100字范文 > 21句情绪化时发的心酸短句 委屈到极致的文案!

21句情绪化时发的心酸短句 委屈到极致的文案!

时间:2023-09-28 02:58:01


21句情绪化时发的心酸短句 委屈到极致的文案!


You don deserve my passion and affection.


People who leave halfway are people who have said that they will accompany me for a long time.

三,太阳不是突然下山的 希望你也懂.

The sun doesn go down all of a sudden. I hope you know that.


The most helpless time to know that they have nothing.

五,数学里有句话 过程错了结果一定错.

Theres a saying in math that the process is wrong and the result must be wrong.

六,我很容易满足 但你给我的都是辜负.

Its easy for me to be satisfied, but all you give me is disappointment.

七,我努力在笑 可是眼泪还是会掉

I tried to laugh, but the tears would still fall

八,眼泪掉了 还是得自己擦.

If you shed tears, you still have to wipe them yourself.

九,明明在线 却隐身 明明看见 却转身.

You e online, but you e invisible, and you see it, but you turn around.


A little disappointed. I want to run away.

十一,很爱 很爱 但也无能为力.

Love it, love it, but theres nothing you can do.

十二,我隔山隔海去爱 也没能打动谁.

I didn impress anyone by falling in love across the mountain and the sea.

十三,我在 我一直在 可你就是不回头.

Im here. Ive been here, but you just don look back.

十四,会有人代替我 没关系 也会有人代替你.

Someone will replace me. Its okay. Someone will replace you.

十五,很多关系不用风吹 自然就散.

A lot of relationships fall apart without the wind.


So are we going together or are we going our separate ways.

十七,我隔山隔海去爱 也没能打动谁.

I didn impress anyone by falling in love across the mountain and the sea.


The word disappointment is really too heavy.

十九,失望二字 真的太沉重了.

The word disappointment is really too heavy.

二十,我想放弃的时候 求你别再对我笑了.

Please stop smiling at me when I want to give up.

二十一,我很容易满足 但是你给我的都是辜负

Its easy for me to be satisfied, but all you give me is disappointment
