100字范文 > 英语名人名言:Lady Gaga 经典语录3(中英文)

英语名人名言:Lady Gaga 经典语录3(中英文)

时间:2022-08-23 10:54:52


英语名人名言:Lady Gaga 经典语录3(中英文)

——Fight and push harder for what you believe in, youd be surprised, you are much stronger than you think. —为你所信仰的东西战斗,更努力一点,你会惊讶的发现你比自己认为的强大的多! ——For some people, fame kills it and becomes more important than the music or the performance. But for me fame is like rocket fuel. The more my fans like what Im doing, the more I want to give back to them. —对有些人来说,名声变得比音乐和表演更重要。但对我来说,名声就如同火箭的燃料。越多的粉丝喜欢我所做的,我就越想做更多来回报他们。 ——I want my fans to know Im there for them. I want them to see every part of me. I am never going to leave them —我想让我的粉丝知道我一直在这守护他们。我想让他们看到我的每一面。我永远不会离开他们。 ——When I wake up in the morning, I feel just like any other insecure 24-year old girl. Then I say,Bitch, you e Lady Gaga, you get up and walk the walk today. —当我早上醒来时,我和其他24岁的女孩一样有着那些不安全感,然后我会对自己说“Bitch,你是Lady Gaga啊,你要爬起来然后做你自己。” ——I want to have a husband who loves and supports me, just the way anyone else does, I am a very sentimental person and family is important to me. —我和其他人和人一样希望有个爱我支持我的丈夫,我是一个感性的人,家庭对我来说很重要。 ——I am focused on the work. I am constantly creating. I am a busy girl. I live and breathe my work. I love what I do. I believe in the message. There’s no stopping. I didn’t create the fame, the fame created me. —我专注于工作,我一直在创作。我是个很忙的女孩。我靠着工作生活和呼吸。我爱我所做的事。我相信我相信的东西。永不停止。我不制造名声,是名声造就了我。 ——I am beautiful in my way,cause God makes no mistakes!I am on the right track.Baby,I was Born This Way! —我就是这样美丽,因为上帝从不会出错,我所做的是正确的,因为亲爱的,我生来如此! ——I don care if my fans love me,I care if they love themselves. —我不在乎我的粉丝是否爱我,我在乎的是他们是否爱自己。 ——If the senate and the president are not going to repeal thisdon ask, don tell.policy, perhaps they should be more clear with us about who the military is fighting for, who our tax dollars are supporting and, ultimately, how much does the prime rib cost? —如果议员、总统始终坚持“无可奉告”,那么他们是否应该告诉我们,我们到底是在为谁而战?我们所纳的税到底是在服务谁?美国的“平等”价值几何? ——If we don’t stand up for what we believe in and if we don fight for our rights, pretty soon we e going to have as much rights as the meat on our bones. —如果我们不能为自己的信念站出来,不能为自己的权益奋斗,那么久而久之,我们能获得的权利不过我们骨头上的一堆肉。 【相关推荐】 (编辑:赵颖茹)
