100字范文 > 温柔系的爱情句子 精致美好 句句触碰心灵!

温柔系的爱情句子 精致美好 句句触碰心灵!

时间:2024-05-20 12:41:40


温柔系的爱情句子 精致美好 句句触碰心灵!


Its a nice day today. The sun is as sweet as honey. I really want to jump into your arms on such a day and be a little friend of your own.


Its the breeze, its the dew, its the blush, its just for you.


When I meet lovely people, I feel its not hard to live for a while. I want to laugh happily, whether its the evening breeze or the cool night.


I want to be your unswerving child. I want you to set the top of wechat for me, and the star sign friend is me. When you see the message, you should reply to me as soon as possible. I want all your gentleness and preference.


If I can, I just need a glass of water, a piece of bread and a flower. If I want more, I hope the water is poured by you, the bread is cut by you, and the flower is sent by you.


I have traveled thousands of rivers and mountains, around the neon of the city, through the cool wind on the street corner, to find the beauty of the world, until I met you on a fine day, I found that you are the sum of all the things.


I want to protect her forever, cross the road, hand in hand, take good-looking photos for her, drink milk tea with her, stay with her for years, years and years.


You are not allowed to be too kind to others. I will be jealous, stamp my feet and roll on the ground for you to hug.


If possible, I will buy cigarettes for you later, and you will feed me with milk tea; I will play games with you, and you will watch sunset with me; you will watch the sea with me, and I will walk the rest of the way with you.

