100字范文 > 朋友圈写进心窝里的句子 句句精辟走心

朋友圈写进心窝里的句子 句句精辟走心

时间:2021-03-21 12:28:19


朋友圈写进心窝里的句子 句句精辟走心

一、只要是你说的我都相信,只要是你的决定我都支持,只要是你需要的我都愿意做。只有心存美好的人,才会去欣赏别人;懂得欣赏别人的人,心灵会变得更加美好。As long as you say, I believe, as long as your decision I support, as long as you need me to do. Only those who have a good heart will appreciate others; those who know how to appreciate others will have a better heart.

二、没流泪,不代表没眼泪;无所谓,不代表无所累。当你知道什么是欲哭无泪,欲诉无语,欲笑无声的时候,你成熟了。用浪漫点缀美妙的时光,用甜蜜包裹美好的生活,用幸福守望甜美的爱情,用真心倾诉真爱的誓言:亲爱的,爱你一辈子,永远不分离!No tears, does not mean no tears; no matter, does not mean no tiredness. When you know what it is to cry without tears, to speak without words, to laugh without voice, you are mature.

Use romance to embellish the wonderful time, wrap up the beautiful life with sweetness, watch the sweet love with happiness, and pour out the oath of true love with sincerity: Dear, love you forever, never separate!

三、麻烦就像洗衣机,让我们在里面搅搅搅,转转转,碰来碰去,但最终我们还是会从中解脱,并且比以前更干净,更好。闹时炼心,静时养心,坐时守心,行时验心,言时省心,动时制心。Trouble is like a washing machine. Lets stir and stir, turn and touch in it, but eventually well get rid of it, and its cleaner and better than before. Heart training in time, mind cultivation in quiet time, sitting in time, keeping in mind, keeping in mind when doing, saving time in speaking and keeping in mind when moving.

四、 那些我们所相信过的诺言,终于还是成了一记耳光,啪的一声扇在了自己脸上。你始终都会是我的软肋,却永远都不会是我铠甲。每一次前进时,总以为会有许多障碍,一旦踏进去,却发现那不过是生活的假想敌,也许人生最为欠缺的,永远是迈出第一步的勇气,以及不回头的决心。The promises we believed in finally became a slap in the face and a slap in the face. You will always be my weakness, but never my armor.

Every time we move forward, we always think that there will be many obstacles. Once we step in, we find that it is only the imaginary enemy of life. Perhaps the most deficient thing in life is the courage to take the first step and the determination not to turn back.

五、没用的东西,再便宜也不要买;不爱的人,再寂寞也不要依赖。岁月是把杀猪刀,是针对那些好看的人,它对长得丑的人一点办法都没有。Don buy useless things, no matter how cheap they are; don rely on loneliness if you don love them. Years is a pig knife, aimed at those who look good, it has no way to ugly people.

六、爱绝不是找一双适合你的手,而是找一双无论多么不适合,也愿意牵你的手。越来越不敢找你,因为你的冷漠开始让我觉得主动是那么的廉价。Love is never about finding a pair of hands that suit you, but about finding a pair that, no matter how unsuitable, is willing to hold your hand. More and more dare not find you, because your indifference began to make me feel that initiative is so cheap.

七、费尽心思和你聊天的样子,我自己都讨厌自己。我是那么骄傲的一个人,为你卸掉所有铠甲,却依旧得不到你的心疼。拼命的想要抓住你,却发现风里只剩我自己。I hate myself for the way I try to chat with you. I am so proud of a person, for you to unload all the armor, but still can not get your heartache. Desperately trying to catch you, only to find myself in the wind.

八、 如果你知道,那些你所去较真的事,根本就没有人认真过,也许你就能活得坦然点。习惯了忍耐和等待,有一天明白,原来果断更重要。If you know that none of the things you go to are serious at all, maybe you can live calmly. Having been used to patience and waiting, one day I realized that it was more important to be decisive.

九、你有钱,周围全是笑脸;你没钱,个个把你疏远;你风光,再忙都要去拜访;你落魄,再闲也说没时间。现实的社会,真心没有钱值钱,感情只和钱有缘;所有人都觉得你过得很好,有不少朋友。别人猜测着你有数不清的暧昧关系,可是只有你自己明白,一个人在家开着灯整夜失眠的时候,你不说话房间就一点声音都没有。You have money, you are surrounded by smiling faces; you have no money, you are alienated; you scenery, no matter how busy you are, you will visit; you are down, no time to idle. In the real world, there is no money in your heart, and your feelings are only related to money. Everyone thinks you have a good life and many friends.

Others speculate that you have innumerable ambiguous relationships, but only you understand that when a person at home with lights on all night insomnia, you do not speak in the room without a sound.

十、其实现实中,不仅只有麦哥会这样想,不管男生还是女生,总会因为一些外在表象,就去评价一个人,比如说:经常在朋友圈炫富的一定被包养了,经常发九宫格的人一定很虚荣等等。In fact, its not only McGonagall who thinks so. Whether boys or girls, they always evaluate a person because of some external appearance. For example, those who often show off their wealth in the circle of friends must be taken care of, and those who often send nine palaces must be very vain and so on.

十一、我们都是拥有无数奋斗的机会,因为我们年轻,我们敢闯,敢拼,因为我们有拼搏的资本,或许你现在的生活很丧,但是不要让这种丧成为你生活的常态,心底还是要埋藏一抹阳光的,因为阳光终究会照进你的生活。We all have countless opportunities to struggle, because we are young, we dare to rush, dare to fight, because we have the capital to fight, maybe your life is very depressed now, but don let this loss become the normal life of your life, the bottom of your heart is to bury a touch of sunshine, because the sunshine will eventually shine into your life.

十二、一起一落是人生;一喜一忧是心情;一苦一甜是生活;一朝一夕是日子;一忙一碌又一年,一岁年龄,一岁人;一岁经历,一岁悟。时光,有增无减;日子,忙碌而简约;生活,辛苦而充实;新的开始,作别过去的悲喜,再多的纠结,一笑而过,让下一段人生,因充实而快乐,让未来的生活,因简单而幸福!One fall is life; one joy and one worry is mood; one bitter and one sweet is life; one day and one night is day; one busy year after year, one year old age, one year old person; one year experience, one year understanding.

Time, there is no decrease; days, busy and simple; life, hard and enriched; new start, farewell to the past sadness and joy, more entanglement, a smile, so that the next section of life, because of enrichment and happiness, so that future life, because of simple and happy!

十三、窗外细雨淅淅沥沥的下着,月亮睡得很安详了,我瞒着黑夜,偷偷的在想你。 其实也没有那么矫情,只是不经意间就想到你,然后心脏就开始抽筋。Outside the window the drizzle drizzled down, the moon slept peacefully, I secretly missed you under the cover of the night. In fact, its not so sentimental, just think of you inadvertently, and then the heart began to cramp.

十四、世上最累人的事情,当数无聊。什么都不做,什么都不想,但就是感觉到很辛苦很累。有时候,我们总觉着大病甚至是死亡离我们自己很遥远很遥远,很多时候,却是猝不及防的一下子到了眼前,根本不给我们商量的余地。The most tiring thing in the world is to be bored. Don do anything, don want anything, but feel very hard and tired. Sometimes, we always feel that a serious illness or even death is far away from us. In many cases, we are caught in a hurry and don give us any room for discussion.

十五、我不知道什么样的人生是最可怕的,但是我知道当你有一天回头看,发现你曾经所说的一切,曾经信誓旦旦的一切变成说说而已,一定不会好受到哪去。I don know what kind of life is the most terrible, but I know that when you look back one day, you will find that everything you once said, everything you once sworn to become just talk, it will not be good to go.

十六、所有的苦都是你自找的,空腹的时候喝酒,晕车的时候玩手机,分手之后还爱他。除了你自己,没有人会明白你的故事里有过多少快乐或伤悲,因为那终究只是你一个人的感受。All the hardships are yours. You drink on an empty stomach, play with your cell phone when you get sick, and love him after you break up. No one knows how much happiness or sadness you have had in your story except yourself, because its only your feelings after all.

十七、感情有时候像两个拉着橡皮筋的人,受伤的总是不愿意放手的那一个。有时候我真想忘了你,只记得这个世界,然而,我常常忘了整个世界,只记得你。我们总是在错误的时间,错误的地点,懵懵然就爱上那个人,然后,不得不用尽一生,遗忘。Sometimes feelings are like two people pulling rubber bands. The one who is hurt is always the one who is unwilling to let go. Sometimes I really want to forget you, only remember the world, however, I often forget the whole world, only remember you. We always fall in love with that person at the wrong time, in the wrong place, and then we have to spend all our lives and forget.

十八、当你觉得孤独无助时,想一想还有几十万亿的细胞只为了你一个人而活。这是我今天看到最温暖的话,突然被自己感动了。When you feel lonely and helpless, consider that there are tens of trillions of cells that only live for you. This is the warmest thing I saw today, and I was suddenly moved by myself.

十九、没有谁是因为一时冲动而离开你的,那些难过无助一次次忍耐的眼泪你都看不见,就像堤坝下逐渐因侵蚀而拓宽的裂缝,你看见的,只是他崩溃的那个瞬间。No one leaves you on impulse. You can see the tears of sadness, helplessness and endurance, just like the cracks gradually widened by erosion under the embankment. What you see is just the moment when he collapsed.

二十、任何一个感到不满的人,要他不归咎于别人,特别是和他最亲近的人,是很难的。还是会有遗憾的。没有能带走谁,也没有谁能带走我。It is difficult for anyone who feels discontented not to blame others, especially those closest to him. There will still be regrets. No one can take me away, no one can take me away.

二十一、他忽然很想就这样一直一直抱着她,她顽皮的时候他就替她善后;她犯错的时候他就替她道歉。忽然就突然有了一种想要把她捧在掌心的感觉,想让幼时的阴影伤害,都离她远去。Suddenly he wanted to hold her in his arms all the time. When she was naughty, he would help her and apologize for her when she made a mistake. Suddenly there was a feeling of wanting to hold her in the palm, wanting to leave her away from the shadows of childhood.


But I do not understand the thoughts of rain, not to mention the hesitation of fallen leaves, I only understand that sorrow is brewing, the wounds to be released, sorrow wandering, sad singing gently; once in life, no dull time, are also limited edition.

So, don waste new tears for old grief; sorry is just a reason for betrayal, its not only an excuse for disappointment; if I can go back to the past, I will choose not to know you, not I regret, but I can face the end without you.


In human emotions, there is often a hidden motive force, which once attracted by a visible goal, or by an invisible but imaginable goal, will push our soul towards that goal with a courageous forward force, if we fail to reach the goal, we will suffer too much.


I hope you wake up every day is sunshine, not because of a few words and expressions of others and a few behavior, affect their mood, live a good life, will always encounter good things.


Sometimes, suffered grievances, originally did not want to cry, but as long as others ask you whats wrong, will be unable to help but shed tears. People who love each other are not tired no matter how noisy or noisy they are. They don love each other. One time is enough to hurt both sides.


In this world, do not know your call: passers-by, do not harm you call: good man, do not let go of your call: enemy, from time to time to love your call: friends, do not abandon the call: relatives. And these people, do not understand you, understand you, called: love.
