100字范文 > python xml转excel_一个python 脚本将XML文件转换到excel

python xml转excel_一个python 脚本将XML文件转换到excel

时间:2020-07-13 22:31:38


python xml转excel_一个python 脚本将XML文件转换到excel

需要下载一个module:xlwt,如下是source code

import xml.dom.minidom

import xlwt

import sys

col = 0

row = 0

def handle_xml_report(xml_report, excel):

problems = xml_report.getElementsByTagName("problem")

handle_problems(problems, excel)

def handle_problems(problems, excel):

for problem in problems:

handle_problem(problem, excel)

def handle_problem(problem, excel):

global row

global col

code = problem.getElementsByTagName("code")

file = problem.getElementsByTagName("file")

line = problem.getElementsByTagName("line")

message = problem.getElementsByTagName("message")

for node in code:

excel.write(row, col, node.firstChild.data)

col = col + 1

for node in file:

excel.write(row, col, node.firstChild.data)

col = col + 1

for node in line:

excel.write(row, col, node.firstChild.data)

col = col + 1

for node in message:

excel.write(row, col, node.firstChild.data)

col = col + 1

row = row+1

col = 0

if __name__ == '__main__': if(len(sys.argv) <= 1): print ("usage: xml2xls src_file [dst_file]") exit(0) #the 1st argument is XML report ; the 2nd is XLS report if(len(sys.argv) == 2): xls_report = sys.argv[1][:-3] + 'xls' #if there are more than 2 arguments, only the 1st & 2nd make sense else: xls_report = sys.argv[2] xmldoc = xml.dom.minidom.parse(sys.argv[1]) wb = xlwt.Workbook() ws = wb.add_sheet('MOLint') ws.write(row, col, 'Error Code') col = col + 1 ws.write(row, col, 'file') col = col + 1 ws.write(row, col, 'line') col = col + 1 ws.write(row, col, 'Description') row = row + 1 col = 0 handle_xml_report(xmldoc, ws) wb.save(xls_report)
