100字范文 > 气候温度变化影响鱼类的未来—小柯机器人—科学网


时间:2019-07-25 09:18:03



气候温度变化影响鱼类的未来 作者: 发布时间:/7/5 15:52:12 德国不莱梅大学Hans-Otto P rtner、Flemming T. Dahlke等研究人员合作发现,鱼类生命周期中对于温度的敏感性决定了气候的影响。相关论文于7月3日发表在《科学》杂志上。



到2100年,根据随后的共享社会经济途径(SSP),水温可能影响的物种百分比超出其繁殖极限的范围,从约10%(SSP 1 1.9)到约60%(SSP 5 8.5)。因此,实现气候目标(SSP 1 1.9)可能会使许多鱼类和依赖渔业的人们受益。



Title: Thermal bottlenecks in the life cycle define climate vulnerability of fish

Author: Flemming T. Dahlke, Sylke Wohlrab, Martin Butzin, Hans-Otto Prtner

Issue Volume: /07/03

Abstract: Species vulnerability to climate change depends on the most temperature-sensitive life stages, but for major animal groups such as fish, life cycle bottlenecks are often not clearly defined. We used observational, experimental, and phylogenetic data to assess stage-specific thermal tolerance metrics for 694 marine and freshwater fish species from all climate zones. Our analysis shows that spawning adults and embryos consistently have narrower tolerance ranges than larvae and nonreproductive adults and are most vulnerable to climate warming. The sequence of stage-specific thermal tolerance corresponds with the oxygen-limitation hypothesis, suggesting a mechanistic link between ontogenetic changes in cardiorespiratory (aerobic) capacity and tolerance to temperature extremes. A logarithmic inverse correlation between the temperature dependence of physiological rates (development and oxygen consumption) and thermal tolerance range is proposed to reflect a fundamental, energetic trade-off in thermal adaptation. Scenario-based climate projections considering the most critical life stages (spawners and embryos) clearly identify the temperature requirements for reproduction as a critical bottleneck in the life cycle of fish. By 2100, depending on the Shared Socioeconomic Pathway (SSP) scenario followed, the percentages of species potentially affected by water temperatures exceeding their tolerance limit for reproduction range from ~10% (SSP 1 1.9) to ~60% (SSP 5 8.5). Efforts to meet ambitious climate targets (SSP 1 1.9) could therefore benefit many fish species and people who depend on healthy fish stocks.

DOI: 10.1126/science.aaz3658


期刊信息 Science:《科学》,创刊于1880年。隶属于美国科学促进会,最新IF:41.037官方网址:投稿链接:
