100字范文 > 英汉双语:美国最受欢迎的10个旅游胜地 你去过几个?

英汉双语:美国最受欢迎的10个旅游胜地 你去过几个?

时间:2021-03-23 08:56:09


英汉双语:美国最受欢迎的10个旅游胜地 你去过几个?


Here’s a look at TripAdvisors Top 10 most popular travel destinations in America! 以下是TripAdvisor列出的美国最受欢迎的10个旅游目的地!

1. New York City 纽约

More than 50 million people visit New York City every year. The five boroughs-- or regions -- of New York have some of the most easily recognized attractions in the world. Visitors on a budget can take a free boat from Manhattan to Staten Island for a great view of the Statue of Liberty and the Manhattan skyline. 每年有5千多万人到纽约旅游。纽约的五个行政区(或地区)拥有一些世界上最容易识别的景点。游客在预算有限的情况下,可以免费乘船从曼哈顿前往史坦顿岛,饱览自由女神像和曼哈顿天际线的美景。

2. Chicago, Illinois 芝加哥,伊利诺斯州

America’s third-largest city offers world-class museums, great food, sporting events, comedy shows, and iconicMore than 50 million people visit New York City every year. The five boroughs-- or regions -- of New York have some of the most easily recognized attractions in the world. Visitors on a budget can take a free boat from Manhattan to Staten Island for a great view of the Statue of Liberty and the Manhattan skyline. architecture -- including Willis Tower,America’s tallest building. The Midwest city is also known for comedy. The Second City theater is where many famous comedians get their start,including Mike Meyers and Tina Fey. 美国第三大城市拥有世界一流的博物馆、美食、体育赛事、喜剧表演和图标——每年有5000多万人参观纽约市。纽约的五个行政区(或地区)拥有一些世界上最容易识别的景点。游客在预算有限的情况下,可以免费乘船从曼哈顿前往史坦顿岛,饱览自由女神像和曼哈顿天际线的美景。建筑——包括美国最高的建筑威利斯大厦。这座中西部城市也以喜剧闻名。第二城市剧院是许多著名喜剧演员的发迹之地,包括迈克·迈耶斯和蒂娜·菲。

3. Charleston, South Carolina 南卡罗来纳 查尔斯顿

Some say Charleston is one of the most beautiful and historic places in the United States. The coastal city has a very rich history. The Civil War began at its water front, at Fort Sumter, which visitors can explore. But present-day Charleston has a lot to offer, too. Conde Nast Traveler voted it the number one U.S. city, for its beautiful architecture, food, and friendly people.有人说查尔斯顿是美国最美丽、最具历史意义的地方之一。这个沿海城市有着非常丰富的历史。内战始于萨姆特堡的水边,游客可以在这里探索。但是今天的查尔斯顿也有很多东西可以提供。康泰纳仕旅游票选它为美国第一城市,因为它美丽的建筑,食物和友好的人民。

4. Las Vegas, Nevada 拉斯维加斯,内华达州

The desert city of Las Vegas is known around the world for its casinos and bright lights. Visitors stay at world-class hotels, eat at top chefs’ restaurants, and usually see a spectacular show or concert.沙漠之城拉斯维加斯以其赌场和明亮的灯光闻名于世。游客住在世界级的酒店,在顶级厨师的餐厅吃饭,通常会看到壮观的表演或音乐会。

5. Seattle, Washington 西雅图,华盛顿

Visitors to the West Coast city of Seattle will find the iconic Space Needle, the world’s first Starbucks, and Pike Place Market, one of the oldest and most famous farmers markets in the country. The Space Needle was built in 1962 for the World’s Fair. Riding up to the top provides views of the nearby mountains.到西海岸城市西雅图的游客会发现标志性的太空针塔(Space Needle),世界上第一家星巴克(Starbucks),以及派克市场(Pike Place)。派克市场是美国历史最悠久、最著名的农贸市场之一。太空针塔是1962年为世界博览会建造的。骑到山顶可以看到附近的山。

6. San Francisco 旧金山

The most famous San Francisco site is the Golden Gate Bridge. Opened in 1937, it still ranks among the top 10 longest bridge spans in the world. Beyond the bridge, San Francisco has beautiful ocean views and one of the largest Chinatowns in the world. Just a ferry ride away is Alcatraz Island, the former federal prison.旧金山最著名的景点是金门大桥。它始建于1937年,至今仍是世界上跨度最大的10座桥梁之一。桥的另一边,旧金山拥有美丽的海景和世界上最大的唐人街之一。从这里乘渡船去阿尔卡特拉斯岛(Alcatraz Island)就到了,那是前联邦监狱。

7. Washington, D.C. 华盛顿特区

No city in America packs as many monuments and museums into one area. From the Thomas Jefferson Memorial to the World War II memorial,Washington has enough (free!) attractions to keep you busy for several weeks. In the spring, the cherry blossoms around the Tidal Basin draw millions of visitors from aroud the world.在美国,没有哪个城市能像华盛顿这样将众多的纪念碑和博物馆集中在一个地区。从托马斯·杰斐逊纪念堂到二战纪念馆,华盛顿有足够的(免费的)景点让你忙上几个星期。春天,潮汐盆地周围的樱花吸引了来自世界各地的数百万游客。

8. New Orleans, Louisiana 新奥尔良,路易斯安那州

New Orleans is home to the annual Mardi Gras celebration, the always busy Bourbon street, the elegant French Quarter, jazz and beignets -- fried, sugar pieces of dough, and the signature dessert of the city. After a fun night in the city, you can head to Cafe Du Monde for a cup of coffee and a trio of beignets.新奥尔良是一年一度的狂欢节的举办地,总是熙熙攘攘的波旁大街,优雅的法国区,爵士乐和beignets——油炸的,糖面团,和城市的招牌甜点。在这个城市度过了一个愉快的夜晚后,你可以去世界咖啡馆喝杯咖啡,喝三杯beignets。

9. Palm Springs, California 加州棕榈泉

Palm Springs is a resort city in the Coachella Valley desert. Beginning in the 1920s, the city was a popular place for movie stars to escape Hollywood and relax. With an average of 354 days of sunshine per year, visitors can enjoy golfing, hiking, horseback riding, swimming, and tennis.棕榈泉是科切拉山谷沙漠中的一个度假城市。从20世纪代开始,这座城市就成了电影明星逃离好莱坞、放松身心的好去处。每年平均有354天的阳光,游客可以享受高尔夫球、徒步旅行、骑马、游泳和网球。

10. San Diego, California 加州圣地亚哥

Few places in America have better weather than San Diego. It’s a good thing,too, since there’s a lot to explore outdoors in this southern California city. Try your hand at surfing in the Pacific Ocean on some of America’s best beaches, or enjoy the ocean from a distance at Sunset Cliffs Natural Park.美国很少有地方比圣地亚哥的天气更好。这也是一件好事,因为在这个南加州的城市有很多户外活动可以探索。尝试你的手在太平洋冲浪在一些美国最好的海滩,或享受海洋从日落悬崖自然公园的距离。

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