100字范文 > 《变形金刚5:最后的骑士》电影精讲


时间:2023-09-21 07:10:44



Viviane: "The 12th Earl of Folgan urgently requests your presence at High Tea this very moment." Stop! Move! Move! God! Sorry! Okay, okay.

Hot Rod: Please, mademoiselle, don do that.

Viviane: What?

Hot Rod: Je mappelle Hot Rod.

Viviane: Christ alive, you e one of them!

Hot Rod: Back! Be quiet! Do not hit me again!

Viviane: So, which bloody bot are you, then? Soundwave? Shockwave? At least tell me that Ive been abducted by one of the famous ones.

Hot Rod: I am so much better than all of them!

Viviane: Help! Im being kidnapped!

Hot Rod: Mademoiselle, sit down!

Viviane: Help! Yes, yes, hello! Hello, Lamborghini! Would you help? Sorry, Ive just been kidnap... Nuts!

Hot Rod: Wow, I love this car!

Cogman: Hahaha, the White Cliffs of Dover.

Burton: Thats a good girl. Good girl. Good girl. Come on. Theres a good girl. We have guests! Whats the matter with you?

Bulldog: Shit! My bits are falling off.

Burton: Idiot! Hello there!

Bumblebee: What the hell?

Burton: Good girl.

Cogman: Master, hes a complete knucklehead.

Burton: Im awfully sorry about that, but, you see, he thinks its still the year 1918 or 1914. Something like that.

Cogman: So sad.

Burton: World War I and all that stuff. I mean... Battle of the Marne, Battle of the Somme, Battle of the Marne, Battle of Passchendaele. Trenches and mud and death and gore and all that. Its terribly sad. "Its a long way to Tipperary, its a long way to go." Yeah, but its... Its terrible! I mean, so sad, you know? But then, I mean... Isn it? I mean, this late onset of, well... Robot dementia. Its not at all pretty.

Cade: I don know what you e smoking in that pipe, man, but... Whats going on here? Did you drag me to some Transformer retirement home? Look, somebody better start talking, or Im outta here.

Burton: Okay. Bumblebee? We only met when I was a little boy in short pants. I must have been that tall. Maybe taller. Or maybe shorter, I can remember. But never forget a face.

Cade: Bee, you know this guy?

Bumblebee: I don’t f*** with you.

Burton: Lets have a look at this thing. Please. Very interesting. Yes. You keep a secret for so long, knowing it to be true, and yet, deep down inside, you begin to wonder, "Has my life been wasted?" Have you ever felt like that, Mr. Cade?

Cade: Its just Cade. Look, old timer, I don have a ton of patience for riddles right now.

Burton: Yes, but you want to know, don you, dude, why they keep coming here. To Earth. Right? Ah, I do so love perfect timing. What a bitchin car she is!

Hot Rod: No, no, no, little lady. Why do you have to be like that? Pourquoi?

Cade: So, is this a kidnapping sort of situation or her first Transformer experience?

Burton: Its both, really.

Hot Rod: Do not hit me again!

Burton: But she does have a rather nice fight-or-flight response.

Hot Rod: Shes very difficult.

(中国日报网英语点津 陈丹妮)
