100字范文 > 定语从句中Who与Whom的区别详解!看来没啥区别 但实际还是有的

定语从句中Who与Whom的区别详解!看来没啥区别 但实际还是有的

时间:2021-11-20 04:16:52


定语从句中Who与Whom的区别详解!看来没啥区别 但实际还是有的

WHO vs WHOM: When to Use Whom or Who with Useful Examples WHO与WHOM:何时使用WHO或WHOM作为有用的例子

Differences between Whovs Whom. So many people use who when they should use whom, especially when speaking, that it is not considered a big mistake. However, if you want to know the difference between whom vs who and be sure that you are using the correct one. It is a pretty simple one. Who和Who之间的区别。很多人在应该使用who的时候使用who,尤其是在说话的时候,这不是一个大错误。但是,如果您想知道whom与who之间的区别,并确保您使用的是正确的。这是一个非常简单的。


WhoDefinition vs Whom Definition (Who定义与Whom定义)

WHO is a pronoun that refers to the subject of the sentence. WHO是指代句子主语的代词。WHOM is a pronoun that refers to the object of the sentence. WHOM是指代句子宾语的代词。


Who locked the door? 谁锁门的?She’s the woman whom I met in Paris. 她就是我在巴黎遇到的那个女人。

Here are a few general rules that will help you never get confused about which pronoun to put in a sentence: 这里有一些通用的规则,可以帮助你永远不会混淆该把哪个代词放在句子里:

When to Use Who 何时使用Who

1) You are asking about the subject, i.e. the person who performs the action, e.g. Who is his mother? Who will come here tomorrow? 你要问的是主语,也就是表演动作的人,例如:who is his mother?明天谁来这儿?

2) You are adding a clause to give additional information about the subject, e.g. Jennifer is my friend who likes reading. 您正在添加一个子句来提供有关主题的附加信息,例如:詹妮弗是我的朋友,她喜欢阅读。

3) You are asking about the name of someone or a group of people, e.g. Who is the class president? 你要问某人或一群人的名字,例如:谁是班长?

When to Use Whom 何时使用who

1) You are asking about the object, i.e. the person to which the action is directed, e.g. Whom should I help? Whom did you ask to come with you? 你问的是对象,也就是动作指向的那个人,例如:我应该帮助谁?你邀请了谁和你一起去?

2) You are adding a relative clause to give additional information about the object, e.g. She called the man whom she met yesterday. 你添加了一个相对子句来提供关于对象的附加信息,例如:她给昨天遇到的那个人打了电话。

3) You are asking an indirect question about the object, e.g. They asked me, whom I invited to dinner. 你是在间接地问有关这个物体的问题,例如:他们问我邀请谁吃饭。

When to Use Whomvs Who | Useful Tips 何时使用Who vs Who |有用的提示

There is a trick that will help you solve the “Who vs Whom” dilemma you might be having when speaking and writing. If you can replace the pronoun with “she” or “he”, “who” will be correct. Otherwise, if you can substitute the pronoun with “her” or “him”, you should use “whom”.

Let’s say that you want to ask, “Who/ Whom took my book?”. The answer to this question might be, “She took my book”, not “Her took my book”. Therefore, in this case, it is correct to use “who”: Who took my book. 有一个技巧可以帮助你解决你在口语和写作时可能遇到的“谁与谁”的困境。如果你可以用“她”或“他”代替代词,“谁”将是正确的。否则,如果你可以用“她”或“他”代替代词,你应该使用“谁”。让我们说你想问,“谁/谁拿走了我的书?”。这个问题的答案可能是,“她拿走了我的书”,而不是“她拿走了我的书”。因此,在这种情况下,使用“谁”是谁是正确的:谁拿走了我的书。

Take a look at a different example: “Who/ Whom should I ask about the plans for tomorrow?”. The answer will be, “I should talk to him”, not “I should talk to he”. This means that “whom” will be the right pronoun to use in this sentence. 看一个不同的例子:“我应该询问明天的计划是谁/谁?”。答案是“我应该和他说话”,而不是“我应该和他说话”。这意味着“谁”将成为这句话中使用的正确代名词。

On some occasions, however, it is a little bit more complicated and, in order to figure out which is the correct option, you will need to slightly rewrite the sentence. 然而,在某些情况下,它会稍微复杂一些,为了找出哪个选项是正确的,您需要稍微重写一下这个句子。

For instance, there is a sentence, “Mary is the girl who/ whom I told you about”. Which pronoun should you use? To decide, change the structure and say, “Mary is the girl. I told you about her”. Maybe this structure sounds a bit awkward, but it clearly shows that the correct pronoun is “whom” because you can’t say, “I told you about she”.


What about the sentence, “James is the man with who/whom I am going to the party”? If you rewrite it, you will get, “James is the man. I am going to the party with him”. Therefore, “whom” is the pronoun that you should use in this case. 那句话怎么样,“詹姆斯是我和谁一起参加聚会的人”?如果你重写它,你会得到,“詹姆斯是男人。我和他一起去参加派对“。因此,“谁”是你应该在这种情况下使用的代名词。

Who vs Whom Examples: Who vs Who例子:

He who lives near the woods is not frightened by owls. 生活在树林附近的人并没有被猫头鹰吓倒。I discussed it with my brother, who is a lawyer. 我和我哥哥讨论过这件事,他是一名律师。Who was that on the phone? 电话那头是谁?A good book is a best friend who never turns his back upon us. 一本好书,莫逆之交。Whom did you choose for our team leader? 你选谁当我们的队长?To whom did you give the book? 你把书给谁了?She disliked the president, whom she once described as an “insufferable bore”. 她不喜欢总统,她曾形容她的总统是一个“令人难以忍受的讨厌鬼”。Whom would you suggest for the job? 你建议谁来做这项工作?

Difference between Who vs Whom | Image 区别谁与谁|图像
