100字范文 > 适合发朋友圈的人生感悟语录 句句经典 每一句都让人深思

适合发朋友圈的人生感悟语录 句句经典 每一句都让人深思

时间:2022-03-15 22:19:30


适合发朋友圈的人生感悟语录 句句经典 每一句都让人深思

一、一辈子是那么长,一天没走到终点,就一天不知道哪一个才是陪你走到最后的人。有时你遇到了一个人,以为就是她了,后来回头看,其实她也不过是这一段路给了你想要的东西,过后相互道别;剪坏你头发的理发店你不会再去,吃坏你肚子的快餐店你不会再去,那个一遍又一遍伤害你的人,你为什么还要爱。Life is so long, a day did not reach the end, one day do not know which is accompanying you to the last person. Sometimes you meet someone who thinks its her, but when you look back, she just gives you what you want along the way and says goodbye to each other

you won go to the barbers that cut your hair, you won go to the fast food restaurant that eats your stomach, and you won go to the fast food restaurant that hurt you again and again, why do you still love you?

二、生活如果不宠你,更要自己善待自己。这一生,风雨兼程,就是为了遇见最好的自己,如此而已。做一个简单的人,心安,便是活着的最好状态,任何事情,总有答案,与其烦恼,不如顺其自然。If life doesn spoil you, you should treat yourself kindly. This life, rain and wind, is to meet the best of their own, thats all. To be a simple person, peace of mind is the best state of being alive. There are always answers to everything. Instead of worrying, let it be.

三、甘愿化作你掌心的一颗痣,再不用承受离开你的悲伤,如今,在这世间万般流连,翻过无数长篇,写过上千诗行,终不及你的一个微笑,我随着时间找寻你,忘记了挣扎,一念天涯,一个人又如何,时间的沙漏,终有一天,会模糊你的模样,而我一次次雕刻,舍不得将你遗忘。Willing to turn into a mole in your palm, no longer need to bear the sadness of leaving you. Nowadays, in this world, I wander through countless long stories and write thousands of lines of poetry, which is not as good as one of your smiles.

As time goes by, I find you, forget the struggle, once I read the horizon, how about a person, the hourglass of time, one day, I will blur your appearance, and I sculpt again and again. You must be forgotten.

四、有些事,错过了就是永远无法挽回,有些人,一转身就是一辈子。人的一生有走不完的路,喝不完的酒,唱不完的歌。你无法预知未来,但你能洒脱地活在当下。Some things, missed is never recoverable, some people, turn around is a lifetime. Ones life has endless roads, endless drinks and endless songs. You can predict the future, but you can live freely in the present.

五、人生百态,多少无奈,冷了自己的心,多少情眼,放弃自己的执着,生死一年,多少真,多少假,多少的冷漠,放不下是真的,等不来是苦的,人的一世,总有不如意。Life, how many helpless, cold their hearts, how many eyes, give up their persistence, life and death for a year, how many true, how many false, how much indifference, can not let go is true, can not wait is bitter, peoples life, there will always be unsatisfactory.

六、世间之事,没有十全十美,也不可处处尽人之意,正如这个世界是一半一半,天一半,地一半;男一半,女一半;善一半,恶一半;清净一半,浊秽一半。但,因为我们要求完美,不能接受残缺的一半,所以我们拥有的不是全世界,毫无圆满可言。学会包容,就会拥有一个完整的世界!There is no perfect thing in the world, nor can we do everything we want, just as the world is half, half the sky and half the earth; half the man and half the woman; half the good and half the evil; half the clean and half the dirty.

But because we want perfection and can accept half of the incomplete, we don have the whole world, there is no perfect. Learn to tolerate, you will have a complete world!


A mans life is just like a day in the sun. Morning brings dawn to people, and evening brings darkness to people. Thats the same for a day. There are deep, shallow, rising and falling, life is also such a change, sunny and rainy days are necessary.

十、 心本身不大,千万不要背负太多。昨天的纠结,只会囚禁你的今天和明天。人生,一定要学会释放。人生最大的悲哀和不幸就是:还没弄清楚自己是谁,究竟想要什么,就没了青春,没了中年,没了一辈子。The heart itself is not big, don carry too much. Yesterdays tangle will only imprison you today and tomorrow. Life, we must learn to release. The greatest sorrow and misfortune in life is that without knowing who you are and what you want, you will lose your youth, middle age and life.

十一、我不能向你们承诺什么,因为我什么都没有。我仅仅有一个承诺,就是我永远不会放弃。I can promise you anything because I have nothing. I have only one promise, that I will never give up.

十二、再长的路,一步步也能走完,别让太多的昨天占据你的今天;重复别人走过的路,是因为忽视了自己的双脚,经受过严寒的人,才知道太阳的温暖,饱尝人生艰辛的人,才懂得生命的可贵。No matter how long the road is, it can be completed step by step. Don let too many yesterday occupy your present day.

Repeat the road others have traveled because they neglected their feet. Only those who have experienced severe cold know the warmth of the sun and those who have tasted the hardships of life can understand the value of life.

十三、有人心疼时,眼泪才是眼泪,否则只是带着咸味的体液;被人呵护着,撒娇才是撒娇,要不然就是作死。一个人,一场梦,此心不二;两个人,一台戏,此生唯一。When someone is distressed, tears are tears, otherwise they are only salty body fluid; when they are cared for, they are spoiled, or they are killed. A person, a dream, this heart is the same; two people, a play, this life is the only.

十四、一个人的成功和挫折可能着眼于一个偶然因素或某一个重大决定而改变了人生。人生中做的任何事都不是徒劳的,三十岁要相信积累的力量。所以一个稳定有发展的工作、几个深交的朋友、持续运动的好习惯、甚至是几道拿手好菜,这些积累都会在适当的时候发挥作用。A persons success and frustration may change his life by focusing on an accidental factor or a major decision. Everything you do in life is not in vain. You should believe in the power of accumulation at the age of 30.

So a steady and developing job, a few close friends, a good habit of continuous exercise, and even a few good dishes, all these accumulation will play a role in the appropriate time.

十五、苦乐人生,谁都不易。无论遇见谁都是命中注定的,即使有不喜欢的人,有看不惯的事,也不要为难他人。而要多一份尊重,宽容相待;多一份友善,坦诚相见;“予人玫瑰,手留余香”。善待他人,就是善待自己!Its not easy for anyone to live a bitter and happy life. No matter who you meet, its doomed. Even if you don like people, you can get used to things, don embarrass others. We should treat each other with respect, tolerance, friendliness and frankness, and give people roses and leave fragrance in their hands. To be kind to others is to be kind to yourself.

十六、总是情不自禁的忧伤,于是慢慢学会了掩藏,渐渐学会了伪装。“心眼”这东西:如果你想多了,就是小心眼;想少了,就是缺心眼;一直想呢,就是死心眼;不想呢,那就是没心眼了。Always unable to help grief, so slowly learned to hide, gradually learned to disguise. "Mind-eye" This thing: If you think more, you are careful; if you think less, you are lack of mind-eye; if you think all the time, you are dead-hearted; if you don want to, you are heartless.

十七、世俗人之所以喜之所以乐,往往由于有所渴望得到了满足,但是没有太多人有足够能力面对失乐时的苦。收拾起心情,继续走吧,错过花,你将收获雨,错过这一个,你才会遇到下一个。The reason why the secular people are happy is often due to the desire to be satisfied, but not many people have enough ability to face the pain of losing happiness. Pack up your mood, go on, miss flowers, you will harvest rain, miss this one, you will meet the next.

十八、 流逝的岁月里,需要学会珍惜,还要学会放弃;简单幸福的活着,其实更难,需要一种思想,一个心境,一个自我。做自己喜欢的事是自由,喜欢自己做的事是幸福,所有的一切都要自己去选择。Over the years, we need to learn to cherish, but also learn to give up; simple and happy life, in fact, more difficult, need a kind of thought, a state of mind, a self. To do what you like is freedom, to like what you do is happiness, and to choose everything by yourself.

十九、原来分手就是,这个人跟你再也没有关系,千秋万代,四海八荒,都只有你我,再无我们。时间会慢慢沉淀,有些人会在你心底慢慢模糊。学会放手,你的幸福需要自己的成全。The original break-up is that this person has nothing to do with you anymore, for thousands of generations, all over the world, only you and me, no longer us. Time will slowly precipitate, some people will slowly blur in your heart. Learn to let go, your happiness needs your own accomplishment.

二十、真正快乐的人,是一心为他人付出,而不牵挂“我能得到什么”的人,因为他懂得付出本身就是收获。不求回报,但一定会得到善业的回馈。“无我无畏,无私无忧”,所有的委屈都来自“我”。怀着期待的付出与踏实纯粹地专注于善业的付出,是完全不一样的,尝试一下后者,体会真正的快乐。A truly happy person is one who devotes himself to others without worrying about what I can get, because he knows that giving is a gain in itself. We don ask for reward, but we will get reward from good work.

"I am fearless, selfless and carefree." All grievances come from "I". Its totally different to pay with expectation and focus solely on good work. Try the latter and experience real happiness.


Lifes gains and losses are changeable. Every passing, even the scenery, can occupy the memory, is happiness. When we look back a little farther, we will find that frustration makes us strong. Separation teaches us to cherish, pain can make us sober.


Calm is a kind of truth, but also a kind of good; calm is a kind of beauty, but also a kind of noble; calm is a mature, but also a sublimation; calm is a kind of image, but also a kind of physical and mental harmony. Calm need time and practice accumulation and purification, is a kind of clouds, is a kind of open-minded!
