100字范文 > 二十四节气“惊蛰”英语怎么说?惊蛰风俗有哪些?


时间:2023-04-30 16:12:37



The traditional Chinese lunar calendar divides the year into 24 solar terms. Awakening of Insects(Chinese: 惊蛰) falls on Mar 5 this year. 中国传统农历将一年分为24个节气。今年的惊蛰是在3月5日。 It begins when the Sun reaches the celestial longitude of 345° and ends when it reaches the longitude of 360°. 当太阳到达黄经345°开始,达到360°经度的时候结束。 More often, it refers to the day when the Sun is exactly at a celestial longitude of 345°. 更多的时候,它指的是太阳正是在黄经345°的那一天。 In the Gregorian calendar, it usually begins around March 5 and ends around March 20. 在格里高里历(公历)中,它通常在3月5日开始,3月20日左右结束。 Traditional Chinese folklore says that during Jingzhe, thunderstorms will wake up the hibernating insects, which implies that the weather is getting warmer. 中国传统民俗惊蛰期间,雷雨将唤醒冬眠的虫子,这意味着天气变暖。 Awakening of Insects signals a rise in temperature and increased rain fall. As the third solar term in the lunar year, its name alludes to the fact that animals sleeping in winter are awakened by spring thunder and that the earth begins to come back to life. It is the key time for spring agricultural activities. 惊蛰的到来,预示着气温的升高和降雨量的增加。作为农历的第三个节气,顾名思义,惊蛰意味着冬眠的动物被春雷唤醒,大地上万物复苏。此时中国大部分地区进入了春耕的季节。 Old Chinese sayings such as "Once the Awakening of Insects comes, spring ploughing never rests" reveal the importance of this term to farmers. 古谚说“过了惊蛰节,春耕不能歇”,显示了这个节气对农民的重要性。
