100字范文 > 英语口语:英文里7个废话一样开头的短语


时间:2019-01-02 13:58:15



When you have to say something that might hurt someones feelings or is a little awkward, you may start not making any sense whatsoever. 当你要说的话可能会让对方感到受伤或是有一点尴尬,无论是什么事,你如何起头都是于事无补的。 This could disrupt what you e really trying to say. It could become a problem ... Look, we e just trying to help you out. So, please, don start your sentences with these seven ridiculous phrases: 这会打乱你试图表达的意思。会成为一个麻烦……你看,我们只是想帮个忙。所以,拜托了,别再用这7个无厘头的短语开头了: To be honest So... does that mean all those times you spoke before you weren being honest? 所以……这难道意味着你没有以“老实说……”开头的时候你都在跑火车? Needless to say If you don need to say it, then why are you saying it? 如果你不需要这么讲,干嘛还要这么说? Heres the thing There is no thing. Just say what you need to say. 这里没有什么事情,就把你要说的痛快说出来! Im just saying Thanks for trying to make your insult less insulting. It didn work though. 谢谢你试图让你的侮辱变得不那么有损人味儿。不过这并不起效哦。 This person really needs no introduction And yet you still go on to introduce them... 但是你还是要介绍他们呀…… It goes without saying,but Well, obviously it does go with saying it, because you feel the need to say 嗯哼,很显然你要这么说,因为你感觉有必要说。 But that as it may Come on, now. Just spit it out. 卧槽,就现在。大声说出来! 更多精彩内容 全国新东方英语课程搜索

