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时间:2022-02-04 18:23:06




ActionScriptUtility Class

TweenerTweening Platform tween24– 一位日本人写的tween库TweenerAudioas3soundeditorlib ASAudio– 小巧的声音处理库 SoundAS– 实用的声音管理库Graphicas3-bitmap-mosaic-classgraffiti Volumetrics– 一款实时光照效果库ComponentMinimalcomps– 小巧的纯AS组件库 Skinnable Minimal Components– 第三方让MinimalComps支持皮肤的实现 AS3-Bloom– 轻量级用户界面 Razor Components– 一套支持皮肤的纯AS组件库 Libraui– 一款简易的flash UI组件 Span.as– 一个旋转loading样式组件 as3-date-range-picker– 一款日期选择控件NetworkActionscript-oauth2– 一款针对OAuth2认证服务的支持库 Quiero– URLRequests made awesome in AS3OtherCollisionDetectionKit Collision-AS3– 一款支持Quadtree和Spatial Hash Grid的碰撞检测库CasalibdoomsdayconsoleTransformTool XMLSerializer– 可以将xml和as3 object互相转换 FastStats– 支持Flash Native DisplayList, ND2D 和 Starling 的 Benchmark 数据显示工具 AS3-Signals– 代替AS3原生事件的新实现库 Lua-Alchemy– Port of the Lua programming language for ActionScript using Alchemy fzip– 读取,修改,创建标准zip文件 SwfExplorer– 分析SWF中的元件链接名 AS3-LocaleManager– 语言管理器 AS3-VirtualKeyboard– as3实现的虚拟键盘 baseoneaslib– 包含一套Astar寻路类的一套工具库 flasheff– flash特效库 Flash Page Filp– 一款翻页效果库 PageFilp– 同上 As3Pathfinder– a non A* Grid Path finding algorythm


Gameas3isolib as3isolib_starling Ash– an entity framework for Actionscript games Ard2d– 国产支持Stage3D的位图动画渲染引擎 AXEL– 一款支持GPU加速的2D游戏库 CadetEngine– a component-based AS3 Scene Engine supporting 2D and 3D GPU accelerated rendering, physics, custom behaviours and 3rd party library integration. CadetEditor– A 2D & 3D scene editor, built on CadetEngine.Citrus Flixel Flixel Power ToolsFlashPunk Flat2D– 一款集合Box2D、Starling、Signals的2D游戏引擎 StarlingPunk– 将 Starling 和 FlashPunk 整合的游戏框架 ffilmation– 强大的2.5D游戏引擎 Gear– 国人开发的一款游戏引擎 Genome2D– 一款效果不错的支持stage3D的游戏引擎ND2DOpenSpacePixelblitz PushButton Platform Starter Kit Pixas– 一款等距像素引擎 Pixelizer– 一款基于实体和组件的游戏引擎 QuickB2– A 2d physics-based game engine for Flash. Starling– The GPU powered 2D Flash API Feathers– 基于Starling的开源可换肤UI框架 Starling-imagebatch– An optimized Image batch class for Starling. AcheGesture– 基于 Starling 的一套手识识别库Starling中文站 Stats– 支持Starling的统计工具TheoWorldsPhysicsAPEBox2DFlashFladeMotor2nape3DAway3DAlternativa3DEasyAGALFlare3dFive3DMinkoPapervision3DSandy3DSophie3DYogurt3DZest3DParticlePartigenFlintStardust-ParticleOtherRaveAI– 一款通用AI引擎 GhostCat– 一款很全面的开源工具库 as3-commons– 一套可重用组件库


SomaMVC robotlegs– MVC框架 MVCExpress– 快速简单的MVC基础框架 Cuke4AS3– 行为驱动开发(Behavior-driven development)框架 GPUImage– 一款GPU处理图像的框架UI框架MornUI– 一款小巧简洁的游戏UI框架,带编辑器 FlexLite– 一款轻量级的游戏UI框架

AIR Native Extensions

PhotosAlbum ANE

ANE for save image as JPEG or PNG to iOS CameraRoll DeviceFileUtil ANE

ANE for open file with registered application on iOS DeviceInfoUtil ANE

ANE for get some information from iOS device Distriqt Native Extensions Update

ANE package update v1.12! Includes updates to the Gyroscope extension to report raw roll, pitch and yaw values. Native Twitter ANE

Adobe AIR ANE for iOS devices that allows developers to use the native Twitter framework added in iOS 5.0. Appirater ANE

Appirater is used to display “Please rate this app” dialogs. Game Kit ANE

The iOS GameKit native extension allows your game to setup real time matches for up to 4 players, send and receive custom data between players, and enable voice chat during gameplay. Device Identification

Native Extension that provides access to device identification data. It is possible to read the IMEI code, IMEI SV code, Device Serial Number, MODEL and IMSI code. Contact Editor – AddressBook Native Extension

Native Extension for iOS and Android enabling AddressBook access iCloudANE

iCloudANE is a native extension that enables the use of iCloud storage service. Native Extension iOS Microphone Recorder

iOS native extension to the capture and voice recording in iOS ANE StoreKit

Native extension that allows the use of in-app purchase capabilities. Even though StoreKit is a framework originally developed for iOS, the extension allows the use of its features on Android as well. Chartboost ANE

Air Native Extension for Chartboost (iOS + Android) ANE TestFlight

TestFlight is a service that makes the testing process of an application a much easier task.


DesignMarkMan– 马克鳗 TexturePacker– 一款跨平台的SpriteSheet制作软件 Dragon Bones– 一款骨骼动画工具 Spriter– 一款跨平台的骨骼动画编辑器,支持Flixel、Starling等 Flump– 可以将fla文件导出为 Starling, Sparrow和 Flambe 等框架可用的位图序列+XML(JSON)的工具 Drawscript– Illustrator的扩展面板,可以生成图形绘制代码 shporter– 一款Flash扩展工具,可以将动画生成供其他框架使用的格式DevelopmentIDEFlashDevelop Assetpack– 一款打包资源的插件Flash BuilderSourceMateFDT CodeDrive– 基于 Visual Studio 的AS3开发插件 UML4AS– 可以将设计好的UML转换成AS代码Useful ToolsDeMonsterDebugger– Monster Debugger is an open source debugger for Adobe Flash, Flex and AIR. Flash FireBug– FlashFirebug gives you the ability to debug any AS3 Flash on the web. Pngcrush– PNG去掉Alpha通道工具 SWFWire Decompiler– An open source library written in ActionScript 3 for reading and writing swfs. SWFWire Debugger– An open source AIR application for INTENSE ActionScript 3 debugging. The Miner– Profiler工具,可以结合FlashDevelop实现自定义Profiler PhysicsEditor– Box2D多边形自动缓制工具 Flash Tracer– Flash调试工具,支持各种浏览器及IDE Swift-Tool– Swfit可以帮助你把图片、字体、声音、二进制数据等资源打包成一个swf文件 SWiX Free– Easy to use XML-based editor for SWF debugging and updating CleanSWF– 移除swf中的时间戳小工具,可以避免编译器每次编译往SWF里加入时间戳导致生成的MD5每次都不一样的问题 SWFScoutEnabler– 开启SWF的Scout调试功能EncryptionTokaos一款as混淆软件 Doswf– 国产加密软件AmayetakindiFlasmSwf Protector Obfuscator– 一款用java写的简单的混淆工具 JPEXS Free Flash Decompiler– JPEXS Free Flash Decompiler Flash Decompiler Trillix– 一款很强大的Flash反编译工具 SWF ID– 一款小巧强大的SWF解密工具 secureSWF– 保护SWF文件


优化Flash平台性能(官方PDF中文版)ActionScript3参考手册Flex SDK 编码和最佳实践 (Flex SDK coding conventions and best practices)


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