100字范文 > 新东方优能教师点评青岛中考英语作文(含范文)


时间:2024-01-14 00:01:42



今年中考作文话题是“早餐的重要性”,在新东方尖子英语四轮冲刺班的课堂中,这篇文章作为“身心健康”专项中的重要话题,已给学生详细讲解过。中考英语作文作文呼应了今年热点“中学生正能量”的主题,跟历年试题作文比较,此次作文题目考查方式比较常规,采用了建议类作文“描述现状+陈述原因+提出建议”的考查模式。 行文结构用惯常的总分总,保证句子数量在11句左右。学生需要注意平时写作练习中“4+3+2+1”模式,复合句的使用不超过两句,表达观点必须有相应的逻辑连接词。学生需要在写作中保证要点齐全,单词拼写正确,没有涂抹痕迹。中考作文网上阅卷标准严格,字迹工整是得分的关键。 内容要点解析 作者:青岛新东方优能中学初中英语组 谭志远 现在的学生常常不吃早餐,通常因为上学来不及,或者是认为早餐不合口味。 Nowadays many students don’t like having breakfast; the students will be late for school; the food doesn’t taste good. 不吃早餐对中学生有很大的危害。 It will do serious harm to our health. 首先,不吃早餐白天上课时会感到饥饿,这会影响听课状态; make you feel hungry during the morning classes; you can’t focus on your teacher/ can’t pay attention to 其次,不吃早餐对我们的身体健康没有好处,使我们不能更好的成长; be harmful to our body; grow up better 再次,不吃早餐会导致学生在白天吃很多垃圾食品,影响身体健康。 eat some junk food, have an influence on our health 总之,中学生应该养成每天吃早餐的好习惯,以保证更好的身体和学习状态。 In a word; develop a good habit; make sure; condition. 范文一 作者:青岛新东方优能中学初中英语组 王丽 Some students who stay up late to study refuse to eat breakfast in order to have another few minutes in bed in the morning. As far as I am concerned, going to school without breakfast is harmful to our health. On the one hand, our bodies can’t take in enough energy, which may reduce the efficiency of study because we can’t focus on what teachers say. On the other hand, it is easy for us to pick up kinds of diseases including stomachache. Try to developing a good eating habit. Go to bed early, get up early, which not only benefits our health but also can help us have a good performance at daily study.
