100字范文 > 适合程序员的机器人编程c语言 技术干货六:机器人编程的C++基础知识

适合程序员的机器人编程c语言 技术干货六:机器人编程的C++基础知识

时间:2024-02-28 10:09:28


适合程序员的机器人编程c语言 技术干货六:机器人编程的C++基础知识


The next important requirement for working with a robot is to learn a few programming languages. By using these languages, we can program the robot for different application. Some of the popular programming languages used for creating robotic applications are C++ and Python. This doesn’t mean that we won’t use other languages. Programming languages like Java and C# are also used in robotics, but the most common languages are C++ and Python.


1 Getting Started with C++

We can define C++ as a superset of the C programming language, or we can say “C with classes.” The C++ programming language project, initially called C with Classes, was started in 1979 by computer programmer Bjarne Stroustrup. His main work was adding object-oriented programming into the C language by maintaining its portability without sacrificing speed or low-level functionality. Like C, C++ is a compiled language. It needs a compiler to convert the source code into executable code.

我们可以将C++定义为C编程语言的超集,或者我们可以说“C with classes”。C++编程语言项目,最初称为C with Classes,是由计算机程序员Bjarne Stroustrup在1979开始的。他的主要工作是通过保持C语言的可移植性而不牺牲速度或低级功能,将面向对象编程添加到C语言中。与C一样,C++是一种编译语言。它需要一个编译器将源代码转换成可执行代码。

2 Timeline: The C++ Language

In 1983, the C with Classes project changed to C++. The ++ operator is used for incrementing a variable, so C++ means it is the C language with new features.

1983年,C with Classes项目改为C++。++运算符用于递增变量,因此C++意味着它是具有新特性的C语言。

In 1990, Borland’s Turbo C++ compiler released as a commercial product.

1990年,Borland的Turbo C++编译器作为商业产品发布。

In 1998, C++ standards were published as C++ ISO/ IEC 14882:1992 or C++98.

1998年,C++标准发布为C++ ISO/IEC 14882:1992或C++98。

In , the C++ standards committee released a report of new features added to the latest C++ standard.


In , the new C++ standards were completed.


The Boost libraries () made a considerable impact on the new standards. Boost C++ Libraries is a set of libraries for the C++ programming that provides support for tasks and structures, such as linear algebra, multithreading, image processing, regular expressions, and unit testing.

Boost库()对新标准产生了相当大的影响。Boost C++库是C++编程的一组库,它为任务和结构提供支持,例如线性代数、多线程、图像处理、正则表达式和单元测试。

3 C/C++ in Ubuntu Linux

Ubuntu Linux comes with an in-built C/C++ compiler called GCC/G++. GCC stands for GNU Compiler Collection. It includes compilers for C, C++, Objective-C, Fortran, Ada, and Go, as well as libraries for these languages.

Ubuntu Linux带有一个内置的C/C++编译器,称为GCC/G++。GCC代表GNU编译器集合。它包括C、C++、ObjaveC、FORTRAN、Ada和GO的编译器,以及这些语言的库。

GCC was written for the GNU Project (/gnu/thegnuproject.html) by Richard Stallman.

GCC是由Richard Stallman为GNU项目(/gnu/the gnu project.html)编写的。
