is the basic social etiquette for adults. Always listen to your inner voice. Because even if it grows on your left, its always right.

十二、爱情,不是生活的全部,拥有它能丰富我们的人生,但是没有爱情,我们依然要好好的活出自己。所以不管此时多么得情非得已,多么得爱而不得,多么得伤心欲绝,请告诉自己:没什么非谁不可,也没什么不可失去。love, not all of life, with it can enrich our life, but without love, we still have to live a good life. So no matter how much you feel, how much you love and how heartbroken you are, please tell yourself that there is nothing you can do without and nothing you can lose.

十三、时间在走,年龄在长。懂得的多了,看透的多了,快乐越来越少了。我怀念,那些年,未来遥远的没有形状,我们单纯得没有烦恼。time is walking, age is long. Know more, see through more, less and less happiness. I miss those years, the future is far from shape, we simply do not worry.

十四、每个人真正强大起来都要度过一段没人帮忙,没人支持的日子。所有事情都是自己一个人撑,所有情绪都是只有自己知道。但只要咬牙撑过去,一切都不一样了。无论你是谁,无论你正在经历什么,坚持住,你定会看见最坚强的自己。Everyone who is really strong has to spend a period of time without help or support. Everything is supported by oneself, and all emotions are known only by oneself. But as long as you grind your teeth, everything will be different. No matter who you are, no matter what you are going through, stick to it, you will see the strongest self.

十五、真心喜欢过的人是没法做朋友的,哪怕再多看几眼,都还是想拥有。我从未放弃过爱你,只是从浓烈变得悄无声息。really liked people who can not be friends, even if a few more eyes, still want to have. I never give up loving you, just from strong to silent.

十六、日子就像天气,不会总是晴天,也不会一直阴雨。人生常常会遇到不如意的时刻,关键是要学着调整自己,天晴时晒晒太阳,下雨就听听雨落,以一种平和的态度去应对人生的起落。要做情绪的主人,不要让人生输给了心情。Days are like weather, not always sunny, not always rainy. Life often encounters unsatisfactory moments, the key is to learn to adjust themselves, sunshine on sunny days, listen to the rain when it rains, with a peaceful attitude to cope with the ups and downs of life. Be the master of your emotions. Don let life lose to your emotions.

十七、世界上哪有那么多的将心比心,你一味的付出不过是惯出来得寸进尺的人。太过考虑别人的感受,就注定自己不好受。所以啊,余生没那么长,请你忠于自己,活得还像自己。Where in the world there are so many heart-to-heart, you blindly pay is just a habitual person. If you think too much about other peoples feelings, you are doomed to feel bad. So ah, the rest of your life is not that long. Please be loyal to yourself and live like yourself.

十八、人生不易,珍惜拥有,感谢经历,不争,也有属于你的世界,我们在这个纷繁复杂、充满诱惑的社会,不羡慕别人,不轻贱自己。安然的,过自已喜欢过的日子,那样就是最好的日子;活自己喜欢的活法,就是最好的活法!life is not easy, cherish possession, thank experience, do not dispute, also belong to your world, we in this complex, full of temptation society, do not envy others, do not belittle themselves. Enron, live the day you like, thats the best day; live the way you like, thats the best way to live!


To cherish every day of life, cherish this word, through the vicissitudes of life, there must be loss, before we know to cherish, for the lost, has lost, do not have to regret, but can be retained as a memory, sometimes chew, it is also delicious. If you manage your mood well, you have everything. Life is too short to be too tired. Live comfortably and happily.

二十、生活的理想,就是为了理想的生活。很多时候,宁愿被误会,也不想去解释。信与不信,就在你一念之间。懂我的人,何必解释。学着做你自己,并优雅地放手所有不属于你的东西。The ideal of life is to live an ideal life. Many times, I would rather be misunderstood than explain. Belief and disbelief are between your ideas. Why explain to those who understand me? Learn to be yourself and gracefully let go of everything that doesn belong to you.

二十一、有些答案,需要一生去找寻,有些问题,早在不知不觉中不复存在,回不到从前的爱情,只剩下对生活的疲惫,那一场最灿烂的花事,耗尽了一生的爱和光阴,余生做不了爱人,就在不远处守望你。has some answers that need to be searched for all their lives. Some questions have disappeared as early as they are unconscious. They can not return to the past love. Only the exhaustion of life is left. The most brilliant flower, which has exhausted the love and time of life, can not be a lover for the rest of their lives, is watching you in the distance.
