100字范文 > 翻硕资料|四川外国语大学


时间:2022-04-23 22:56:11



4、双创人才:innovative and entrepreneurial talent

5、慢就业:delayed employment

6、网络安全事件应急预案:emergency response plan for internet security incident

7、大使级外交关系:diplomatic relations at ambassadorial level

8、精准扶贫:targeted poverty alleviation

9、第二次全国污染源普查:China’s second national census on the sources of pollution

10、撸起袖子加油干:roll up our sleeves to work harder

11、微信钱包: Wechat wallet

12、医事服务费: medical service fee

13、反腐巡视: anti-graft inspection

14、博鳌亚洲论坛年会: Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference

15、工匠精神: spirit of craftsmanship

1. Cyber celebrity school:网红培训学校

2. bullet screen:弹幕

3. Online game curfew:网游宵禁

4. Britain’s MI5:英国军情五处

5. Great American Eclipse:大美日食/美国大日蚀

6. Long-arm jurisdiction:长臂管辖权

7. Fanfic:(粉飞客/同人小说,该词条不确定)

8. Net inflow of population:人口净流入

9. Immune deficiency:免疫缺陷

10. Telecommunication fraud:电信诈骗

11. A big data platform:大数据平台

12. The Brexit bill:脱欧法案

13. Nepotism:裙带关系




1、网红:online celebrities

2、冬至: winter solstice

3、民族文化大省: major province of ethnic cultures

4、扶贫脱困: poverty alleviation

5、联合国大会:the UN General Assembly

6、长征精神:the spirit of the Long March

7、宜居城市:livable city

8、鱼香茄子:braised eggplant with chili sauce

9、森林覆盖率:forest coverage rate

10、南海仲裁案: South China Sea arbitration

11、 恶意炒作: malicious hype

12、 战略合作伙伴关系:strategic partnership

13、民间借贷:private lending

14、应试教育:exam-oriented education

15、五险一金:Insurance and Housing Fund

补充词汇:养老保险 pension insurance;医疗保险 medical insurance

失业保险 unemployment insurance;工伤保险 employment injury insurance

生育保险 maternity insurance;住房公积金 housing fund

素质教育:education for all-round development/ quality-oriented education

1、Down payment:首付

2、House of Commons:下议院

3、Energy mix:混合能源

4、Alpha Go:阿尔法围棋


6、Heavy-lift carrier rocket:重型运载火箭

7、Property market regulation:产权交易市场监管

8、Outbound tourist trips:出境游


10. Wetland inventory:湿地资源清查

11、Chronic fatigue:慢性疲劳(Chronic fatigue syndrome,即CFS,慢性疲劳综合症)

12. Summer Davos:夏季达沃斯

13. Extensive consensus:广泛认同

14. Intangible cultural heritage:非物质文化遗产

15. Service fee for cash withdrawal:现金提取服务费


1、全面二孩政策: universal two-child policy

2、户籍改革: household registration reform

3、实体书店: brick-and-mortar bookstore

4、拼爹: daddy-is-the-sky/competition of family background

5、直销银行: direct bank

6、道德沦丧: moral decay/demoralization

7、实体经济: real economy

8、快递高峰: express peak

9、可持续城镇化: sustainable urbanization

10、全球能源转型: global energy transformation

11、 创新驱动发展: innovation-driven development

12、 人民币债券:RMB bonds

13、政治互信:political mutual trust

14、泼墨山水画:splash-ink landscape painting

15、二十四节气:the 24 solar terms


立春 the Beginning of Spring ;

雨水 Rain Water ;

惊蛰 the Waking of Insects ;

春分 the Spring Equinox ;

清明 Pure Brightness ;

谷雨 Grain Rain ;

立夏 the Beginning of Summer ;

小满 Grain Full ;

芒种 Grain in Ear ;

夏至 the Summer Solstice ;

小暑 Slight Heat ;

大暑 Great Heat ;

立秋 the Beginning of Autumn ;

处暑the Limit of Heat ;

白露 White Dew ;

秋分 the Autumnal Equinox ;

寒露 Cold Dew ;

霜降 Frosts Descent ;

立冬 the Beginning of Winter ;

小雪 Slight Snow ;

大雪 Great Snow ;

冬至 the Winter Solstice ;

小寒 Slight Cold ;

大寒 Great Cold

1、empty nesters:空巢老人


3、One Million Strong initiative:“百万强”计划

4、Entrepreneur support policy:企业家支持政策




8、Crowdsourcing translation:众包翻译


10、PLA Honor Guard:中国人民解放军仪仗队

11、Inter-city commuters:城际通勤者


13、Tailored taxi service:专车服务

14、Pop-up shop:快闪店

15、Paid leave:带薪休假

来源:@鞋却反穿 授权转载
