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人生感悟 生活句子 快来一起看看

时间:2022-07-28 20:31:08


人生感悟 生活句子 快来一起看看


I have nothing, there is only a cavity lonely brave resentment, and unconvinced stubborn, with what others can I can not.


Every time we have a good time, someone will always show up, not to cheer for joy, but to remind us of the need to keep working.


We all want to stay in our comfort zone, not knowing that our circle is just an excuse for decadence in the eyes of others, and there is no reason to explain it.

两个人也许本身没有什么怨恨,关系也许会很好,但经常被别人拿来作比较,时间长了,如果他真的比你好 心中就像有一群蚂蚁在心中奔腾,痒痒的,只有俩人开诚布公的谈谈心中才能舒服,否则见面就会压抑。

Two people may not have any resentment themselves, the relationship may be very good, but often compared to others, a long time, if he is really better than your heart is like a group of ants in the heart pentium, itching, only two people talk openly about the heart can be comfortable, otherwise meet will be depressed.


You may have moved on from an argument and even assumed your partner would feel the same way, but hes already prepared to laugh at you. He can accept that you e weaker than he is, but he can accept that you e better than he is, or hell bite like a mad dog.


When you really look back, all the way through the ups and downs, big and small hardships, only your parents have been the one who wish you well, wish you a promising person.


Never thought to depend on others, is also two shoulders a head, there is no reason to do anything to listen to the opinions of others, does not have its own ideas, do a real who has independent personality, just listen to opinions also nothing bad, just not seen a thing when you are alone to deal with well, he jump out to point out a pile of problem, its really boring.


