100字范文 > 库里最不受裁判待见?美国球迷:当年的姚明有话要说


时间:2018-09-20 01:40:30



Steph Curry is the most abused superstar in the league that gets no superstar treatment from the refs. Rachel Nichols "Steph has scratches all over his body, on his neck, on his back, and his leg is bleeding."

库里可以说是联盟中被“虐待”得最狠的超巨,他很难从裁判那里得到超巨的待遇。记者Rachel Nicholas在报道中提到:“库里身上满是伤痕,脖子上,背部都有,腿还在流血。”

[–]Celticsjaylen_browns_beard 735 指標 12小時前

As he rose up from his locker just now, Steph Curry spotted the worlds leading Steph-ologist @RachelNichols studying his demeanor to see how well he was dealing with the win. "Looking to see if Im bleeding?" Steph asked Nichols with a scowl. "if I was I would make sure to tell you."

正当库里从自己的更衣柜旁站起来时,他看到了世界首席库里学家Rachel Nichols正在研究着他的一举一动从而观察他对这场胜利的反应。库里低吼着咆哮道:“是在看我有没有流血吗?如果我真的流血了,我绝对会让你知道的。”[译注3]

[译注3]改编自总决赛第三场后ESPN记者Marc Stein绘声绘色的报道:正当詹姆斯从自己的更衣柜旁站起来时,他注意到世界首席勒布朗学家Windhorst(ESPN记者,从詹姆斯高中时期便追踪报道詹姆斯)正在研究詹姆斯的走路姿势从而判断他是否能安然无恙地随意走动(詹姆斯总决赛第三场脚踝扭伤)。微笑着的詹姆斯问Windhorst:“是在看我有没有跛脚吗?就算我有的话,我也不会告诉你的。”

[Stein] As he rose up from his locker just now, LeBron James spotted the worlds leading LeBron-ologist @WindhorstESPN studying his walk to see how well he was moving. "Looking to see if Im limping?" James asked Windy with a smile. "Even if I was I wouldn show you.")

[–][HOU] Stromile Swifttexasproof 453 指標 9小時前

Thats how Yao used to look after every single game.


[–]Spurslaststance 55 指標 5小時前

Lin too, the joke was "it wasn a Lin game unless he starts bleeding".


[–]RocketsH-TownAce 422 指標 8小時前

Poor Yao. That man got KILLED every game, and had every call go against him. It was frustrating as hell. Then they started saying it was because he wasn straight up and down....so he worked really hard on staying straight up and down when defenders would run full speed into his chest (which is hard af to do), and they STILL called him EVERY.SINGLE.TIME.

Definitely one of the worst officiated players of all time.



[–][HOU] Stromile Swifttexasproof 142 指標 7小時前

Everyone went crazy after that "block" Nate Robinson had against him one year. Meanwhile Yao is standing there with blood running down his face.


[–][GSW] Carl LandryMichael_Scott_Paper 77 指標 7小時前

That series against Dallas. When you guys went up 2-0 and Cuban went crying to the league. All of a sudden the officiating on Yao alone took a 180.


[–]RocketsJeffersonstarships 24 指標 4小時前

And JVG got fined big time for complaining about it to the league as well. Ill always hold high praise for how loyal JVG is to his players.


[–][GSW] Zarko CabarkapaIAmNotKevinDurant_35 688 指標 11小時前

Nobody says Curry didn stink it up offensively (he did) but you think that was an accident that KD was free to do whatever he wanted while Steph is being hounded ajd often doubled every time gets cuts to his spot?


Cavs especially did a great job of finally stopping that play where Steph passes to a big on the baseline and runs behind him to shoot a 3 in the corner. Cavs read that well and had a guy run straight to the corner. Curry still forced shots in plays like this that the cavs read. he wasn able to adjust to the spots the cavs were giving him until the end where he started cutting backdoor or attempted a floater/midrange which he was still missing. 6 assists and 5 big boards though


[–]RaptorsThaNorth 64 指標 10小時前

The Cavs were doubling Curry in the 4th even after he had been ice cold all game. His presence alone allows the other players to operate more freely.


[–]jiunit2491[S] 343 指標 10小時前

Thank you!!!’ This is what I wish people recognized. The only reason Kd is able to operate with single coverage is because the Cavs have decided to just double and prevent steph from going off. The Cavs played good defense and steph will just need to adjust next game and start with better rhythm


[–][GSW] Zarko CabarkapaIAmNotKevinDurant_35 388 指標 10小時前

Its probably the Cavs best strategy defensively. They aren going to stop both Steph and KD can really hope to stop one. However making KD beat you is death by a thousand papercuts, slow, methodical and you may even survive it as shown by our record in big KD games. But death by Steph is like your whole town getting nuked. Its just a little extra demoralizing


[–][DAL] Jamal Mashburnhavealooksee 166 指標 10小時前

Its absolutely the right move for them. They were in the game despite KD going off. Had it been Curry going off like that, this game would have been a no contest. GS is much better with Curry is great than when KD is.


[–]Warriors Bandwagonheavy_chamfer 350 指標 10小時前

Gets mauled all game on offense, gets switched onto LeBron all game on defense. That has to be brutal.


[–]SuxAtLeblanc 212 指標 10小時前

Honestly any other star in the game would have had 8 free throws in last nights game. Curry doesn just NOT get superstar treatment. He gets no calls period.


[–]NBANice_Dude 593 指標 10小時前

As much as it pains me to say, its because he doesn complain like other superstars do


[–]Heatsmashybro 268 指標 10小時前

Yeah, other stars will just whine to the refs when they could be getting back on defense and it sadly works. Steph on the other hand might question a call to a ref but hell do it quickly while running back. I honestly can remember too many plays where he just quit on a play to bitch unlike other stars.


[–]HawksWhiteHeterosexualGuy 241 指標 10小時前

Biggest reason why hes my favorite star player. Lebron might be the worst about whining to the refs (and not getting back on D, Harden whines a lot too and he even gets most calls, but steph gets clothes lined and just gets back up to set another screen


[–]SupplySideCheesus 112 指標 9小時前

Hardens the worst about not getting back on D. LeBron will whine but he usually, note usually will wait until a whistle or for a few seconds right after. Harden will straight up just lay on the ground until the other team’s possession is over.


All of that said: I’m glad the Steph Hating is over here. In the post game thread after game 1 i believe, so many people came out of the woodwork claiming Steph was classless, etc etc. and i didn’t know if we were talking about the same guy. I saw a few “Steph and Draymond are the same level of class.” And... no. Steph is probably one of the most classy superstars in terms of all around demeanor and personality- he’s classy but still has fun. And Draymond is one of those guys you hate to go against but you love to have him on your side.


Sorry for getting off track.



