100字范文 > 超火“单人”动漫情侣头像:我沉默是因为心被掏空 而不是面对你词穷

超火“单人”动漫情侣头像:我沉默是因为心被掏空 而不是面对你词穷

时间:2023-10-15 14:13:08


超火“单人”动漫情侣头像:我沉默是因为心被掏空 而不是面对你词穷




If one day, you say you still love me, I will tell you, in fact, I have been waiting for you; if one day, we pass by, I will stop, stare at your back, tell yourself that person I Have loved.


I do n’t know what I remembered in the past years. Will you still remember that the beauty that once stayed at hand has passed away, and there is no reason to force it again, and I do n’t want to remember


When you are quiet, you will be reminded of what you have said before, the road you have traveled together, all the things you have together.


Reaching out, can catch anything. Perhaps, there will always be something left in the deepest part of life, with deep and shallow traces. Be careful to brush it lightly, there will be no pain, only a numbness.


At the beginning of the beginning, I am persistent for you, because I love you ;; at the end of the end, I cry for you, just because I lost you; leaving only the middle of the middle, we are all happy, all happy, and would rather laugh Weeping, not crying and saying regret.


The broken lovers ears and raindrops fell like a heartbeat in love, but when they broke apart, it was like the lovers heartbreak.


I practice every day and practice not wanting you. But my heart is always lazy. I try to learn to learn to forget you like falling in love with you. But I still can learn.

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