100字范文 > 历年高考英语满分作文(重庆卷)


时间:2021-11-08 04:07:10



高考备考正在进行中,新东方高考频道小编为大家搜集了历年高考英语满分作文,高考英语精选范文供大家参考,希望能帮助各位学子在高考英语写作中积累足够经验,在此预祝各位高考学子鱼跃龙门。(也可关注,新东方高考微信公众考:xdfgaokao了解最新高考动态!)历年高考英语满分作文(重庆卷) 看图作文,一定要仔细看清楚,图画中的每一个细节,同时把整个照顾生病的妈妈的细节记录清楚。





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I must say that I have been behaving this way to some degree. Though I know Mum is the most important person in my world, I just can not do what she likes me to do. It seems that I quite often stay away from my dear mum in playing my phone, sleeping, hanging out with my friend, or just shutting out my mum in my room.

Having read about the above common complaint from so many mothers, I feel ashamed and guilty. From now on, I shall try my best to stay with my dear parents as often as possible. I must confess we young generation must realize that our parents care for us as well as hoping to share what we have been doing with them.
