100字范文 > 全球最卖座动画片的续集来了 看外媒如何评价《冰雪奇缘2》

全球最卖座动画片的续集来了 看外媒如何评价《冰雪奇缘2》

时间:2023-12-28 11:23:33


全球最卖座动画片的续集来了 看外媒如何评价《冰雪奇缘2》

Six years ago, Frozenbecame an unexpected runaway hit, shattering box office records to gross $1.27 billion worldwide.




And today, the winner of Oscars best animated feature is still the highest-grossing animated film of all time in the world box office charts.


When I went to watch Frozen IIon Saturday afternoon, I was stunned to see groups of young girls all wearing Queen Elsas blue skirts with their little faces full of excitement.

当我周六下午去看《冰雪奇缘2》时, 被影院里的景象惊呆了。一群群的小姑娘们,穿着艾莎的蓝色裙子,小脸蛋上满是兴奋之情。

I took out my cellphone and tried to take a glimpse of the films latest box office. Then I was more surprised to find that some mothers in my sons class were discussing on WeChat about organizing a group of children to watch the film together.


For most parents, especially those who have daughters, the latest Disney film led by two beautiful princesses has a charm thats hard to resist.


If you have yet to watch the film, you may be interested in reviews of the movie by foreign media outlets.


Hollywood Reporter says: "Frozen IIhas everything you would expect — catchy new songs, more time with easy-to-like characters, striking backdrops, cute little jokes, a voyage of discovery plot and female empowerment galore — except the unexpected."


The Wall Street Journal writes: "Franchises don lend themselves to startling innovation. Or even freshness. They feed off their own formulas. Frozen II— the sequel to one of Disneys most successful excursions into animated musicals, bowdlerized fairy tales and Broadway spinoffs — is everything that the hardcore fan will want. It will delight many. It won surprise any."


In its review, The New York Times looks back on Disneys princess stories to find the continuity:


"In Frozen, Anna found true love with Kristoff, but mostly she and Elsa found each other. It was a promising change of genre pace, particularly given that Disney has long drawn from classic fairy tales (its first animated feature wasSnow White), which it has struggled to recalibrate for changing gender norms."





