100字范文 > 高考英语作文写作模板:三段式作文法


时间:2023-09-28 03:12:36



新东方网高考频道高考频道整理了《高考英语作文复习资料》,希望对同学们的高考作文备考有所帮助。 重点诠释: 所谓三段式就是将一篇书面表达按三段的写作模式谋篇布局。就整体篇章结构而言,如何把握较大的写作空间,三段式的写作模式为最佳选择。三段式的模式写法通常为: 1.第一段开门见山,提出要解决的问题或观点,或者把时间,地点,人物和主要事件及时点出。 2.第二段要摆出事实或提出论据,或者把事情发展的经过详细写出来。 3.最后一段,得出结论或理由。 注意:要学会使用过渡词。过渡词犹如“桥梁”和“粘合剂 ”。恰当地使用过渡词可避免结构松散,层次分明,表意不清等弊端,使文章条理清楚,文字连贯流畅。常用的过渡词有: 递进型: also, (and)besides, what’s more, moreover, furthermore, in addition, even, what’s worse, worse still, to make matters worse, for the worse, not only…but also等; 解释型:that is (to say), in other words, or, namely, if fact, in reality, as a matter of fact等; 转折型:however, but, yet, nevertheless, instead, on the contrary,on the other hand 等; 列举型:firstly…secondly…finally, on the one hand, on the other hand, for one thing, for another 等 举例型:for example, for instance, such as, that is, like, take… for example等; 因果型:because (of), since, now that, thanks to, due to; thus, therefore, as a result (consequence),so… that, so that等; 让步型:though, although, in spite of, despite 等; 顺序型:first…next…and then…finally, first…then…after that…finally 等; 并列型:and, both…and, or, either…or, as well as, 等 时间型:afterwards, soon, later, the moment/ immediately/ on doing, hardly…when, no sooner…than 等 总结型:in a word, to sum up, in short, on the whole, in conclusion 等 见解型:in my opinion, personally speaking, as far as I am concerned,I’m sure 条件型:if, as long as, so long as, on condition that , unless 等 写作典例: 假设你是李越,你的加拿大笔友Steve来信说,他和他的一些同学正在学中文,请你推荐两本学中文的词典。根据下表提供的信息,请你给他写一封回信。
