100字范文 > 跨境电商平台证书查询系统 跨境电商资格证

跨境电商平台证书查询系统 跨境电商资格证

时间:2021-02-24 15:46:28


跨境电商平台证书查询系统 跨境电商资格证

(一) 简介


(二) 设计主要功能模块

1. 平台登录模块:证书查询系统提供用户通过账号密码或第三方授权登录功能,并对平台注册用户发发放证书。

2. 证书发放模块:该模块实现证书发放工作,包括下发纸质证书、数字证书发放、文件上传下载、证书审核,等等。

3. 信息展示模块:提供各类相关的资讯,政策法规、市场动态、海关通关等等,以及企业、个人相关服务信息查询,并提供联系电话服务。

(三) 架构及关键技术

1. 架构:证书查询系统在设计时主要采用B/S+C/S架构,方便用户通过浏览器登录系统,利用中央服务器实现数据的存储,文件的管理、安全保护和资源的统一分配。

2. 关键技术:证书查询系统主要使用HTML、CSS、JavaScript和JQuery等前端技术,后端技术主要采用php和mysql数据库,还借助物联网技术可以实现对证书的实时监控和实时反馈处理等等。

(四) 实现过程

1. 需求分析:通过对跨境电商交易和电商平台运营情况的分析,确定系统需求和功能点,实现对操作流程的分析,实现跨境贸易流程安全监控。

2. 系统设计:根据需求分析确定系统模块,结合系统实现采用B/S+C/S架构,采用HTML、CSS、JavaScript和JQuery等前端技术+php和mysql数据库等等。

3. 系统编程:根据系统设计文档和需求文档编码完成系统的开发工作,将前端页面UI和数据库的相关表结构搭建起来完成系统的开发工作。

4. 测试与部署:通过测试证书查询系统模块的功能,稳定性,性能等等,确保系统可以按时完成发放证书,服务用户需求,并将系统部署到网络服务器上,供用户登录使用。

2、 Features of Cross-Border E-Commerce Platform Certificate Inquiry System:

(1)The system has an extensive database and detailed registration documents. Users only need to enter the basic information such as company name, product name, and address, and they can quickly obtain the certificate status.

(2)The system can check the certificate query in real-time. After the users submit the application, they can get the result in real time, which saves the waiting time and provides convenience for users to find out their qualification certificate status.

(3)The system also provides other related services, such as product registration, trademark registration, and so on.

3、 Benefits of Cross-Border E-Commerce Platform Certificate Inquiry System:

(1)Valuable for Companies: The system can help companies quickly obtain certificate information in order to operate legally, and maximize the benefits.

(2)Valuable for Consumers: The system can help protect the consumers’ right and protect them from low-quality products.

(3)Valuable for Society: The system helps create a better market environment and maintain social fairness.

4、 Structure of Cross-Border E-Commerce Platform Certificate Inquiry System:

The platform is mainly composed of four modules: Certificate query module, registration module, information management module and customer service module.

(1)Certificate Query Module: This module is the main part of the system. It provides a query platform for users to easily and quickly obtain the certificate information.

(2)Registration Module: This module is mainly used for users to register the certificate information. After successful registration, the certificate information can be directly queried by the users in the query module.

(3)Information Management Module: This module mainly manages the information submitted by the users, and provides the function of real-time data verification.

(4)Customer Service Module: This module provides customers with relevant professional services such as professional guidance, answer questions and so on.

5、 Application of Cross-Border E-commerce Platform Certificate Inquiry System:
