100字范文 > 中秋英语作文 中秋英语作文初中

中秋英语作文 中秋英语作文初中

时间:2020-12-10 11:07:47


中秋英语作文 中秋英语作文初中



As one of the most significant traditional festivals in China, the Mid-Autumn Festival, also known as the Moon Festival, falls on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month, which usually corresponds to late September or early October in the Gregorian calendar. It is a time for families to reunite, appreciate the full moon, and indulge in various savory mooncakes and other delicacies.

History and Origin

The Mid-Autumn Festival has a long history that dates back to over 3,000 years ago in the Shang Dynasty. According to legend, Change, the goddess of the moon, drank the elixir of immortality and flew to the moon to avoid being robbed by her husbands apprentice. Ever since, she has lived there with a jade rabbit as her companion. People started to worship Change and the moon during the Autumnal Equinox, which gradually evolved into the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Traditions and Customs

In contemporary times, the Mid-Autumn Festival is mostly celebrated by eating mooncakes, which are round cakes with various fillings such as lotus seed paste, red bean paste, nuts, and preserved egg yolk. Many families also light lanterns, watch fireworks, and enjoy the moons beauty together. The full moon on this day represents reunion, so it is also a common occasion for family gatherings and feasts.

Moreover, some regions have unique traditions and customs for the Mid-Autumn Festival. For instance, in Guangdong province, people hold pomelo rind cutting competitions to showcase their sharpness and creativity. In Fujian province, they make mooncakes with the shape of a rabbit to pay tribute to the myth of Change and the jade rabbit. In addition, the term \"yingxiong\" (hero) sounds similar to \"yuebing\" (mooncake) in Cantonese, so some people play a word game by exchanging mooncakes and calling each other \"hero.\"

Reflection and Implications

The Mid-Autumn Festival holds deep cultural and emotional meanings for Chinese people as it symbolizes reunion, harmony, and gratitude. In a fast-paced world where families often live apart and people face various challenges, the festival is a reminder to cherish the connections that matter to us and to express our love and appreciation to those who have supported and cared for us. Furthermore, the festival also signifies the creativity and diversity of human cultures and traditions, which enrich our lives and promote mutual understanding and respect.


Title: 中秋英语作文初中





中秋节的历史可以追溯到2,500年前的周朝时代,那时, 在它的创始初期, 人们庆祝的是一年的丰收,同时也感谢神明的帮助。历史上,这个节日还具有爱国主义、民族团结等意义,例如“广寒宫月”外传和吴三桂抗清,黄巢起义等历史上的事实。






