100字范文 > 双语速读:查尔斯王子曾经陷入了困境 但鱼与熊掌怎能兼得?

双语速读:查尔斯王子曾经陷入了困境 但鱼与熊掌怎能兼得?

时间:2019-04-01 00:53:33


双语速读:查尔斯王子曾经陷入了困境 但鱼与熊掌怎能兼得?

Prince Charles had some regrets about their marriage


A recent report claims that Prince Charles felt trapped into proposing to Princess Diana, caught between the weight of his royal responsibilities and his very real love for Camilla Parker Bowles.


The story goes on to describe how Prince Charles knew from the outset, even before their marriage, that they were incompatible, but that he couldn’t possibly break off the wedding plans and risk disappointing their families – including the queen.

当时,皇室希望32岁的查尔斯王子结婚, 有一个家庭,因此, 当他遇到了戴安娜之后,他似乎是一个理想的候选人。根据皇家标准, 没有合法的理由推托, 尽管他们真正约会时间只有十二个日期。

According to these sources, at age 32, Prince Charles was already expected to be married and have a family – therefore when he met Princess Diana, who seemed an ideal candidate according to royal standards, there was no legitimate reason to delay matters, in spite of the fact that they had only really had twelve dates.


Princess Diana, barely in her 20s, was probably too young to really voice any concerns that she might have had about the hastiness of their engagement and marriage.


Needless to say, they experienced problems from the very beginning. While Prince Charles felt duty-bound to marry Princess Diana, he never quite ended his relationship with Camilla Parker Bowles – their affair was one of the reasons Princess Diana cited for their eventual divorce.


However, their two sons, Prince William and Prince Harry, brought them both great joy, and continue to carry on the best parts of their legacies.


